What will happen once the Norks get unlimited access to kpop? ...Besides masturbation levels going sky high?

What will happen once the Norks get unlimited access to kpop? ...Besides masturbation levels going sky high?

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Funny thing about North Korea is that they actually have much healthier birth rates than the South.

but the citizen is a lot less healthy than in the south.

Sure most things are worse up there. But if trends continue, after several generations, North will still exist, meanwhile the South with only an average of one child per woman will shrink fast.

Demographics are fucking terrific.

I'd take a Nork over a whore who had her eyes, nose, chin and tits surgically altered anytime

What about robots though

You mean, robots replacing humans? They can't clean your room now, so it will take some time to replace you.

Millions more Asian titty pics. Thank Trump

I wouldn't be surprised to see suicides due to culture shock.

Possibilities of being able to attain Nork wife in the next ten years or so then...?

kpop is slavery

damn, not the worst waste of quads i've ever seen

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better yet what happens when the norks come to Jow Forums?

I don't expect their country to open up all of a sudden, but free economic zones will be developed, people will have better food (right now, they are way shorter than the average South Koreans) and they will prosper in peace onto themselves. SK would hate being flooded by the NK. Meanwhile go really south you man, in the Philippines or Indonesia.

I really really hate the word norks. It's too similar to what we call ourselves.

Carry on

What are roombas?

What will happen once I undo the zippers?

North Korea isn’t going to allow K-pop just yet, and possibly never. K-pop is literally the embodiment of late capitalism.

I didn't know the latest version is making your bed?

Maybe no apparent effect at first due to culture shock, their first mass exposure to it was an IRL version of the MDE "Jews Rock" sketch: my.mixtape.moe/svhbhs.mp4

After that I expect that, out of desire for unification, they'll make their own DPRK-POP that's a sexier / dancier version of the live instrument playing groups they already have.

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>Demographics are fucking terrific
>if trends continue
>society has existed for hundreds and hundreds of years
>the current birthrate will be the same even though the factors behind the current rate will change
Why do people think like this?
Oh well, better import millions of niggers to make up for this inevitable decline!

Best Korea's government will drive out the batshit crazy feminist moon-worshipers and their corrupt, murderous deep state. Trump is actually going to save the Korean peninsula.

SK are very, lets say, shy on immigration (maybe a bit more just to outcompete Japan and show how better they are but that's it) and good for them. It's just Europe being fucking crazy with commiting suicide with migration.

Yeah, some of them are kinda cute. Significant chance of Elliot Rodger or Markiplier offspring though.

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war and international sanctions will do that to hdi

After several generations the South will exist exactly the same as the North will exist.

I didn't say that the South will disappear user. But the country can lose several millions people per generation with a highly aged mean. Just do the maths, it's easy.

North Korean mail order waifus who will never say not to anal out of gratitude for getting her out of that shithole.

they realize its a bad music genre for 14 year old girls and boys and move on like the rest of the world

You said "north will still exist".
>Just do the maths
That's not how demographics works.

Indeed that's on me. NK has a saner birthrate that's all.
You need maths to do demographics, for projections. Yes it's not perfect but it gives the main trends.

Yeah it's important to question the (((globalist))) narrative that never-ending population growth is necessary, sure it artificially props up GDP benefitting the elite but otherwise it tends to make the average citizen's life worse. For example if Japan allows its population to naturally adjust down their house prices will become less insane, their work culture will loosen up a little due to labour shortages and so on.

"Growth for the sake of growth is the ideology of the cancer cell." - Edward Abbey

its a pun

It's not projecting anything except an excuse for kikes to flood in third worlders.
The factors that influence the birthrate aren't going to stay the same. see It's just equilibrium.

n korea will implode . any one who thought kim was anything more than a fat cow stuffing his face so often his state appointed gf leaves him is now thinking its not worth it and will leave. who cares if he dies

I'm not calling for unbridled demographic growth, just at least population stability. And remember that ageing is a powerful force too. As for 'equilibrium', *that* is bullshit.

I thinj they are going to take Vietnams approach to economy. They were basicly north korea even worse at one stage and look at them now they hate china 88%of them hate the chinks

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>just at least population stability
The fuck do you think equilibrium means?
You want the population to be "stable" at a size beyond what the economy and culture can efficiently support. That's what's retarded.
If aging was a powerful force it wouldn't have only magically become a problem in the 21st century.

I think they can be even more efficient than the Vietnamese. SK would be happy to have cheap labor to continue fueling their industrial buildup. For the US, closing in SK with NK would be a good hedge against China.

I'll leave you where you are user.

These sites say otherwise though

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tl;dr Fuck your GDP

doesnt matter fuckhead

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aww shes cute

And i think china controls NK much more than Vietnam. Vietnam went with the soviets and norks china.

You killed her in nam mann..

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ahah these two headlines say opposite things though user! I don't disagree on the strategy though, just that NK will be even more impressive and the economic catch up will be far more impressive.

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Humm GDP is an essential part of power and it's relevant obviously. For the US to face China in the future, having growth is vital. It's geopolitics, you can't help it user.

When your kids are likely to die you fuck like crazy and play the number games
When they're likely to survive you have one or two
Look at shitholes like India and countries in Africa where people have +10 kids but only one or two survive
Then look at developed countries and the population moderates itself because kids are fucking expensive and will likely survive

And you can't help when the people you fuck over for your precious kike politics end up shoving you into concentration camps.
The US isn't going to "face" China in the future.

You are confusing everything... Have a nice day user.

no this is a post ww2 industial production boomthat made the population in the west skyrocket and now it's corecting itselfh

North Korea has tried free economic zones in the past and they've mostly been failures.

Norks are fucking economic retards- they thought that if they said, "hey guise, pls invest here" multinationals would just fork over billions of dollars into an unstable, poverty stricken area with virtually nonexistent infrastructure and the ever looming possibility of nationalization.


Hopefully more ladyboys

What's up with asian women having sideburns???

Vietnamese women like all east asian women have geneticly straight hair. Comes back to their chinese heritage. So their hair growns downward whereas ours would curl or be wavey.

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>unlimited access to kpop
Kpop is what anarcho-capitalizt-on-steroids music would sound like. Planned by committee, built to engage and distract at all moments possible, more product placement than Times Square, and catchy beats with interchangeable idol groups.

If Norks grew up on kpop they'd turn into a society of super gookniggers.

You watched that recommended video on your Youtube feed didn't you user?

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