Sex is BAD!!!!

>don't have sex goyim
>sex is a sin!
>sexual depravity leads to being WOKE!
>starve yourself of life's simplest pleasure
>don't have children goyim!
>use condoms!
>abort those babies goyim!

There is no such thing as "hook up culture", there is no such thing as "sexual deviancy" and the whole "no fap" thing is a Jewish trick to blueball the West and turn is all into castrated, sexless, childless cucks with no lineage and no libido or testosterone.

No Fap is backed by unscientific, unaccredited research done by NeoPuritan (((Social Engineers))) who are cucks to the Jewish World Order, propagating Judeo-Christendom and all it's cancerous constructs on the Western world.

The only way to win is to start having sex with lots of white women, have lots of babies, embrace tribal polygamy (villages should raise kids, not just two parents), start white tribes, and embrace our naturalistic pagan roots. We used to be warriors, unabashed by the glory of our naked bodies, we uses to be psychonautic, spiritual creatures who took risks and embraced the creative process. We used to be carefree and not fear death, for we knew it wasn't the end and that our lineage would pass on the torch, and we knew spirit was eternal. Now we are husks of once great people. Wake up white man.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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I would rather larp as this dude than get some faggy job working for the (((man))) and paying taxes for some inbred kikes in Israhell.

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You think these dudes would take any shit from some desert nigger telling him to worship a Jew?

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No, they would spear you to death or cut your head off before bowing to some kike.

this thread triggers the Christcuck.

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Jesus wasn't a real person anyways. Jesus was actually a magic mushroom which people tripped out on. Psychedelics are redpilled.

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I was born in the wrong country.

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nice get. and why? do you like to eat onions?

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Christianity borrows from ancient Pagan practices. Christmas and Easter are Pagan holidays.

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Notice the red and white mushroom, a symbol for Santa Claus.

Because LibSoc is the worst place to be in existence. Save me.

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I live in California so I know the feels. You guys have all the same issues as us seeing as you are a (or used to be ) predominately European white.

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>and why?
Because there's about 1/3 of the population that's like me kek.

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Not sure how a thread about birth rates became a Chistian-bashing session, but I'm all for it!

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Because Judeo-Christianity is anti-sex generally.
they cut off your foreskin at a young age which instills the idea that sexual pleasure is somehow sinful

meanwhile the nogs continue to outbreed us and invade our countries like vermin.

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Screencapped. I'll put that in my "Anti-christcuck" folder.

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Good on ya m8. thanks.

Japan is overpopulated as fuck. They could due with some low birth rates for a while as long as they don't flood themselves with non-japs everything will be fine. Low birth rate is the easiest thing in the world to fix and it self corrects once more favorable conditions come around.

No nation ever died out from low birth rates, you die out by letting the invaders in to replace you.

The Jews are Jewing themselves

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You are right it's not a problem. Shut it down.

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>more woman virgins than man
i call that bullshit

That is for Japan. And it could just be because Japan has more women in their population.

(((they))) want to divide man and woman. They go after the woman because men listen to their shit for pussy

Unfortunately monogamy is dead in the US = no or low quality parenthoods and even casual hookups run the risk of catching STDs. It will probably take a dwindling population after a century or 2 before thots realize they've made humans go extinct (and even then men will be blamed)


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>jews are trying to stop us from consuming cuck racemixing porn

>No Fap is backed by unscientific, unaccredited research done by NeoPuritan (((Social Engineers))) who are cucks to the Jewish World Order, propagating Judeo-Christendom and all it's cancerous constructs on the Western world.
keep watching your porn and stroking your limp dick fagot lol

>The only way to win is to start having sex with lots of white women, have lots of babies

Be thrown in jail for child support, and have all of your kids educated by the state to hate themselves almost as much as they hate you.


>more female virgins than male

Wow, just when I thought asian girls could not get any more perfect. In the US the male to female virgin ratio in that age group is probably 50:1

lol i will bitch. enjoy your constant blueballs, increased risk of prostate cancer, and constant hard ons looking at fully dressed women in public.

Name one reason why population decline is a bad thing?

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>torturing my body is woke
you are retarded and that flag makes you even more retarded.

>why is suicide bad
cause you are dying
higher the birthrate the higher chance of your races survival. what is life but more than surviving and leveling up? we are all trying to evolve to a higher consciousness and suicide won't do that.

also having kids is a miracle. trying to give your kids a joyful, healthy life is the most wonderful thing a human can experience besides sex and highs.

I'm gonna fap to your reply

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>7 billion humans
>1.5 billion 100 years ago
You surely undestand that even this present amount is in no way sustainable in the long run. Decline is necessary. "Muh race" is bullshit. If there were only few million japs, their "race" would prevail.

I totally agree with this, and personally the meaning of life is to reproduce. But since there are no longer anything natrual threats to limit human population, mandatory limiting is required. If it was up to me, I would set the limit to two children. One would be better of course, but I would see the two maximum as better option.

