Common sense gun laws

>common sense gun laws

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Goes to register his guns
>Turns out to have Felony warrant
>Gets raided

Breitbart is literal trash.

guess he should have turned in his ammo first

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>>Turns out to have Felony warrant
For what


This isn't pol you flaming faggot.

There's no reason to post on Jow Forums about gun control.
"Hey, look at how shitty common sense gun control is"

This is the unfortunate reality but gun control threads have a high rate of Jow Forums fags so they must go.

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But at least on Jow Forums you can ignore them and the thread doesn't devolve into


For all the fags complaining, is it pol posting if the actual problem is jews? I'd hate for you all bury your heads in the sand just because you dont want to face the facts.

>Be me
It's a true story, goy

t. summer poster from Jow Forums


Nope been on k since 2007

He didn't have a warrant for anything, stupid nigger.

This does not belong here...
Take it to ...
Read the sticky before posting next time.

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>Posting about Jews on Jow Forums
"Y..yeah guys ive totally been here for a while!"

Jews in the American government are the main driving force behind wanting to take your firearms away.

And that farmer should have been willing to make the sacrifice.

People like you are the exact reason nobody posts about gun control on Jow Forums, nobody on Jow Forums wants a circle jerk about Jews

Heh...he posts about jews so couldnt possibly be here from a time before this summer tough luck buddy...


Who could have seen that coming?


*Some exclusions apply, see store for details. Talk to your doctor about freedom. Freedom is not for everyone. Do not take freedom if you are pregnant. Freedom may cause increased blood pressure. For best results take on a full stomach.

what was the felony then, owning guns?

you're still all the way up on mount stupid


Yea, i guess moot was born here...

To be fair, gun control orgs are almost exclusively owned or funded by Jews. Enjoy your denial though.

>call out the jew
>instantly have all the shills come out against you

On Jow Forums we discuss weapons and military related topics. Half of Jow Forums isn't american and don't give a shit about your tinfoil hat views of american politics. And if you think Jow Forums represents the majority of American views you're wrong too. The dumbest kind of Jow Forums poster is the one who thinks he isn't a fringe idiot, and that anyone outside his containment board takes him serious. Stay in your safe space of an echo chamber.

Why does this shark piss people off so much?
He's just reminding everyone of the rules.

I hate California so fucking much. I moved out of that godforsaken shithole the minute I graduated from socialist public indoctrination camp #44749. I remember getting my first paycheck from auto zone my sophomore summer. Turned out I was making $3.97 an hour after taxes. Whole summer working could barely afford a mini14 and new tires for my rustbucket truck. 7 years later in glorious Nevada and life is wonderful. I hope california breaks into the fucking ocean and kills every single last liberal cuck and beaner. Seriously, fuck that entire state and anyone who lives in it.
>b-but user I live in california and I-

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when will they realize Jow Forumsacks invaded and conquered this board a long time ago?

You got lucky with question 1. That state will be California with shitty weather in less than 10 years time. Enjoy.

god damn it dark cookie.

When they realize Jow Forums was Jow Forums before Jow Forums or any of its predecessors existed.

>Half of Jow Forums isn't american and don't give a shit about your tinfoil hat views of american politics.

So that's why half of Jow Forums don't own guns and their opinion should be discarded because of this?

because gun control threads deal with the very hobby we like and we hate the mods for trying to ban weapons related law discussions

I don't give a shit about the majority of Americans views. I stated a fact, retard. Also gun ownership is intertwined with politics. So fuck off with your "hurr durr Jow Forums " shit. It's been the case long before that board was ever around.

Maybe Clark county. And, uh question 1 went bad my dude.

>shitty weather
Again, clark county's problem.

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He stated a fact tho. Not a tinfoil hat view.

>isn't American
GTFO you lesser life-form

also... (((they ))) only live in America and Israel so you shouldn't have any problems with them pushing disarmament

Avatarfagging is also against the rules dingus. "rules for thee but not for me"

You were right to call him out on his bullshit.

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btfo by based mods.

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Fucking shitty mods.

Yeah, it's certainly not like you could have a conversation about politics on the politics board. Also, this is what people get for trying to comply with laws written by people who think the world would be better off without them.

>Not wanting people to do their actual job
What are you.. some kind of jew?

I live in California. DO NOT REGISTER YOUR GUN!

Your name is added onto a state wide list of all gun owners. If your name is on that list they won't send you a mail-in ballot on time and probably do other things.


Jow Forums is such a cucked pile of shit
buncha little bitches and security guards

Why can't the gun board talk about gun laws?

it's a data mining board where people take pictures of their firearms because lol

They take pictures of their guns because they actually own them, unlike you.

>Breitbart is literal trash.

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Owning guns. He had it coming.

cool, i guess. you're completely oblivious to the topic of this thread, aren't you?

People can't talk about politics on Jow Forums because the politics board won't shut up about jews.

guess how i know you're a kike?

When the first post is also the worst post.

>Goes to post on Jow Forums
>All of Jow Forums laughs at him
>Mods take his thread to the autistic containment board where it belongs
WAH Jow Forums is so cucked!
It's n-n-not like I wanted to post there and talk to those guys.

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Kill yourself

It's about gun laws, which according to belong on Jow Forums, probably because they just devolve into Jow Forums shit flinging.
And for the record, I'm not from califailnia, so I don't need to worry about getting v& for posting firearms on Jow Forums. Since I'm assuming you followed this thread from Jow Forums, why don't you post your guns?

