Reminder that there is no god and religion is just a coping mechanism for manbabies who can’t face science and logic

Reminder that there is no god and religion is just a coping mechanism for manbabies who can’t face science and logic

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Dude you’re going straight to heck saying -_-

>tips fedora

Reminder. Babylonians get put down. Sciemce and logic require religion to further its boundaries. The alchemist path is covered in the dust of history mistold. You have to see from the eternal books past present and future tense portions to make sense out of the chaos and refine ones concept of time as the celestial physicists can.

>makes a thread about atheism to piss God off..


that's dumb.

I agree with this
There is no heaven or hell, the Bible is a fairy tale created by desert Jews
Nice argument
Schizophrenia is one helluva drug
How do I piss something off that doesn’t exist

we dont have a good enough understanding of the universe or beyond to say if there is one or not. there might be one or not. If there is one its unlikely to really have any type of special interest in us or reward us for doing something that we grade as good. shit happens. move along.

God exists and is universal.

Try to break his laws. Make 2+2=9, make O2 sink in water, defy his morals and live in anything but misery.

You deny god because you are blinded by your arrogance. He is there in innumerable forms and his righteousness exists and is proven by the fruits enjoyed by those who know how to abide.

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>there is no God
[citation needed]

There is a God and aliens created religion in order to enslave us for mining resources

Wrong. There is a god. Universe came from something and is so complex it seems there was an engineer for it.

I agree however science is not 100% factual, the big bang and black holes have not been proven fact.

>I can’t explain how he universe came to be so therefor gawd

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>There is no God.
>I agree that the universe leads us to God.
What did he mean by this?

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What part of science or logic goes against the existance of a creator?

Bear in mind that people have been trying to explain or elaborate on the subject for quite a while.

But to me personally science is proof of the system, the way things work are very ordered to the point of being able to be calculated and reproduced..

Limited by present understanding and the technology that goes along with it.

No, the mechanisms to make the universe be what it is appear to be engineered.
Like hyper inflation, ratio of dark energy, dark matter, dark flow, quantum mechanics, big bang and space being a fabric to name a few.
Don't forget, there's a multiverse out there. Any of those things weren't just perfect and the universe as we know it wouldn't exist.
Engineered seemingly.

>t. Jidfhaadi kike

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I mean you can scream “GAWD IS REAL” until you have a fucking aneurysm, it’s still not true. Which god btw? There’s thousands of gods worshipped by people since written history

Jewish-orchestrated disbelief or lack of belief in the existence of God or gods. Commonly used as a tactic to control Goyim viewed as potentially threatening due to higher IQ than average.
synonyms: nonbelief, disbelief, unbelief, irreverence, doubt, nihilism
"Atheists commonly display antisocial behaviors, exhibit higher-than-average rates of depression per capita, have lower birthrates, and are generally more uninvolved in their families or communities than Christians and other people of Faith"

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If a bunch of people behave a certain way in order to have a specific effect in reality, they have summoned a god between them. If it is intentional it can be worshipped through behavior to give it more power. The attempt to combine every possibility into one single god with a god is primative and stupid.

A god exists, in the same way that Santa exists. More worship=more power for the desired effects. We are the architects of perceptions of God, and collective worship of a god can lead to whatever we want it to lead to.

It is perfectly scientifically sound, the concept of a god. It is the void between people doing or saying a set of things to have a desired effect on reality.

The god of jesus is supposed to lead to peace through love, truth, and self sacrifice. The power of this god is lost because people do not understand what it means to worship... And christian denominations ensure this god has no power.

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Why not? I think there's a god but I don't think god has anything to do with all the man made religions that exist on earth.
Like I said the physics of the universe give the appearance it was engineered.

>proven by the fruits enjoyed by those who know how to abide.
You think life is meant to be a fun time? Tell that to children born starving in third world countries. Life is suffering, friend. We experience relative contentment at times, but that is only a relative release from the basic state of life on this plane, which is suffering. Our ethereal state is true, pure peace and joy, but life itself is full of pain. But we tend to delusionally deny this, because the TV programs us to think life is supposed to be blissful, so to avoid cognitive dissonance, we tell ourselves that it is.

None of the man made ones. If anything we're an ant farm to any being that can engineer a reality

Durr I don’t know how evolution works therefor gawd
I’m actually a good looking dude and look noting like the dweebs you keep posting lol get an argument

Love the crossed fingers. Ha!


Those whom God effectually calls, he also freely justifies, not by infusing righteousness into them, but by pardoning their sins, and by accounting and accepting their persons as righteous; not for anything wrought in them, or done by them, but for Christ's sake alone; not by imputing faith itself, the act of believing, or any other evangelical obedience to them, as their righteousness; but by imputing Christ's active obedience unto the whole law, and passive obedience in his death for their whole and sole righteousness by faith, which faith they have not of themselves; it is the gift of God.

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The "which god" argument is a child's fallacy - God is beyond our limited understanding but clearly exists nonetheless. Like a mite on the back of an ant observing the passing shadow of an airplane flying overhead, you can never understand the machinations of what could create all of what surrounds us, all of that which we call "being"

By imputing Christ's active obedience unto the whole law,

and passive obedience in his death

for their whole and sole righteousness by faith,

which faith they have not of themselves; it is the gift of God.

