Public funded sexual health clinic in my country

>public funded sexual health clinic in my country

Attached: 2018-06-12_18.31.56.jpg (1080x1606, 820K)

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fuck this gay earth

Nice choice of words.

That what happens when you elect a gay as pm

A couple gallons of gas goes a long way.

>imagine being a leaf in ((( current year )))

Attached: screamm.gif (300x225, 1.29M)

None of these is the sex I want ;(


Attached: 7c6.png (600x700, 202K)

If this isn't a real clue to people that sex education is just promiscuity propaganda, then I don't know what will be. Used to be 'safe sex', now it's an instruction manual for children.

they forgot the most important graphic!

Attached: leaf-flag.jpg (1278x638, 40K)

Why is this a a thing? I don't understand it.

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Where is the hero we need?

Attached: finland high school book.jpg (612x609, 38K)

Apparently you can do fancy stuff with your dog now idk though
A lot of shit like this on pol doesnt hold the road like the miss gender thingy
I have yet to hear the case of someone getting sued for that

u can legally fuck your doggo in canucuck and its a new thing lol

Attached: finland high school book2.png (2110x1448, 2.86M)

what an progresive graphis canadafag

you want to know what is even more progressive?

Attached: loli blow.jpg (320x310, 18K)

>dad, I want to grow up to have an unprotected gay interracial threesome with an HIV-carrying Negro and an Indian
*wipes tear* "I can't believe people used to think that was weird"

i think its time to consider a northern border wall

Check this video by an Icelandic girl group

pic not related

Attached: sweden rape-murder elin krantz by ethiopian yephrem johaness.jpg (550x193, 38K)

Is there a single country that isn't pozzed?

Attached: sweden.webm (1920x1080, 2.99M)

That's truly remarkable.

“According to the Canadian Supreme Court, sex with animals is A-OK, as long as there's no penetration.”

No wonder women like dogs so much then

I don't think Society can't get lower than this

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Is that from Kathleen Wynne's sex ed curriculum?

Attached: shots.gif (656x368, 1.47M)

>What is 'PrEP'?
>Pre-exposure prophylaxis
>Literally being such a faggot that you don't have HIV yet but you know you're such a man whore you're bound to be exposed to it.
God these fags need to be exterminated...

Attached: 1528659555728.jpg (476x476, 86K)

AIDS isn’t a death sentence anymore. I know lots of really great poz guys.

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Attached: HISS.jpg (638x960, 136K)

It should be.

>government telling fags it's okay to bug-chase