Holy shit that obscure reference.
> Saved.

also a reminder the more you play with your dick the more your foreskin grows back. yes you can grow a new foreskin if you stretch your wanker enough. feelsgood

based Mark Passio

Yes I am watching this video:

we have more than enough room on this planet for trillions of people. it is sustainable. more is always better when it comes to human life. you make no sense.

there are always threats to human population. mainly today in the form of human vs human.

why you bring this here faggot ? blame chads , we are autists , we have less chance of having sex . meanwhile chads fuck 1000 women and has 0 kids . but yea Jow Forums keeps saying chad is based. chad is not based , chad is a fucking asshole

i'm trying to awake the chad in you. eat lots of raw meat and raw dairy, avoid jewish tricks, and you can become a chad easily. then be the anti-chad and start having kids, lots of em. take a few wives too. if one wife disagrees explain how man can love multiple women. they will find this kinky and then blamo, you now live the chad life with dozens of white chad kids and some chad wives to fuck on the daily. life is then good. you teach the chads to btfo the jews and save the aryan race.

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Are all americans this retarded?

>we have more than enough room on this planet for trillions of people. it is sustainable
>more is always better when it comes to human life.
Why? Consumption is now way over the limits and amount on people is way more than we need to survive.

>there are always threats to human population. mainly today in the form of human vs human.
There is absolutely no threat to LIMIT the population growth or anything that would wipe out human race. Only possible threats would be nuclear holocaust or an asteroid, but number of people would be irrelevant in terms of survival.

>Why? Consumption is now way over the limits and amount on people is way more than we need to survive.
show me the stats, then, brainlet.

Attached: over pop doesn't equal.png (800x599, 280K)

instead of coming in my thread and insulting me post your research faggot

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world population has been declining

Attached: pop growth per year.jpg (676x600, 36K)

>Demographers estimate that at least 20 billion people lived on earth between the years 8000 B.C. and 0 A.D.
>Wachter, Kenneth W. “Cohort Person-Years Lived.” Essential Demographic Methods. Berkeley: University of California, 2012.

>– Every man, woman, and child on earth could each have 5 acres of land. [6]

>[6] Calculated from numbers found on: “Central Intelligence Agency.” The World Factbook. Web. 30 Sept. 2013. .

[7] Ibid.
>– Every man, woman, and child on earth could each have a half acre of arable land.[7]

source is

Those are also very optimistic articles, that count on people to decrease their consumption, and do not count the impact on the ecosystem

World population is growing, only the growth has been declining

What does this have to do with anything? 1/3 of those people are currently living. You should understand how enormous amount of humans there are now.

>posts some of the most kiked news sources ever
fake news


>20 billion people lived on earth between the years 8000 B.C. and 0 A.D.
>What does this have to do with anything?

It shows that the Earth can easily sustain billions of people, if not more.

>World population is growing, only the growth has been declining
kek wat

Yes, yes the jews. What source you would find reliable?

No it does not. the 20 billion have lived over thousads of years. See pic related. World population was 1.5 billion in 1900, now it is 7 billion. Practical example:
>You need to sustain 100 people. Feed and house etc. And you need to farm the food by yourself (you have now the land and skill)
Which is easier
>sustain all 100 people at once
>sustain 100 people once at time

Population of the world is growing
Pic showed the growth rate, that is the percentage that how much the population is growing compared to the amount of people

>city of 1000, gets 100 new inhabitants/year
>growth rate is 10%

>city of 10000 gets 100 new inhabitants/year
>growth rate is 1%

Attached: world_population.png (547x332, 5K)

>fuck women
>date women
>marry women
>give women your money!!!!

Stop listening to women. Stop acting like savages. Stop playing the game that's rigged against you by a brainwashed and corrupt legal system. Deny women the one thing they need to keep destroying the West: your money. Stop giving women your money. Stop giving them your children. Work on improving and educating yourself, and fixing the world one step at a time.

Women are not important. Birthrates do not matter. Whites have almost always been outnumbered. Whites have almost always won despite those inferior numbers. You don't rule the world by being the most numerous. You rule it by being smarter and stronger than anyone else.

OP Is degenerate
sage grows in all fields

Did you just try and hashtag on Jow Forums

Notice how Japan having a trash birthrate and insanely high suicide rate, they are still extremely strong culturally, economically, and technologically? They're far from a perfect country but they are a damn sight better than India, China, or any part of the world with a very high birthrate.

BIRTHRATES DO NOT MATTER. If they mattered then Africa would have colonized Europe hundreds of years ago. What matters most is information, education, and military. Instead of pumping out white babies to be brainwashed by TV and school, become a teacher, or journalist, or psychologist, or programmer. Any field that's been taken over by liberals and feminists. We need to reclaim our universities. We need to reclaim our news networks. That is true power. Having five more kids won't help against a rioting horde.

Something I want to say, although I think ignoring sexual desire is a poor decision especially when it's persistent, a lot of people default to fapping when they're bored and not just aroused. If anything I would think that's where no fapping came from and it just got taken to the extreme. If you have a desire I say give in, but fapping due to boredom or any other reason besides being aroused has only ever made me feel more sluggish and lazy.

All I'm seeing is more slant pussy for me

If divorce law is not reformed then I hope we die out.

it's this fucking porn epidemic man, it's one of the most ingenious plans (((they))) ever implemented

Move to japland leaf bro
Canada is disneyland for pedos
Expose pedos for crypto and sheks then get outta dodge...
A white man is somewhat well regarded in japland

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By a mix, of both, actually. Try doing only city planning in Lima. I dare you.

>a woman's value deflates as multiple dicks are in her
>just unpleasant to be around
>"wtf why isn't anyone marrying me?!"

roasties... when will they learn?


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yeah i'm sure that the men being fucking weirdos has nothing to do with it

>>sex is a sin!
only when it's done outside marriage

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It's because he's a Chinese colony.