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All gods imagined can be worshipped by a collective group in order to summon it and give it power.

It's just people doing things.

Christ, by his obedience and death, did fully discharge the debt of all those that are justified; and did, by the sacrifice of himself in the blood of his cross, undergoing in their stead the penalty due unto them, make a proper, real, and full satisfaction to God's justice in their behalf; yet, inasmuch as he was given by the Father for them, and his obedience and satisfaction accepted in their stead, and both freely, not for anything in them, their justification is only of free grace, that both the exact justice and rich grace of God might be glorified in the justification of sinners.

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Sure you are buddy

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>Reminder that there is no god and religion is just a coping mechanism for manbabies who can’t face science and logic

what a clueless faggot incel. this picture is WAY too appropriate for you.

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Faith is what gives people the strength to keep going even through tragedy. If you accepted god's love maybe your life wouldn't seem like such constant suffering.

Faith is only Faith if it is in Jesus Christ. Faith in Jesus Christ is a Gift from GOD THE FATHER.

God either exists in which case its impossible to understand/unknowable/jew or it doesnt. In either case i should care why? Even major religions cant agree on details, denominations/schisms everywhere. Once there is conclusive and specific proof one way or the other i will start to care. Till then i care i dont care


Those whom God effectually calls, he also freely justifies, not by infusing righteousness into them, but by pardoning their sins, and by accounting and accepting their persons as righteous; not for anything wrought in them, or done by them, but for Christ's sake alone; not by imputing faith itself, the act of believing, or any other evangelical obedience to them, as their righteousness; but by imputing Christ's active obedience unto the whole law, and passive obedience in his death for their whole and sole righteousness by faith, which faith they have not of themselves; it is the gift of God.

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So what do you care about?

Day to day affairs? What everyone else cares about i guess. I see no reason to get emotionaly invested in concept of god. Whats the point?

It sounds like your a good goy

Jesus was literal jew

why did I reply to this reddit-tier post

Ive never been a Christian because I grew up in a non religious family, but learning about the kikes made me change my perspective on a lot of things. One thing I have realized though is that the jews hate jesus more than they hate anyone else, so Im guessing he must have done something right and there must be some truth to the story. After browsing this board I cant think of anything besides God sometimes

Good bait OP.

“The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.”
― Werner Heisenberg

OP is babby science tier, and a brainlet.

If it was in your ass you'd know

>by those who know how to abide

Fuckin' a man.

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Reminder that Atheism is a symptom of a dying society and every stable civilization (even pre-Christian) was steadfastly religious.

Atheists are unironically the true manchildren here, and they're pathetically apathetic treatment and view of life will be our downfall.

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Look if god is unkowable you might as well worship a rock or piece of iron. You cant derive morals, knowledge or anything really from an unknowable entity. And if its knowable you should have specific knowledge about god. If its knowable but you dont know yet refer to point 1.

Also jew is a jew is a jew

Checking those double digoos.

The dude abides.

Fuxk, wrong thread

Is it possible to derive morals from science or empiricism? I used to think like you user, it only leads to nihilism and a hedonistic slavery to endless kike tricks. Even though I would still classify myself as agnostic, I now see pure atheism as a symptom of a decaying society

How exactly is belief in God a coping mechanism? I don't think there's a whole lot of comfort to be found in believing an omniscient being is watching and judging every action and thought and may send me to an eternal doom for the bad things I do on this earth. If I wanted comfort I would be an atheist but I'm interested in the truth and that's why I'm a Christian.

Most people don't think like you do, because they believe all their transgressions can be forgiven according to the Christian doctrine.

That's leaving aside the prospect of eternal life and meeting your loved ones in paradise, which far outweighs the threat of eternal punishment that in their minds is reserved for actually bad people, such as murderers (very few people see themselves as irredeemable anyway), reason why belief in God is a source of comfort and a coping mechanism for the vast majority of the believers.

I agree with atheism claim but morality is innate to humans you dont need religion or science. Society where everyone kills each other cant pass on its genes. Humans are social and need stabilty so we form basic behavioral standards we call morals.
And since we are smart and can learn we go from basics like dont kill to dont lie etc.

Humans want certainty, understanding. You look around and see world and universe you cant comprehand, human life must have a reason, a purpose, it cant be that this life this is all there is, i cant emotionaly cope with my mortality there must be afterlife, if universe was even a bit more different it couldnt support life, we dont know X therefore God.

Do you believe that objective morality exists

I believe there exists human morality its is ours so is it objective? Probably not but that doesnt amke it any less true in a sense

religion is the most scientific outlook on life there could possibly be. whats unscientific about realizing the universe has an order to it even if we dont under stand it right this minute?

Turning away from God and religion is why this culture sucks and young people don't have meaning in their lives anymore.
Great job with the suicide and shootings, OP

Everyone has their own subjective view on morality, most likely caused by evolution and learning from human interaction. Do you believe that there is an objective absolute moral truth encoded in the universe that is as true as 2+2=4

How could i know whether such thing exists? I only see and know human morality nothing else.

