What purpose does preserving culture have when the sun will eventually expand and destroy the planet Earth and the expansion of the universe will lead to heat death and the end of existence?
At the very least, you as an individual will die within the next 50-60 years and not be here anyways.
What purpose does posting this question serve when you will die within 50-60 years and the sun will eventually expand and destroy earth?
Ian Carter
To improve the life quality of my children. By your own logic you should shoot yourself right now since nothing matters
Benjamin Walker
Hi there nihilist, without faith there is no purpose. You need to believe in something. Anything at all. Find it, whatever that may be for you.
Jacob Murphy
Objectively true for anybody that believes there is no afterlife.
Elijah Sullivan
>retard Relax friend. Stress leads to heart disease, which leads to death before having children and weak sperm.
One thing, after another til the end of time. Yes, so noble.
I believe in being happy because I'm here.
Xavier Morales
I want to enjoy life while I have it, I want my 3 children to do the same. We are gonna be here for a long, loonnng time. If you dont want to participate thats fine.
Levi Thompson
>2018 >being a linear thinking brainlet and not part of the cyclical master race
Would you like your children to experience the grandeur and amazingness of your culture?
Cooper Wilson
Uhhh....you do realize that by the time the sun starts chimping out, be will have colonized like 8000 planets in hundred of other solar systems...?
Ryan Martinez
>If you dont want to participate thats fine. When did I express disdain for existence? Sounds like projection on your part. Obsession with your worth over other lifeforms is everyone on Jow Forums's downfall.
Landon Perez
>We Humans? Maybe some variation of.
Cameron Cook
we subdue the sun and move the earth
Charles King
>What purpose does preserving culture have when the sun will eventually expand and destroy the planet Earth and the expansion of the universe will lead to heat death and the end of existence?
so why havent you killed yourself yet, OP? go ahead. Livestream it. When youre done, I'll surrender my political perspective to your lies.
I'd like them to make up their own minds as to what is important to them.
Owen Ortiz
By the time heat death is even a possibility, either the progeny of humanity or some other progenitor race will have sorted antigrav out. Imagine being forced into nihilism because you're too brainlet to consider what we're capable of.
There are no atheists in foxholes, user. None. The only atheists you will find are comfortable little faggots who face no real challenges. When shit gets serious, all of us understand the reality and necessity of God.
Owen Davis
Brody Sullivan
Joseph Scott
The bullet OP uses to kill himself will matter
Oliver Moore
What is it with this board and reading comprehension?
Zachary Carter
Is English not your first language?
Asher Thomas
Then they will get their friends, have nice conversations where those friends talk about all the shit they saw as kids and all the shit they did with daddy, and your kids will go "yeah, my dad did fuck all, told us to figure it out ourselves".
Landon Cox
So one extreme or the other? Indoctrination or ignorancr?
Owen Cooper
but you are ignoring the real point entirely.
or are you too stupid to get it?
the fact that the world will be destroyed long after I'm dead is irrelevant to the preservation of my culture in my lifetime or the lifetime of my offspring.
your post implies that because the world will be destroyed, its not worth doing.. X.
Not indoctrination or ignorance. Take them to culture and let them experience it, instead of waiting for them to turn 14, go online and consume leftist opinion pieces on their culture as prescribed by school. But for God's sake, don't leave them out in the cold.
the only thing i want is to see the end times that the Bible teaches, and laugh at atheist and say i fucking told you, you fucking retards
Sebastian Evans
You're on levels of boomer posting that shouldn't even be possible
Grayson Thompson
maximize dopamine production at all times. acquire currency. and a lot of it. fornicate with attractive females. This is my end game. You wanna play?
Thomas Ortiz
Good movie.
Luke Evans
Immassuming youre nonwhite. Because white culture is space travel. Makes sense that nonwhites would just sit here and die. You are fucking idiots after all. Lol. What culture. Youre a bunch of narcissists at the mercy of the sun.
Colton Edwards
Underrated post
Jaxon Reed
Maybe it's not about you or me. Maybe it's about the sum total of all of us. The heat death of the Universe is literally hundreds of trillions of years away. If mankind manages to survive for even a small fraction of that, we might evolve beyond all comprehension. Maybe we would have the power to remake the Universe, or move to another Universe, or create a new Universe, or even move into higher dimensions and become gods. Then those future gods could use their power to come back here to the beginning and bring us all into the future with them as thanks to us for doing the heavy lifting and paving the way. That would kick ass.
Hey...don't look now, but I think I just created a pretty bitchin' new religion!
Cooper Collins
We all die soon enough anyway, why commit suicide?
Thomas Stewart
The Mormons beat you to it, they think they get a planet.
Elijah Davis
Actually, you have this totally backwards. If you really believed in the power and protection of god and an amazing, perfect afterlife, you wouldn't even NEED a foxhole to start with. So really, there are nothing BUT atheists in foxholes.
