Why do you guys hate him so much?

Just Dr. Jordan Peterson's book "12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos" and it has really made me think about improving myself, don't see why you shit on him so much here

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Other urls found in this thread:


I think the main problem Jow Forumsacks have with this guy is his intellectual inconsistency.
>tell the truth
>I can’t answer that
No one really cares about self improvement or room cleaning

Lefties hate him because he debunks their marxist narrative. That's why they come here to bitch.

just his shit about jews and nationalism. I like his stuff though.

He's a Communist married to a Jew and shilled on (((FOX))) news. That's why.

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Jordan Peterson just says the same old bullshit that any other alt-righter already says. He is a University professor. That's why people think he is some kind of authority. But he studies Psychology. Not philosophy, history or even political science. He shouldn't be taken seriously. His self-help shit might have some value. But I tune him out when he talks about politics because he has no idea what he's talking about. He keeps ranting about Cultural Marxism. Cultural Marxism was not a thing. Karl Marx was a misogynist, an anti-semite, probably a racist. Che was definitely a racist.

wtf are you even talking about?

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He's a gatekeeper shill.

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He is blue pilled politically(at leasty in public) his self help advice is merely common sense to previous generations of humans, and his pro-SSRI beliefs are VERY harmful

he's generally not bad, but he suffers from the same problem any hammer does, namely everything looks like a nail to him. In his case identarianism is evil no matter how you slice it.

he refuses to recognize that group identity is at times very beneficial, he wants everyone to be an individual and reject identifying with any group.

This is absurd, we know group identity is helpful at times, that's one of the reasons we've evolved a mechanism to recognize and act on it. We are more likely to help out individuals who look like us after all because it's evolutionary beneficial to our survival to at times act in groups.

/pol recognizes this biological and evolutionary enforced truth and therefore sees through Jordan's absolute rejection of any form of identarianism as being intellectually naive or worse dishonest.

/pol seeks the truth, no matter how unpleasant it might be, that's why his approach sometimes rubs this place the wrong way.

Advocating for individualism and atomization while your competitors are collectivizing is suicide.

>Karl Marx was a misogynist, an anti-semite, probably a racist. Che was definitely a racist.
Hi leftypol

When individuals lift themselves up, the collective benefits

His version of "lifting up" is being a good corporate slave.

>soccer team A plays cohesively, working as a unit to score goals
>soccer team B plays individually, players working solely to get the most points for themselves

Guess which team is gonna win?

ive never watched his gay videos and never will. Anyone publically embracing alt right clearly doesn get what it is about. Nigger i can make my own opinions and dont need PhD to do that.

Niggers suck based on observations from my life. Jews suck based on watching the jew media and hollywood.


>Canadian professor makes headlines because he tells listeners to try and better their lives, and stop doing things that makes you weak. Denounces Marxism.
>nonstop anti jp threads pop up on Jow Forums

Just a few years ago when he wasn't well known he was well regarded here since he came under fire for talking about freedom of speech and Islamisation in Canada. Now you find a lot of 2 things: shill threads attempting character assasination, and genuine hatred from the new stormfront autists because he isn't growing a hitler stache and throwing roman salutes in his tv interviews. Don't forget theres genuine retards in here.

So many college professors are actually indoctrinated students into Marxist ideologies and this guy becomes famous, shits on Marxism, constantly references Solzhenitsyn, but he gets attacked.

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That's generally true and would be fine if he pushed for individual self improvement, the problem is he also pushes for the rejection of any identarianism or group association.

Individually good players will do better than players who are bad but try to "benefit the collective"

>knifed to death by niggers in zimbabwe 3.0 because team white lost
At least... I had... a nice hardwood floor...

Notice how many people reference him as (((alt-right)))? He has never been grouped with the alt right. Calling out marxism and supporting freedom of speech doesnt make anyone part of any group except for "decent people with brain".

because he keeps shitting up the board with his crap threads.

>Nigger i can make my own opinions
kek, what do you do for a living dare i ask?

