This is the coolest motherfucker on the planet

This is the coolest motherfucker on the planet.
How do I be more like him?

Attached: DR.jpg (460x259, 16K)

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Do a shit load of cocaine and drink like a fish. Everybody knows that's how you make powerful associates

I drink pretty well already.

Be the best hustle and defensive player ever. Then go crazy but still get to help MJ get 3 more rings.

Be tall.

Shut up and jam.

Also, Rodman never sweated during games!

He was a fine tuned machine!

get buttfucked at your local mason lodge

You just need the cocaine now. Next thing you know you'll be sitting in a hotel room with a world leader taking rails

>How do I be more like him?
easy u be a nigger

simply smoke pot and work out like it says on his shirt my friend

that was the cocaine

Be the best defender ever

steal bikes.

Be skilled at one thing no not basketball Rodman was never awesome at that, rebounds. That’s all Rodman was ever good at and at the time that was a skill the bulls needed. Dude didn’t practice, sucked at shooting. He was carried and had good rebounds also he ducked Madonna before her vagina started looking like a roast beef with extra aholi dressing

Attached: 39507455-DABF-4BCD-B976-C504610DABCA.jpg (201x251, 23K)

>be me
Always thought it was a good idea Rodman was buddies with NK.
Kind of a back door.
Now I learn he was receiving death threats?!?!
>salutes Rodman

>be Rodman, Kim shoes you millions dying of starvation, don’t give a shit cause why would you? You have got nothing but praise for being a proto weeb for 3 decades, naruto run a rebound and hope Kim lets you fuck a nork to have one thing over Jordan

Isn't he dirt poor now?

Attached: ice melter.jpg (225x300, 23K)

wear women's panties to start

I'm still working on my slams.

Get married in a dress