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unknown flag? i have never seen this before. Is it just me? where the fuck are you from shill??!!

I had Chick-Fil-A for lunch today precisely because it's be-proud-of-being-a-degenerate-faggot month. I might go back tomorrow, too. Damn good chicken sandwich, and if the faggots don't like a company that won't bow to their degeneracy, well, that makes the sandwich taste even better.

>I don't need to worry about getting v& for posting firearms
no today
but there's always tomorrow.

J*ws are the most important issue in politics.

what happens when we assume, user? if i did own firearms i would never catalog them for the feds, or feel the need to talk about them on the internet. i always see people say things like, i'll just say i lost them in a boating accident, lololol. when will they say that, i wonder? because when they have you ziptied on the floor they probably wont be listening.

Supppperrrrr jealous of those carbines.... STRAYA WHYYYY

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>person who did nothing other than have "dangerous" weapons arrested
Working as intended, these laws are meant to throw anyone with balls in jail

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There's a point to be made about feds and glow in the dark niggers cataloging this shit.

Are you retarded?

If people are afraid to post shit they legally own on the internet then we've already lost. Treating gun ownership like some dirty antisocial vice that we should hide or be ashamed of only serves to help the anti gun cause. Our goal should be to normalize gun ownership.

Jow Forums makes thread about how jews jewed someone in a Jew state, so the mods send them to us to educate them. Blessed are the MODS

So it begins, they are taking the guns away

Well liberals do support gun control, and Jews are more likely to be liberal, so therefore, Jews support gun control...
See how that works?

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>when will they say that, i wonder?

Smart gun owners have been living it forever. Want to know why the gun show loophole is such a big deal? Because right now the only sales that can be even theoretically tracked are sales made by FFLs. They have to take and keep a 4473. I can literally say "I sold it to some guy, I don't remember his name" and its completely legal. I can trade guns with my buddies. I can create bills of sale for every weapon I own and make an enormous web of bullshit for anyone who would try to trace it. Half of the guns I own I've never owned on paper. I've legally owned guns that have never even had paper attached in the first place. Most of the folks I know in the community are similar. Things are always moving around and the trails, even if the ATF collected every black book in the country and made a database, are essentially impossible to follow over hundreds of millions of weapons with multiple sales each.

Which brings us to the second point. Part of why we work to make the process so cumbersome and complicated is that it allows us to follow it. This case? Everyones hearing about it. The NRA (or SAF, or GOA, or...) is going to litigate over it. Either we win or we've slowed the process in California down so much that the only people who's kit will still be where it was when it started are the ones who pay zero attention.

A case like this buys time, it creates litigation possibilities, and it trains gun owners not to be compliant with laws. This guy only got raided because he tried to do things legally. The lesson is clear: do not register, wait. We did it in Chicago. You ignore the law, keep your head down, and wait for the winds to change.

My boating accident isn't water. Its the trunk of my car, or behind the wall in the laundry room, or my buddies house down the block, or my cabin, or that storage facility I took out in the name of a business which is tough to raid because its under an LLC and theres HIPAA to consider....

Sure, we should normalize ownership, but that doesn't mean we make ourselves vulnerable. Most people know I shoot, nobody outside of my shooting buddies know what I have. You can advocate without whipping your dick out to make the other Jow Forumsomrades salivate.

>common sense
You can't be that naive.
t. Californian

Well, you can forget it. I am Iron Man. The suit and I are one. To turn over the Iron Man suit would be to turn over myself, which is tantamount to indentured servitude or prostitution, depending on what state you're in. You can't have it.

you lose your gun rights after any felony and any domestic violence charge in CA.

Embezzling? Lose your gun rights.

Or he had unregistered guns, which he tried to register after the grace period, which is the 12 felonies

Anyway, since you guys are here... Wanna talk about the Jews?

>common sense gun laws
Of all the idiotic phrases in the leftist lexicon, this is the only one that makes me seethe. Every time I hear it, something visceral clicks on inside of me. The reminder that there are millions of pieces of utter dogshit who should die in agony and who call themselves my countrymen want to disarm me in the most patronizing way just enrages me. Every time I hear it, even though I've been hearing it all my life.

I can't wait for the civil war.

cally is fucked

>If people are afraid to post shit they legally own on the internet then we've already lost. Treating gun ownership like some dirty antisocial vice that we should hide or be ashamed of only serves to help the anti gun cause. Our goal should be to normalize gun ownership.
>Hiding your power level is about being ashamed
I don't know where you've been since 2012, user, but it ain't the real world.

why do you have 3 identical ars?

being this new.

I live in Hellifornia and couldn't agree more. Nuke us. Please for the love of God nuke this massive shithole commie faggot shitskin-infested state.

Why would you hide your power level regarding something completely legal on Jow Forums? This isn't zuccbook yet, if we cede any more cultural space to these faggots they'll win by default.

Different barrel lengths and optic setups


Liberals are not interested in common sense gun laws. They are only interested in taking away all guns. You give them an inch they will take a mile. You can not give them an inch. Simple as that. They do not want to compromise so there is no compromise.

A good time to be a cartel arms dealer. Probably making a killing and doing some killing. I like how California is completely unaware just south of the border they tried this kind of gun control and it failed.

if he was an illegal they'd have given him a medal