what happened?
What happened?
the one on the right is a slav subhuman larping. the one on the left is a germanic aryan
Both are retarded.
Get over it.
Concern troll memeflag thread. Not Amerimutts are so stupid to bump it right?
you got born with fetal nigger cum syndrome based on the actions of your disgusting mother
it makes me sick
>that flag
>"whats wrong guys?"
show leaf
You went right behind them, faggot
i come from family where everyone fough for the axis and get the mentality and history so i guess i can chip in
original national socialists were very traditional and conservative
these new nazists and fascists are not, they all support womens emancipation to a point, they like modern life and stuff
if you told them the life as these people lived it who fought for hitler theyd call it backwoods and laugh at it
Funny that you would say that, it's almost like you are self aware.
I don't have a problem with either of them. Heil Hitler, the white race will prevail.
No country has ever tried Socialism as Marx intended. It's always been overly right wing (Stalinism) or too centrist (Scandinavian Socialism)
forced ethnically homogeneous gangs in prison
says the memeflag...
>No country has ever tried Socialism as Marx intended
lenin did and you know it
lenin was marx incarnate and look what the fuck happened
>lenin was marx incarnate
Ah yes, the NEP was Marx incarnate... fucking retard.
>What happened?
The juden weren't gasses and were allowed to subvert our cultures. Tbqh going to need both the National Socialists and the Neo Nazis. Being a big brained nibba does no good if you're being terrorized by the antifa foot soldiers in public and being able to fight the commies in the street won't actually change the culture or politics. Gotta work together but men of action will always be at odds with intellectuals, and vice versa.
Neo-Nazis as a whole know very little about National Socialism the political ideology, instead they choose to embrace an unrelated ideology more akin to the KKK or "White nationalism".
They think an Aryan is closer to the prison Aryan brotherhood and have know idea about Indo-Aryans or what the swatiska really means (jury is out on that one, I've heard every explanation from a spiral galaxy to directions tribes were instructed to travel in after an ancient flood).
>women's emancipation
I'm pretty sure the original Nazis had more respect for women than any "neo-nazi" today
original nazis were ultra traditional and embraced traditional gender roles, modern ones dont
thats the reason they had more respect for women, because old gender rolesd mandated it and if you disrespected someones daughter or sister youd get shanked in a dark street, in modern age that doest exist, women do as tehy please and mdoern nazis like it
>hurr durr means and ends are the same thing
you people doent realize that the "neo nazi" & "alt-right" fags amount to about 1500 ppl...inconsequential, irrelevant and fluff to appease the cucked and scared wacko-libs.
quit posting bull shit like this, nigger
They worship and idolize Hitler instead of realizing he was a man with flaws and improving upon his ideas and learning from his mistakes
my greatgrandfather, who was ustaĊĦe volunteer once cleft someoens head with an axe for shittalking his wife and didnt even get in trouble for it
he also married her by going to her fatehr and literally making a deal with him
new nazists would be shocked by that and call it crazy when thats exactly how old school nat soc lived
Can you feel your control over them breaking down?
>once cleft someoens head with an axe for shittalking his wife and didnt even get in trouble for it
>new nazists would be shocked by that and call it crazy
If you start shit, you should expect to be killed. Every time, no matter how small. Never get into a fight with someone unless you're willing to kill them
The one on the right is how the media portrays the one on the left
D&C shill thread.
That is 1 big strawman that isn't even remotely true.
The suit and tie fascists pretty much hate the street trash fascists, considering them to be an embarassment and source of unwanted governmental and media attention... not to mention criminal scum who aren't to be trusted. Usually the only time you see a suit courting street trash is when they need muscle for something or they're on the outs with their own group and looking for a quick and easy power-base... otherwise they're mostly far too socially conservative and traditionalist to have anything to do with the street trash.
The Nazis wanted Germany to return to an idealized ancient past ruled by an advanced civilization. The Neo-Nazis want to return to an idealized Nazi past.
The difference is that Nazis, despite the many things wrong with them were a functional and organized political party with real ambitions, goals, ideals (and not all of them bad, per se) and direction.
Neo-Nazism is just a bunch of groups somewhere below your average crack dealer (indeed, many Neo-Nazi groups are also tied to drugs) in terms of direction and ambition.