Friendly reminder that the Right can’t into comedy

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You mean Jews.



You were saying?

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I’ll give you Norm , he’s fucking hysterical. But he’s the exception

The right literally can’t into comedy

You're a fucking imbecile. Putrid Jews control the media, you think they'd allow right wing comedians a platform?

You're fucking stupid. Have a bleach cocktail, retard.

Nah son. There is literally no outlet for right wing comedy because it’s all terrible amateur shit that no one finds funny

Checkm8 Conservashit

Friendly reminder the last Canadian comedian was Red Green.

World Peace was fucking hilarious. Ir got taken off the air because of some pile of shit Jewess complaining to AS parent company.

Again, you're a fucking imbecile.

Crowder is a cringey christian zionist cuck. Nobody on the right actually watches him or thinks he's funny

*blocks your path*

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crowder is one of the few right wing internet celebrities that I really hate. Except his impersonation of Cenk which is funny.


Its funny to me how Crowder is so successful when hes the least funny person with the most punchable face Ive ever seen. Is that just a statement about how dumbed down the average conservative minded person is, or do most people just watch him for his political commentary because I have a hard time believing that. Anyone know why?

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hey now, if the women don't find you handsome, they'll at least find you handy

His audience is small, and almost entirely Cuckservative Evangelical boomers.

Spic sucker nigger fucker over here

this 100%. im right wing but right wing comedians are terrible. Crowder is probably one of the dumbest guys out there and watching him is so cringey i cant take it.

That being sad the left has pushed out all the good comedians so they cant get into comedy either.

He has over 2 million YT subscribers, thats like the most subs of any conservative figure on earth. Why does he have such mass appeal when hes an unfunny human turd?

Hes 1/4th jewish so hes already not white, what do you expect? At least hes pretty funny and intelligent, other than endorsing the jews, plus hes more masculine than most actual snowniggers are and hes christian, so he makes a better leader than most whites.

>the right

he would be a standard liberal as little as 10-15 years ago

>2 million YT subscribers

You fucking think YT subscriptions can't be bought by PR firms? Damn son...

Maybe you should look at how many views he actually gets.

We have our hands full laughing at lefties.

I think Ron White is funny

>cites right wing comedy by posting comedy equivalent of Pauly Shore
>doesn't cite Sam Kinison, Jim Norton, Adam Carolla, Norm MacDonald, or even people like Carlin, Hicks, or other "lefties" that would likely be considered "alt-right Nazis" by today's standards.

You have a small flag but we don't talk about it!

remember Dennis Miller?

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He's Jewish.

>"hahahaha righties can't into comedy"
>proceeds to listen amy schumer queef into a microphone and die of a diabetes on stage
>proceeds to watch some faggot in a suit and glasses scream on stage about trump eating a burger
The state of 30 yo boomers

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You wot m8? Also Ice Poseidon and his whole crew.

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Remember when crowder got BTFO in under 10 minutes by some manlet college freshman?
Now that's comedy

Crowder is actually funny. Change my mind

>the right
He's a civnat centrist brainlet who got owned by a kid with a foreign name.

>>Friendly reminder that the Right can’t into comedy



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Pewds isnt like comedian funny, but hes alright for supporting the movement.

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He is a comedian though. He got his 63 million subscribers from being funny.


someone shop a black thug behind him

wtf is that?!

Yeah but I wouldnt like pay money to watch him do standup or anything, so hes not that funny.

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You mean the right isn’t allowed to comedy

I wouldn't pay money to watch anyone do stand-up. And he releases a 10 minute video almost every day where he just does bits and jokes. How is he not a comedian?

were not your personal army, nigger

Its like low grade formulaic mass produced meme tier shit, I mean I like some of his stuff but I dont watch him everyday.

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Crowder is successful because he has a large, relatively untapped source of income.

Consider that for every Fox News there are 10 Cnn/Buzzfeed/latenight comedy pushing a pro left agenda. It's the same thing with Crowder. It's basically him and Shapiro unless you want to go lighter into the Joe Rogan tier, or deeper into the Mr. Metokur tier.

Note Joe Rogans popularity. Sure, call him a pot head open borders centrist, I'm interested more in who he appeals to. It's a certain crowd that isn't interested in the far left narrative that you see in every other form of (((entertainment))). This is is the same reason Crowder is so popular, just to a different set of people.

I found Crowder because Razorfist was on his show and it was hilarious.

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He's neocon filth.

He's still a comedian though. Saying he's not is like saying Colbert or Jay Leno aren't.

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>heyyy user...

Fuck man, so would I. I still want Universal Healthcare, but being against abortion since no one can tell me when a child is a child and wanting to have a secure border to prevent low income AMERICANS being priced out of work by illegals, as well as wanting to preserve the 2nd amendment make me a fucking conservative.