Evan Howard
>muh heat deff
What a fucking child. Entrophy has a naturally occurring, opposing force. It's called life, consciousness you jackass. Life takes things and makes them more orderly, more complex, more concentrated. Think entrophy is going to destroy everything? Just look at your computer and tell me it's a product of decay.
Matter came from nothing, energy came from nothing, and life can replicate the process that produced the universe.
Stop worrying about it you moron.
Isaiah Torres
this book explains all that shit.
you really don't have to worry about heat death any time soon.
basically we go on universe adventures and move our way up the spiritual ladder. sounds fun to me.
>jackass >moron Such anger. Why not try to be a happier person?
Jace Wright
REAL TALK; now let's see how long it takes (((them))) and the normalfags to derail this thought-provoking thread..
Wyatt Morales
>why this >why that >why why why >as WHY as it gets second post contains the first red herring; congrats
Andrew Lee
Because you're dumb, and I don't think you've ever considered just how dumb.
Seriously, you just blindly bought into the "the whole universe is just going to fall apart" meme, and made zero effort to question it.
I bet you believe in determinism too, or did miss the mark.
Austin Martin
Haha, you sound like teenage me.
Christian Gutierrez
we'll have the power to stop the sun's demise before year 3000
Lucas Rivera
you could have at least expanded on your thoughts; let me ask you a question: >if the universe is cyclical in nature, aside from directly improving our current state, how can we transcend the current paradigm we find ourselves enclosed within? let's say when this whole universe starts again, how can we preserve transcendent knowledge for those who will come after us?
Jack Perez
you're of the opinion that "anti-grav" reverses entropy? please, go on..
Jackson Cruz
It's already begun. I respect everyone's different viewpoints, but the question remains the same. People vastly overestimate the potential that humans have to alter our existence and our power over the cosmos. It's all a part of being human though. Self worth and self preservation hand in hand lead to delusions of grandeur.
Evan Young
>"REALITY CHECK" >nihilistic bullshit that edgy 17 year old girls spew
Henry Evans
You're right, which is why it's okay to gas the Jews since nothing matters. I'm glad we agree on this point.
Easton Moore
>the fact that the world will be destroyed long after I'm dead is irrelevant to the preservation of my culture in my lifetime >or the lifetime of my offspring >... >that is all self-absorbed brainlet can't into future generations and inherent/transcendent meaning; stop shitting up this thread
Connor White
What is your opinion on the matter?
Ryan Ortiz
I mean, at least you're trying to make light of the situation. Most people just get angry and resort to name calling and the such.
Oliver Hall
What purpose does getting up everyday have if you'll die eventually. Just kill yourself now.
Jackson Butler
itt: people who are completely oblivious to how things really are (little hint: the sun is not a nuclear furnace).
Evan Torres
Take your time and read at least some of the thread. I never expressed disdain for existence. If anything, you jumped to the conclusion of hopelessness, not me.
Michael Thomas
this is.. one of the dumbest things I've ever had to endure, and it's only like 2 minutes long. At least some preachers actually have SOME KIND OF GRASP on the nature of GOD; this guy's just like: >"h-he promised ta save me.." >*does shitty hand magicwallet trick*
Eli Cooper
at least this guy is honest about identification with his own superficial nature
Nathan Phillips
>meme flag >flat earth level shilling
Please, expand upon your ideas.
Parker Nelson
>What purpose does preserving culture have when the sun will eventually expand and destroy the planet Earth and the expansion of the universe will lead to heat death and the end of existence? Awful lot of speculation for a species who just recently stopped giving themselves brain damage as a medical approved cure for ADHD.
Reminder 70% of the universe is dark matter and energy(the dark standing for no idea what it is). (((Scientist))) fags are Nihilist shills.
I agree. That was my favorite response to my original post.
Benjamin Reed
your hopefulness/faith is noted, as is your greed
Samuel Hill
I wonder why the reddit-tier brainlet who quacks: "This!, This!" hasn't responded to you..
Luke Robinson
no. grow your own brain. i did my redpilling for today. time to rest
Chase Robinson
>the dark standing for no idea what it is
You're leaving a lot of room for interpretation here. Almost as if you want people to believe that dark matter is some sort of unknowable force for which we must show reverence.
Sebastian Diaz
>entropy has a naturally occurring, opposing force, consciousness >stop worrying about it potential solution to the OP's question?! Anyone wanna discuss this further?
Jason Torres
I was so interested to hear about your theories.
Colton Watson
>Tradition means nothing cosmically, but it means everything locally & pragmatically because we have nothing else to shield us from a devastating sense of “lostness” in endless time & space.
H.P. Lovecraft
Jonathan Williams
>reading comprehension
Jow Forums really has become as bad of an echo chamber as reddit.
Christian Ramirez
Dark simply means "unknown". We are making trillion year predictions about how the universe will unfold without even understanding half the stuff in it. Reddit tier science quantum space worship is the most shilly thing there is.
