Why did God invent women if they suck so bad?
Why did God invent women if they suck so bad?
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The same reason he created the jews.
To fuck with you.
Why did God put the Tree of Knowledge in the middle of the Garden of Eden and then make a snake to convince Adam and Eve to eat the Apple?
What are you talking about? Some do it pretty good. Keep looking
lilth was obnoxious that shit
Women are a punishment inflicted by the gods because Prometheus decided there was more to life than eternal life
Take the fucking fire back
I've known a few that sucked pretty good.
God did not create the Jews. The devil did.
Also the devil made women more naturally sinful than men. They have a harder time being righteous and walking the path of a clean Christian life.
Good question. 2nd post is good too.
Answer is complex, but basically comes down to teaching you to put Him above all else. anytbjng else amounts to idolatry. I have not solved this dilemma btw- I just know what it amounts to. Even wanting a wholesome, loving relationship w a woman- if you place it about your service to God - will bring you ruin eventually. Desire is a double-edged sword user
they would have been fine if you didnt give them rights idiot,
The world is an emanation of your will.
If You had but desired differently, you would perceive differently.
Yeah I don't take psychedelics anymore bro. 36 now. Things are pretty straight forward. You can't trick God by pretending not to desire that which you naturally do, in order to get it. There is some very real fuckery going on here.
Because they suck so good. That is the way user. Pucker up and kiss it.
>Why did God invent women if they suck
>they suck
He wanted his dick sucked
Idk asks the jews since youre a nigger
Adam was fucking animals and God was pretty upset by it.
Don't know what women you've been around but the ones I know suck so GOOD!
Adam was lonely and wanted a companion.
>You can't trick God by pretending not to desire that which you naturally do, in order to get it.
Retard, maybe you "desire" stupid shit because your ego never bothered to examine yourself. Just because you're willfully ignorant of a better path in life doesn't mean that a better path doesn't exist.
As retaliation for Prometheus's gift of fire the gods inflicted the worst ever punishment upon mankind - the goddesses got together and created a being in their image and imbued her with certain qualities and called that being Pandora. They also gave her a box and made sure she would open it by telling her explicitly not to.
That's a bit presumptuous, faggot. I'll tell you this much- everything I've ever desired, I've had.
>population 1 doesn't have sexual dimorphism: men and women compete into the same social niches; females then incur in the same mortality as males
>population 2 has sexual dimorphism: women can't compete into society and are restricted mainly to their reproductive niche; females incur in decreased mortality than males
try to guess which one outbreeds the other
Hey, whatever you have to tell yourself man.
God promised heaven and hell, but nudity with snakes wasn't really cutting it. So he took from Adam to make Eve, giving him both. Or so the story goes.