Fine with me honestly. The title doesn't matter. My stance hasn't changed since the mid nineties when I was called a left leaning democrat.

Red green was great though I loved his show when I was a kid.

> who i pewds

Yes it was the best show on there. I'm sad to say I never got to actually see it broadcast.
Stopped watching AS before that.


>based pewds has 70 gorillion subs
>gets couple of million of views on average


obama really is just another nigger

I listen to him and I love Hitler.
Dudes got good bits sometimes.
He's a good interviewer and he always ends the free show with a nice summation.

His buddy the huge pianist is waaaaay funnier though.
My favorite parts of the show are when he makes Jew jokes at Ben shapiro.

Friendly reminder that OP can’t into English

Even Patrice O Neal shit all over pc and feminism.
Not nec3ssarily rt w8ng per se but anti left f9r sure.

I've been watching King of the Hill on repeat for the past 2 weeks.


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OP btfo.

We can’t get into anything that is dominated by Jews unless it independent on jewTube or kikebook
And then it usually get deleted anyway for violating their terms n conditions

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Jerry Seinfeld thinks comedy sucks today with the PC culture. You're gonna wait a loooong time for a poltard to be on comedy central standup. Do they even do that anymore? I haven't watched that channel in 10 years. It seems like an endless South Park marathon.

He's friends with Shapiro, the sniveling kike rat himself.

Also, South Park is a fairly good example of non-left wing comedy.

True. Parker and Stone are like the only ones with free reign to talk shit on anything. It's all they got, and they have been downhill since Chappelle. Sad!

>joke about rape
>feminist gets upset
>joke about the holocaust
>jews get upset
>joke about a school shooting
>lefties get upset
>write "joke controversy" into Google
>it's all democrats getting butthurt over some joke
>be Amy Schumer
>be so bad at comedy Netflix has to change its rating system
Seems like it's the left who can't comedy.

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Has there ever been a female comedian whose whole act wasn't talking loud about how they're sluts? I saw one in standup one time that didn't. One...

Even Mark Steyn is funnier on his own in a 5-minute segment than Colbert is in a half-hour.

No joke, this show was my political awakening in college

I unironically liked old school Colbert larping as O'Reilly. It was good fun type of humor. Now it's typical snarky lefty humor.

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The New York Times found men in dresses that talked about how tragic it is that women like them get raped

Perhaps not conservative comedians but as an example just off the top of my head
>Chris Rock: Black people vs niggas
>Louis Ck: the word faggot
Not necessarily “left wing” jokes from two huge leftists (especially the latter)
>inb4 le all in the family made fun of racism

Ron White is hilarious
the other 3 are garbage

>Nazi aren't funny
Tell it to Mel Brooks

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I love Mark Steyn. He's a much sharper wit than any of these Stewart-clones that you get on cable TV nowadays.
Douglas Murray and Steyn are probably my two favorite modern political orators

>Note Joe Rogans popularity. Sure, call him a pot head open borders centrist, I'm interested more in who he appeals to. It's a certain crowd that isn't interested in the far left narrative
Rogan does every single thing he can to be non-commital on politics to keep his base broad. He is absolutley nothing, and he's getting worse in terms of intellect. Literally doping his mind into mush.

Anthony Cumia isn’t a comedian per se but he’s fucking comedy gold.

>Mr. Metokur
>Right wing comedy
What the fuck user? Half the time he pretty much makes fun of right wingers, he's mostly just a chaotic neutral 4channer with a presentable voice

>Right can meme but cant comedy
>Left cant meme but can comedy

Perfectly balanced as all things should be.

I'll give you comedy, but we can put YOU into gas chamber.

I love me some Tater Salad

I was in high school when it was out, so when stuff like that and even Chappelle became “controversial” I was like, “what the fuck? I thought we were doing better than ever before seeing as we’re able to joke about each other like this.” Then it all took a nose dive once (((social media))) became more prevelant. Probably was my first key red pill.


>No one watches Crowder
>2 MILLION Youtube subs

Must be DA JOOZ

He's an important part of the pipeline sage this shill

>Back alley Tunisian knife fighter
>Corsican pimp
god damn I love Colin

Dave Chappelle.

It wouldn't translate to the views he gets.
>hurr durr you can buy views
He also has other KPI's that prove his audience is legit. Stop acting like you know what you're talking about shlomo.

>The right can't "into comedy"
What a cringey autismo way of speaking

Rob Schneider
Norm Macdonald
Owen Benjamin
Jeff Dunham
Tim Allen
Gavin McInnes
Bill Burr (DEFINITELY not left, at least)

Also, Crowder's webisodes regularly gain more viewers than these fucking sycophantic leftist jerk-off fests on late night. Cry more, fucking soiboi cucks,

Crowder is a cringy homo. I agree.

memes are the new comedy. standup is dead

WOW what a kike!!

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