Is this what we saw in Washington?

Attached: nk.jpg (1023x575, 113K)

Israel tried to nuke the summit because Netanyahu is a fucking piece of shit.

Cool story, bro.

Nice meme flag, David.

Attached: 1527096178949.jpg (1750x1178, 1012K)

If it was in your ass you'd know

all fields

elaborate, goy

are you talking about the missle launch from Washington State?

Of course that's what I'm talking about. This is NoKo's newest submarine-launched ballistic missile. Connect the dots.

Trump's tweet is missing the letters ODP. Another user suggested it might mean Ordnance Disposal Plan.

I'm leaning towards more of what this guy said because Seattle area is so jewed. Jews control the entire state, really

Forgot pic

Attached: Screenshot_20180313-203342.png (1080x1920, 189K)

Why would they nuke the summit? That's like killing a fly with a railgun.

Show your real flag faggot.


Sure. Happy?

Mexico's Mexico

Irrelevant to the topic. I bet you're not even white.

Whiter than you favelanigger. I have blue eyes

Oh, so you're hiding a proxy flag. Nice. Netanyahu will be executed for his crimes against this world. Israel will fall by the end of july.

>Israel derangement syndrome
Many such cases.