Which is why it is impossible to derive using science. Religion is the best tool we have for explaining such subjects

says the guy who's never melted face on lsd

The orderly universe part of religion isn't what's unscientific though. It's the virgin births, miracle works, demonic possessions, blood magic rituals, reanimated corpses, vicarious redemption, doomsday prophecies, etc that make it unscientific.

>Reminder that there is no god
Please provide proof for this assertion. I'll wait.

Inb4: I'm right by default and don't have to prove the shit I say!

Morality is human property like need to socialize you dont need to derive it from anywhere its instinctual i alreafy mentioned that in post above. And why would you even need objective moral system?

>(((science and logic)))

I wonder if OP ever gets tired of making this same slide and bait thread all the time.

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Can't wait to read an entire thread of apologetics redefining "God" to something so nebulous as to be an entirely useless discussion.

Without an objective morality what is there to stop you from justifying any kind of degeneracy? Look what has happened since the west since it has abandoned religion, people have thought of all kinds of bullshit to morally justify shit like LGBT. Eventually pedophilia will become morally acceptable in our Godless society

End result is the same if religious morality is objective or subjective people still abandoned it.
If pre degenerate morality was objectuve and abandoned for new degenerate morality
Or if subjective morality chanded to degenerate morality is the same in practice.
While with objective morality you have to explain its source, how come its so suited to humans in huge universe, why your interpretation is correct as opposed to X
subjective morality is explained by human nature.
It makes more sense to default to morality being innate and subjective, simplest theory being correct aand all that

If pretending to know objective morality (i.e. religion) stopped degeneracy we wouldn't have gotten in this situation to begin with.

Through religion we have built ourselves a sand castle of our understanding of human behavior. And now it has crumbled.

That he's a fucking idiot

Religions have provided society with a moral system that was presented as being as being equally true to the laws of physics in order to prevent people from creating their own morality. I cant say whether the morals they came up with were the objective truth, but without it people would have resorted to their own subjective interpretations, resulting in various forms if degeneracy becoming morally justified. You can see this happening in the west now where perverse things such as trans people are being paraded around as being "good".

Do you have a better method of stopping nihilism?

But logic proves God is real

Excellent post, my friend.

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Religions became source of moral truth(in west) with monotheistic religions. In ancient greece gods served for ceremonial purposes and for efferings for food etc not morality. Schools of philosophy provided that part of modern (western)religions about how to live your life, whats right or wrong. So you cant really say religions provided morality.
Fact is moral authority provided morality to regular people be it state, religion or philosopher. We lost that moral authority and fell into degeneracy

We can't stop nihilism, it's a byproduct of cultural disillusionment that'll follow its course until man finds a new meaning in life. The best we can do is to try to better understand its causes and minimize the damage.

There are some pretty obvious aspects to reality that science does not have a full grasp off, human consciousness and other dimensions are fine examples. Coincidentally, both these things are directly related, and both merge to create the divinity that all religions have attempted to describe. Fedoralords miss out on this because science (which they practically worship) does not even come close to full comprehension of human consciousness. They pretend to have all he answers but they’re hiding behind blind hubris.

What would you consider your moral authority?

Today? In general morality as portrayed by media and morality of my family and immediate surrounding. Not saying i subscribebto those views just that media is modern day church in terms of moral authority. Its degenerate and sad but true

I think that is the kind of mentality that makes you fall for jew tricks

>This many people replying to terrible atheist bait.

Why does inability of science make your position more valid?
We dont understand X -> god did it
We dont understand X -> we dont understand it so what? We are not all knowing and we even dont know if everything is knowable. We dont need to have explanations for everything.

No user, what is the authority that you derive your own subjective moral values from? Im sure you don't personally believe any of the degenerate kike shit shown on the media is moral

OP I was going to dismiss this as shitty bait, but to my surprise/dismay I see you've been responding to a lot of posts, and may in fact be this autistic for real.

I am tickled pink that you think "science and logic" are somehow within the exclusive domain of atheism/irreligiousness.

It's either that or brainwashing yourself into believing in something you don't actually believe because you're afraid of being brainwashed by the kikes first. This is a question of mental fortitude.

Each individual will make their own choices regardless of what you believe, unless you propose to convert people by force. And even then I don't think it'd be long term solution.

Non-existence makes more sense than anything else. It’s why we ask, “Why is there something rather than nothing?”
We intuitively understand that non-existence, or Nothing, is necessary. God is only necessary because he must be defined that way. Indeed, Nothing is more necessary than God, so we should assume that once there was Nothing.

If nothing exists, there are no laws. All logic and causality that we are used to fall apart. When there are no limits, the creation of something by Nothing is surely not impossible. If it were, then Nothing would have limits, making it something, a contradiction. Thus existence can arise from non-existence.

Furthermore, consider the relation between potential and actual. For any change to occur, they must be distinct. But if all existence is actual, the potential must be distinct from existence, that is, non-existence. Something is finite, while Nothing is not, something is contingent, while Nothing is necessary, something is determined, while Nothing is chaotic.

Part 1/2