Leftist Comic Cringe

post leftist scribbles that contort your face into a rictus of contempt and disgust.

Bonus points for F3minism.

Mega Lightning round bonus points for LGBTQwerty.

Edits welcome and encouraged

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Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Marvel Cringe Feminism.jpg (600x581, 94K)


Attached: Trans assigned male comic.png (1000x395, 195K)

Attached: wonder woman mansplain.png (540x332, 286K)

Isn't this comic written and drawn by a man?

>literally told the truth
>it's still mansplaining
I hope these writers got fucking fired by now, they're why comic sales are in the shitter.

yup. here's one with my favorite original character of his

Attached: NattyComics RaceCAR johnny.png (573x767, 507K)


Attached: BmXS4Ra.jpg (590x768, 82K)

VRoom VRoom motherfuckers

Attached: RaceWAR Johnny Vroom Vroom Cville.png (440x316, 123K)

Attached: RaceWar Johnny Minority Deport.png (933x562, 706K)

Not even phased, what a legend.

Attached: RaceWar Jahnny.png (258x255, 54K)

Attached: Marvel Cringe Feminism 1.jpg (600x980, 175K)

Not sure why this are me laugh.

Attached: Marvel Cringe Feminist 2.jpg (600x231, 45K)

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What does racism have to do with your dumb girlpower shit wtf

>we got everything we asked for
>everything still sucks

Modern women everyone

Is this an alternate reality where women make up the majority of STEM too?

This is actually redpilled

I don't know what's going on, but Racecar Johnny is my favorite character

Take that you white male bastard. Yeah Justice! Right on sisters!

The original probably wasn't.

NO I didn't hug Racecar Johnny because he's a faggot. We call him Racecar Johnny because he's so quick at cumming up your behind

Pretty transphobic desu, women can have y chromosomes too.

What type of fucking retard actively indoctrinates themselves in a non verbal monologue

RaceWar Johnny lmfaoooooooooooooo

Momentum isn't conserved in a closed system though

Attached: that-awkward-moment-at-a-feminist-picnic-when-they-realize-no-one-has-made-any-sandwiches.jpg (735x414, 121K)

It was some "yes all men" bullshit

Attached: tumblr_pa7pfgvNtU1s24ep9o1_1280.jpg (1280x1333, 533K)

He's carrying a helmet, race car Johnny would have a hard time hugging

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Does anyone else have a handshake for women and a handshake for men?

Based Racecar Johnny

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I hope you realize this is drawn as satire, if it isn't obvious enough in

>America is so terrible
>Good luck getting in!

Do they even think?

>meaningful dialogue with pubescent girls
About what, you fucking freak? A dialogue about WHAT? What is it that you need to tell young girls that the schools and internet are not saying? Fucking twisted freaks.

Attached: tumblr_pa5vjtGKdk1s24ep9o1_1280.jpg (1280x1746, 208K)

>It's fucking garbage and literally a fascist state
>but for some reason you still want to get in and they are evil for saying no

Libtards everyone

>The race car says 88


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Mansplaining is truth

>I can afford this really nice place to live
>but I don't want to make the neighborhood look better because I'm not a shitskin

if this is satire then it's definitely walking the Poe's Law line reaaaaaally closely

fug mangos ruined my ability to read western comics

Jesus christ

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the world is doomed

If America is so terrible why are they trying to get in?

They're not worth reading.

the comic isn't all wrong
male feminists are worse the female feminists

>Did a woman buy you that shirt
>Enforcing gender normative behavior that women do the shopping
I love how leftists have lost any semblance of self awareness


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...Stock investment, leaf. She was trying to give stock advice.

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>male feminists are worse the female feminists
Both should be put to death, so I'm really not seeing the difference.

maybe racecar johnny just doesn't like hugs? in which case, baldly mcsoiboy there was just being a good person by respecting his boundaries, no?

though from what I remember the MC in the comic routinely and indiscriminately murders friends, enemies and lovers for less, so I guess his motivation hardly matters

I enjoy this meme.

>racewar johnny returns

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>blatantly ripping off Tomoko Kuroki from Watamote

Attached: ISHYDDT.jpg (400x554, 34K)

actually, it's not even clear what they mean by conserved system. That's how retarded this comic is that they are using terminology from thermodynamics to talk about mechanics

And truth is evil.

Attached: She who will Bring Force to the Balance.jpg (2000x1300, 871K)

Really, you can post any comic from these goblins. Every panel is maddening.

Hoo boy

Truly the hero women deserve

Powerful :^)

America: the country so terrible people will risk drowning in a river, dying in the desert and being shot at to get in.

This just ruined Santa for me.


Absolute bluepill: The pic

OK, this is pretty funny.

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why the fuck did she go on the show then?


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also that bitch being fat seems perfectly correct

this is wrong stop

good catch, burger. Resisting the indoctrination requires constant vigilance.

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>remains CONSTANT?

Uh, yeah? That's kind of common sense you fucking retard.


NVM thought the comic said energy instead of momentum. Lol the comic doesn't even get basic science right.

Men must cater to women even if it's lies or they will kick your ass. How progressive.

lol for real

stop mansplaining.
Womyn are smart and funny.
Get over it

kek I like it.

And that baby;
Was Racecar Johnny

Yes I have different handshakes for men and women. I assumed most men did.

raceWAR Johnny

lmao is this one we created to make fun of them? Or are they actually proud of this? I'm more and more convinced that leftists are broken genetically.

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personal favorite

Attached: Trans No it Doesnt.jpg (575x324, 41K)