Jordan Peterson definitely has a lot of good common advice that can drastically improve your life. but its has undertones of Marxism. in the face of Canada's diminishing white population Jordan is pushing whites to embrace individuality and give up on their identifies and their white communities.

I'm not an autistic lolberg/ancap who believes everyone should be completely self-serving and individualist, JP is right however when he says you should sort yourself out before helping others because in sorting yourself out is a virtue in of itself

>Cultural Marxism was not a thing.
This is a shitty name for it, agreed. It doesn't come and can't come from regular, economic Marxism. I prefer some labels like "liberal utopianism," but what people saying "cultural Marxism" are getting at is basically the liberal's search for new imagined rights once the struggle for previous ones had been achieved. It never ends for these people, and they eagerly view those who would oppose their nonsense as their enemy. The evil, patriarchal white male, all sexists, racists and every other recently invented label they can fling at you. They think if they pass some new law for a silly thing that they call a right, that you will eventually be defeated and stamped out.

Individualism has destroyed both Europe and America. Plus he's just another "le ebin ess jay dubyas" clown.

attack threads on pol trying to character assasinate this man are JEWISH or MARXIST in nature. fuck the haters, enjoy your life of mediocrity faggots

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>why are shills so against Jow Forums self-actualizing and improving their lives?
Brits are so fucking retarded it hurts.


He's predictable.

>Why do you guys hate him so much?
>implying we hate him

This is a new form of advanced anti-peterson shilling where OP pretends to be on JP's side but really he's pushing the narrative that Jow Forums hates him.
Then some of his buddies, or himself with a proxy, will come in and start openly shilling against JBP.

Oh look, like clockwork

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If he wasn't heard of a few years ago, then he's likely a shill to make sure whites don't fight for themselves.

Jordan Peterson has literally called sites like Jow Forums "racist" in the past. He doesn't like any of you.

>I like defending people who promote the same idea that have destroyed the west.

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Cleaning your room typically involves taking out the garbage. And is just not true.(assuming skill differences are at least ball park)

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He's rambling mess. He also has involvement with drafting various UN proposals and charters (look at Vox Day's blog). He's anti-nationalist. He doesn't want to destroy globalism, he wants to make a form of globalism that actually works.

This, Jordan is nothing more then a skeptic clown.

Nice way to gloss over his entire point. There is no point in being virtuous when the endgame is survival, and right now Europeans and people off European ancestry abroad are getting wiped out by other races who are acting collectively, not to mention """individualists""" who are betraying their own people for profit or ideology.

>philosophy, history or even political science
So he doesn't study your fake, made up sciences and you're mad about it?

>Jordan Peterson has literally called sites like Jow Forums "racist" in the past.
We are racist you retarded nigger

Is it because he sucks jewish dicks like your's?


there is merit to his rhetoric
he starts many off that in the centre down towards the right whether he intends this or not
basically this

This is the most try hard edge I've seen in a while.

Every single right-of-center YouTube celebrity who gains any traction whatsoever gets character assassinated. This is old news.

Every e-celeb including left wing ones hurt movements. No shit they're pissed on, they don't even know the stuff we even fight for.

He meant it in a bad way just like how jews do.

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Juden Peterstein is a crypto-atheist Zionist shill and liberal

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>cultural marxism isnt real

Hello shills. If you get angry when cultural marxism is mentioned I surely hope no one mentions the Sabbatean Frankist connections of Marx, his financial sponsors, and the Frankfurt school. Surely no group would have any interest in the cultural and moral degradation of Western christian societies right?

>nigger jp was referencing kek and meme warfare before you. Im sure he lowkey browses but you would have to be a sperg or an guyfawkesnask cringy faggot to reference this site in real life.

You collectivist brainlets keep strawmaning what "individualism" means in the Western context and cry no one wants to be your friend and play with you.

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How is JP hurting the movement? If more of us sort ourselves out, we won't be able to be portrayed as pathetic incels like the media portrays us.

Sorting out means moving away from white identity politics. He was implanted by jews as a gate keeper.

>Juden Peterstein

Find another site to sully, you evil coward

>Find another site to sully, you evil coward
Oy vey goy, don't be racist

>stop watching porn and fapping and acting like a beta fag means moving away from white identity and its a jew plot

Oh sweety. Are you guys even trying?

