
1970 vs 2018

>$100 = $665
>$5000 = $33,278
>$10,000 = $66,557

what went wrong?

Attached: sexy-yarn-2.jpg (560x1185, 79K)

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Globalisation, less stringent border control, and getting off the gold standard

taxes, and the tax leaches

>holding fiat

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Daily reminder that long run inflation in meaningless, inflation rate is what matters. Also deflation is worse than inflation.

>when grandma gives you the 'i really wanna fuck' look

It means something if wages did not increase proportionally

Attached: jXFCMQ5X_400x400.jpg (400x400, 21K)

lotsa air

Unions lost a ton of power, Neo-liberalism infected the political process and enabled globalization and corporate monopolies.

Also Jews and their pet minorities.

>tfw own motorhome I bought for few grand
>brand new worth 30k
>adjusting for inflation that's 70k these days
>mfw brand new motorhomes going for 80k+
>mfw people still renting when I have a literal house on wheels
>mfw everyone thinks they're difficult to work on or fix things on yourself but they're not and it's a great way to learn
>mfw I have no face and must feel

Libertarian retards like you are the real reason, actually.

Get that corporate/jewish cock out of your ass, please.

Attached: LibertarianismIsJewish.jpg (401x482, 60K)

>what went wrong?
A LITTLE inflation is natural, user. Currency is unavoidably attached to material items. Material items become easier to produce as technology improves. This deflates their worth and the worth of the currency used to buy them. Since other items are already near the minimum production cost, their objective value stays more constant and they require more currency to purchase.

Of course not all of the inflation we have seen is natural.

>It means something if wages did not increase proportionally
You say this as if it is "settled science," but I bet you would be hard-pressed to find ANY nation in the history of the world for which this condition has ever been met over long periods of time.

we gave the Jews the power to print and control our money..

>having a Keynsian view on wages but an Austrian view on inflation

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does not hold true when the population goes from 2bil to 7bil famalam


- my grand dad paid $6000 for a middle-class wage house in the 1950's. mortgages were 6 - 10 years amortization
- no education required to earn ~ $50/day
- money at least was backed by a set amount with an intrinsic value
- there was no job discrimination because your skin was White or your family was of European stock
>yet, people wonder why millennials want no part of today' economy

So the boomers aren't really as rich as they think they are?

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M9 increasing production has a deflationary effect due to there being more and more valuable stuff to buy, not the inverse

Its the God Damn Kikes !

Attached: pol.png (2000x2000, 353K)

Jews stole our gold.

>I'll post a retarded wojak and a straw man of his beliefs, that'll show him!

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> - there was no job discrimination because your skin was White or your family was of European stock.
I'm White. More than half my coworkers are Black. My previous two jobs, 90% of the workforce was Hispanic.

>Unironically hating on Ayn rand
I will fucking murder you if meet you irl

Its complicated. But ultimately it boils down to boomers and jews.

Read Gold, Peace, and Prosperity by Ron Paul. Inflation is economic cancer, money is created out of thin air with no value. We need to go back to a commodity based currency like gold or silver.

She was a hack and absolute degenerate trash in her personal life.

Inflation is irrelevant. Purchasing power is what matters

Wages staying nominally the same despite inflation just means that the real value of human labor is decreasing.


Attached: Real Wages - Long Term.jpg (620x429, 50K)

The federal reserve and the fiat monetary system.

Look up: Nixon Shock.

Government regulations. Inflation is a form of tax to maintain the giant work program we call government.

There was no inflation before the council on foreign relations pushed for us to drop the gold standard and start the federal reserve.

>Unironically supporting (((Ayn Rand))) and (((Objectivism))).

I will fucking gas you IRL, edgy sociopathic retard.

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No, a lack of government regulations and union power.

Corporations are allowed to do whatever the fuck they want, and now we are all suffering because of it.

Libertarians think they can get their lies to be held as truth by repeating them voer and over, but they are nothing but corporate shills or sheltered autistic sociopaths.

Education is subsidized and guaranteed by the government. What do you think would happen to the price of any product or service that anyone could get a loan to buy?

When you raise the boundary of entry for people to do business through your precious regulations you get a lack of competition and the big bad “””corporations””” can buy government influence. Keep telling yourself the only way to fix problems caused by government is to implement more government.

Ipone tax. everyone has a $600-1200 a year wallet sucker in their pocket. Everyone has cable @$900-2000 a year. People buy plastic cars that wont last them more than a few years and need to be replaced @ cost of 200-600 month 2400-7200/yr and by the time you pay it off you need to buy another. oh look amazon prime and netflix and hulu 100-200+year. people dont cook anymore, cost them 300+ a month in garbage food. Oh look, a new Ifone just came out -1000... all this before you consider housing and utilities

Says the user posting on an Internet forum


artificial money.

nothing. everything as planned and it will continue

this chart is why Republicans worship Reagan

Attached: reagan corpse.jpg (510x556, 41K)


probably something to do with artificial money and lazy people.

not true. banks are printing money right now. thats why


Name of the woman?

Do you have a source on this? Inflation was pretty high in the 70's, so I don't believe it was that high using the CPI.

your grandma



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Inflation is the only way this Heeb Ponzi scheme works.

Buy lead, silver, and gold for the eventual collapse.

Wages never rose with inflation. This is due to women in the work place. What do you think would happen if we all of the sudden doubled the amount of people in the work force?

Back in the day a man could get a job right out of high school that paid enough to raise a family. Women entered the workplace and now they both have to work. Quite simple really.

And also the Jews.

doesnt backup that other chart

Yes it does, you must not be reading the data correctly.

For instance the average earnings in 1972 was $4.00 and hour and the CPI was 10 times that amount. In 2006 the average wage was $17.00 but the CPI is nearly 13 times that amount.

CPI also gets massaged harder than an Asian parlor.