>In a cosmos without absolute values, we have to rely on the relative values affecting our daily sense of comfort, pleasure, & emotional satisfaction. What gives us relative painlessness & contentment we may arbitrarily call “good,” & vice versa. This local nomenclature is necessary to give us that benign illusion of placement, direction, & stable background on which the still more important illusions of “worthwhileness,” dramatic significance in events, & interest in life depend. Now what gives one person or race or age relative painlessness & contentment often disagrees sharply on the psychological side from what gives these same boons to another person or race or age. Therefore “good” is a relative & variable quality, depending on ancestry, chronology, geography, nationality, & individual temperament. Amidst this variability there isonly one anchor of fixitywhich we can seize upon as the working pseudo-standard of “values” which we need in order to feel settled & contented — & that anchor istradition, the potent emotional legacy bequeathed to us by the massed experience of our ancestors, individual or national, biological or cultural.
Luke Taylor
The poster was obviously posturing. He resorted to anger because alternate belief systems frightened him. Entropy is essentially what my original argument was based on.
Chase White
fuck off you're just a shill trying to cover for the globalists as they attempt to hide the evidence of their pedophile death cult
William Davis
>reddit tier
Could you go into more detail as to what specific hypotheses are inaccurate?
Hunter King
I might have a contender for you, at least with regard to honesty: "I don't know.."
Ian Phillips
There are questions people should not ask on sites like this.
Ethan Torres
not entirely, at least with people like you around; thanks for this thread, americabro
For anyone lurking, who actually does have a brain, listen up; there is a point to life. The universe will go on and on into infinity, ad infinitum. Consciousness can exist independent of the body, and that is something you can verify for yourself without dying.
Determinism, which is the go to argument for dumbasses like op everywhere for being useless people in general, assumes that the universe is a static, closed system totally governed by entrophy.
This argument states that life is the product of random entrophy, and is going to follow an orderly, complicated series of calculations down to heat death, and that nothing can be done about it, and that life is a meaningless quirk of a dying universe.
Life, however, behaves in an entirely anti-entrophic manner. Rather than breaking down, it builds the environment up. It forms more and more complex expressions of itself, producing new substances, and generally renewing the environment. Intelligent life is a more extreme expression of this process, taking a very active role in renewing and rebuilding it's environment. Given the general trend of life, we will either blow ourselves up, or discover how to produce new energy, mimicking the process by which the universe created itself, and then producing a technology to do it much more efficiently.
Caught me red handed. It was quite the distraction wasn't it? Leave it to the bright, and actively thinking community of Jow Forums to reveal my true motives.
Jose Ward
>Consciousness can exist independent of the body, and that is something you can verify for yourself without dying.
Easton Hill
that's why I removed the anger and only quoted only the parts I found relevant; the ground, or, foundation of consciousness may be worth exploring, as a means of transcendence.
Zachary Hughes
culture influences civilization which is required to eventually escape the solar system, it has everything to do with this.
Wyatt Robinson
Aging will be cured in about 30-40 years.
So... I plan on still being healthy in my 60s-70s and wealthy enough to afford to stay alive (it will likely be very expensive at first). Then I want to stick around to see all the amazing discoveries we will make in the future as well as hopefully traveling into space or perhaps just being complacent in a virtual reality of my choice that is pure ecstacy.
>dumbest post in this thread aware goes to Mr. "1 post by this ID" a+kX9UcA
Jayden Edwards
What will escaping our solar system do to solve the problem of ultra expansion and heat death?
Samuel Robinson
This is the reason why religion exists. Its a bulwark against nihilism.
Sure God had to be created but, Religion had to be created first.
Luis Brooks
Just do it faggot, it's not that hard. Hell, even a dumbass like me managed to get out twice on purpose (drugs are for hippies you degenerates), and I wasn't even trying that hard.
Lots of people can do it, it's just that nobody wants to talk about it.
Luke Cook
Unironically this
Elijah Flores
>Intelligent life is a more extreme expression of this process, taking a very active role in renewing and rebuilding it's environment. >intelligent >renewing and rebuilding hey user, which species are you speaking of; surely it can't be us?
Michael Hughes
Thanks. I value your contribution to this thread.
Jayden Cox
We're not getting off this god forsaken rock if white people waste all their time babysitting brown people and aging boomers while asians destroy their own countries attempting to speed through industrial development.
Julian Baker
You mean can I prove the most updated model of astro physics is wrong? No, I'm not a astro physicists. But neither could I prove lobotomys are terrible(not a biologist) nor that the earth revolves around the sun(not a mathematician, let alone a terrible one like Galileo who guessed*). But the authorities at the time pushed ahead with their conclusions to best of their knowledge, but even they didn't have the balls to declare "heat death of the universe" as a FACT. So yeah, I do take such declarations with a lot of salt, especially if the here and now conquences are more fags like OP.