Fuck off with your anti JP shilling, you are making us look bad

>Being such a good goy that you listen to the guy who doesn't want you to be proud of your race

No, you make this site look bad. Take your e-celeb back to plebbit.


>t. faggot who huffs his own farts
Identity politics for (((me))) but not for thee goy.
What a disgusting disingenious shill

Say what freemason faggot?


Keep desperately shilling for your e-celeb who actively hates white identity politics my friend. Most of Europe and America is waking up.

>jews call Jow Forums racist
We fucking are you quadruple nigger. Get your leftist shit out of hear rebelling against fact and reality.

Is he at a trap party?

You're an idiot

He's based, and is trying to actually help.
Some people are just stupid, and can't realize it.

There have been much better books for millennia and they are free to download.




I understand you brainlets are angry because he spoke about the white identity that stormfaggots talk about but all you do is look bad when you join marxist shills in his character assasination.

Heres a litmus test for those paying attention: count how many anti-jp threads pop up daily on Jow Forums and compare them to how many threads you see about Yvette Felarca and the hundreds of other college professors who literally talk about ending the white race. Oh boy I sure wonder why.

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>You collectivist brainlets keep strawmaning what "individualism" means in the Western context and cry no one wants to be your friend and play with you.
I'd rather not have a traitor as a friend.

The media will always portray their opposition as unattractive, unpopular, and even evil. Hell, they even call Trump Hitler when he's left of most of Jow Forums and his children's in-laws are all kikes. And if they can't find a story to frame you as the bad guy, they will invent one. Pic related.

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kike phase 1
pay shills to post i hate jordan peterson posts
phase 2 pay shills to ask Jow Forums why Jow Forums hates jordan peterson so much.

>thinking juden peterstein is not a marxist shill
why dont you go back where you came from redditard?

Your words said nothing. You keep talking like a lefty collectivist faggot who doesnt understand the value of Western ideals of upholding individual liberty and sovereignty -within the social bonds that stemmed from the nuclei closest to that individual starting with his family and going to bloodkin, then tribe, then eventually nation states-.

You are a scared little boy who can only feel value in a group that tells him how to think, much like antifa. Ask me how I know you probably came here during the election.

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Because Peterson is a gibbering loon?
Im halfway through 12 rules.
Am i the only one who noticed that he claims to be sympathetic to Christianity, but around page 81 he veers off into some wild tangent about how helping people is bad because we can never trust ourselves not to have a savior complex.

There are simultaneous calls towards a vauge return to tradition, with random references to “rejecting the stultifying customs of the past.” “And being an individual.” With no regard for those statements contradicting each other.

Other oddities include shifting from literal definitions of words to metaphors and back again without any explanation. For example in the chapter on posture, he has a random section where he switched from talking about phych studies on body language, to “standing up is how we can shoulder the burden of being and be a force for order against chaos and tyranny” babbles on for a paragraph, then back to psychology like nothing else was said.

Nothing I have seen from the guy is anything useful or coherent.

And hearing about his politics I haven’t seen much that 08 era Obama would have disagreed with.

How this dude is somehow a friend of the right, is beyond me.

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>compare them to how many threads you see about Yvette Felarca
That's because the mods started deleting threads made about her. All it takes is one moron from leftypol false flagger/or eager reddit newfag who wants to raid her to post dox and they start deleting any threads about the topic.

The truth was that he couldn’t answer that. What would you rather, he fumble an ill formed answer or that he waited to give a proper one? He made a video about it and it’s the same old shtick, muh high IQ, but he probably does believe it to be the truth.

>speaking against Marxism means you are a marxist
>constantly name dropping Solzhenitsyn, the kryptonite of Marxists and the ones who destroyed Russia means you are a marxist

Got it thanks user. If you call out your enemies they win?

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discord /YwpVsmq

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Pol was creaming itself daily over jbp this time last year. His only crime is getting too popular, but no poltard would ever admit that is the problem, so now we see increasingly fanatical mental gymnastics in pursuit of the hottest anti-jordan take.

>his book can be criticised therfore he is a gibbering loon

Jow Forums hates Peterson because he presents a lot of common sense and gets through to normies in a way they can't because they're too hung up on one issue or another.

He's everything most Jow Forumslacks wish they could be.

You do realize that “induvidualisim” as we know it is a product of the last 2 hundred years right? And is a complete rejection of those same social bonds?

You cant have those bonds without obligations of somekind, all of which was the object of rebellion in the “enlightenment”

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>Muh shills hate a man who's against nationalism and just promotes another version of globalism
Imagine being this fucktarded


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This also plays a part. We are largely contrarian. However anyone paying attention to board language and volume will know the JP character assasination threads did not pop up organically and would have noticed the similarity in language and methods and posting volume of the threads.

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Are you implying his other book or any of his videos are different?

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HAHAHAHA you stupid fucking brainlet.
(((who))) do you think came up with that shit?
never heard that crying anti depressant gobbler speak out against them

>Your words said nothing.
They said something you didn't want to hear so you ignored it.
>You are a scared little boy
Yeah, I am scared that whites are getting replaced and their culture is getting destroyed.
>who can only feel value in a group that tells him how to think
Ironic, since you're bitterly defending a man who has done your thinking for you, and desperately doesn't want you to think for yourself and work together with people of your race to defend yourselves.

You do realize that concept developed throughout Western history and its why the west is different from cultures like the chinese right? Are you a literal brainlet that thinks individualism is rejecting your kith and kin and hoarding everything for yourself? Kek. Let me guess the solution is a strong collective identity...enforced by a strong government led by a strong figure. Oh boy what a friend of the West you are.

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>clean your room
>wipe your ass

whoah..... saviour of Western Civilization.... Buy his rug guys!

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Why would anyone buy his book when you can read the wisdom from this man for free and learn all that Peterson teaches and more?

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I've read two of the three you posted, really amazing books that bring good advice.

on the contrary, he doesn't debunk shit. he's just insufferably smug. ppl like him who claim to know it all are 10 times out of 10 full of shit and are on the grift. i do respect him for fleecing dumb white guys tho.

Because capitalism is awesome and the thoughts of a college professor making money from books that make leftists melt down and stage campus cry ins is good. What are you a commie?

Woah imagine if someone told all those white college leftist s0ilatte boys to clean up their shit, stop blaming "the system man" , throw their marxist ideas into the garbage, then go out and get a girlfriend. How crazy would that be? Better do everything you can to stop it.....what a great ally you are.

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>What are you a commie?

Not even close. Buy his book, trigger the leftists, laugh at them crying and then give stoicism a read. You won't be disappointed user.

What you're misunderstanding about JBP is that he seriously and unironically believes that the world will nuke itself into global extinction if tribal conflicts are allowed to persist. Ultimately he sides with the globalists which is why he was on that UN panel with Podesta. This is in addition to his clinical work trying to help people, like the Future Authoring Program. What he really wants is for everyone to be healthy and happy, but subject to a one world government that he thinks won't be tyrannical because everyone tells the truth all day.

JBP is good at what he does: clinical psychology. He's bad at everything else and needs to stay in his fucking swim lane.

Traditional view of society:
1. Marriage is permanent, people have lasting obligations to each other and children.
2. Economy should be subordinate to state and society. You don’t simply have a right to sell anything if it has negative social consequences.
3. Morality is objective and binding on all of society. faith and morals are a nessesary aspect of society and must be defended.
4. Not all people have a right to political authority, some are better capable of acting responsibly.

Modern “induvidual” view
1. Divorce when “individuals” feel like it.
2. Porn? Cheap labor overseas? Price gouging? As long as the induviduals consent, its all good.
3. The opinions of “induviduals” are equally valuable, “imposing” moral rules is a violation of his “rights”.
4. Everyone has a right to vote, who cares if they act carelessly or overturn basic moral rules?

Of course traditional society and “individualism” are incompatible.

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because both commies and nazis are leftists- and leftists hate individualists cultural christians.