You have 10 seconds to explain why you're not a monarchist

You have 10 seconds to explain why you're not a monarchist.

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Concentration of power

Because I'm not a monarch.

calling yourself any kind of (ideology)ist is pure autism

The only power should be from the centralised Party based on competence and loyalty not birth.
Pic related

Attached: CCP.jpg (600x338, 125K)

How absolutist of you.

That's a good thing.
That's also a good thing.
>be competent
>too competent
>get a nice vacation to the the gulag

I'm heterosexual and male

absolute power corrupts absolutely

I'm not going to be the king

Not necessarily agaisnt monarchy, but the way it works in Spain right now is shit, a Republic would be better than this. Do your homework.

There's a fucking reason I chose the CCP as my example and not the USSR. You fucking tard.
Pic is perfection

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Nice meme quote but that is untrue. The moraly bankrupt will do anything to get more power. Those that were corrupt will remain corrupt if given power, and the righteous will remain righteous if given power. Democracy allows for the corrupt to gain power, a righteous monarchy does not.
You aren't president either. Better to have a good king than to allow the masses to dictate matters they know nothing of.

i have no respect for those inbred hemophiliacs

are those her final teeth or??

Because one of the reasons we fought for our independence in America was to get away from that shit.

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I'm not retarded.
>a good king
No such thing.

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depends which monarchy
there's only the queen
no one else really knows or gives a fuck whos monarch is who elsewhere
so for Britain, she is value
Saxe Gotha and generations back to 1011 Italy.
We are losing AR culture. History is being rewritten.
fuck it

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I am a Monarchist.

>not a habsburg on the spanish throne

Because divine right to rule is a bunch of poppycock

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You clearly can not guard against nepotism running head long into incompetence

more importantly only a religion is a valid government as all forms derived from man are subject to the limitation and idiosyncrasies of their founders and subsequent leaders

but I am

Her loli teeth looked different. This is the most ilulustrative picture I have.
>no one else really knows or gives a fuck whos monarch is who elsewhere
Pedophiles know Spain has qt Princess.

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Who is this inbred-looking loli and where can I find pics of her doing panty wetting desperation?

Because monarchy leads to queens and women should not have any political power whatsoever.

Ar beautiful lady apologising to Ireland

Because they aren't carolingian

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This is sort of like that.
She is the Princesa Leonor, Princesa of Asturias.
Fuck off with this old whore. SUch old cunts should be dead, they're worthless.

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>She is the Princesa Leonor, Princesa of Asturias.

Any pics of her in diapers? I would settle for that.

kill yourself

oh but I am.. but the people have to love the monarch and our people are mentally ill

>You have 10 seconds to explain why you're not a monarchist.
because they allow their countries to be flooded with sand niggers and remove the rights of their citizens leaving them with no way to defend themselves or even freely speak

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democracy lends more freedom to men and women, like the freedom to shitpost

Can't find any and I'm not into diapers anyway.
Look at this cute face, how could any man not want to pt his dick in a face like this?

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you're a fucking oddcunt. you know that?

kangz and kwaynz is gay shit

are they white hispanic? look so white

When Jesus comes back i'll become a monarchist, until then.

lmao, looks like the little girl down the street from me

Because only the monarchs get to fuck sweet loli pussy like that. They send my ass to prison for it.

I am a monarchist under the NAP though.

But oh, we're all Mexican spics down here, nevermind.

Succession crises

Freedomfag, you will never become the King of Spain and you will never marry a little girl. Sorry.

Now about that shotgun slidding down your throat... remember, close the shower curtains.

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Tienes aún adentro el dedo de Jarita?

I swore an oath to defend the Constitution.
However I do find monarchs, especially princesses, to be very kino. Can you imagine Ivanka as PRINCESS Ivanka? Disney would have a fucking field day.

This is such a bullshit quote. I have a friend I debate with all the time regarding monarchism and he always brings this up. When I ask him for examples he can't give me any, but he'll still parrot this dumbass quote like it's gospel.

no subjects

What? i literally don't know what the fuck you're even talking about?

We're talking true monarchy here, none of that modern pseduo-monarchy figure head bullshit like they have in Britain.

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because im not autistic

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Who the fuck is Jarita? is that nickname? sounds retarded.

Fuck off normie scum.

Look at this retard lmao

I'm only following Jesus, everyone else is unworthy.



I'm a polyarchist. We are all Kangs.

Alright alright, maybe i'll follow someone as a heuristic for the time being. Fuck it. But mortals are fallible and i dun laik dat and stuff.

lmao, you fucking liberal piece of shit. We are not all kings.

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Because Falangism is the only way forward

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only subhuman retards like you would ever be monarchists

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Monarchism is a mirror image of the way Christ rules in heaven. In a monarchy the church and state are one and the same, because the church gives power to the state.

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i am a monarchist. nobody can study history and neurology and honestly come to any conclusion but monarchy. train a child from the age of four to play piano and you will have a great pianist. train a child to lead from the age of four and you will have a great leader. human societies are the result of basic neurological conditioning and nothing more. monarchy is the only system that recognizes this reality.

Because I'm not king.

We are all equal in Christ

being raised to be leader does not guarantee a good leader and history shows that

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Only some fucking weirdo wouldn’t want to get some with that qt

Never. I said NEVER trust a man, or woman, in the limelight. They cant stay true to themselves. They say whatever the crowds want to hear.

Wow, you gave me one example. And he wasn't even a Monarch, bravissimo. Stalin was a corrupt commie years before he aspired to be the biggest faggot in moscow

I would have them scissor each other on my dick.

I am the King of me. God ordered us to subdue the earth. Not to subdue each other.

Your daddy. Uruguayans love to be fingered

Nah, you think a king is like some made up bullshit. You think kings are made not born, that's where you're wrong, kiddo.

The have basically no relation to the peasantry around them like all royals. Royals are Euromutts.
Heaven isn't real, retard. The Church should have no relation with the State and should not exist at all, it's a den of charlatans and traitors.
Would have to be areal faggot

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>there are people on Jow Forums right now that are unironically monarchists

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HA! you know this blue-blooded lolis are getting molested too, fucking degenerates. Gil de Reis and all that shit.

lmao, yeah but we're still not all equal.

my king is in heaven. but i cant wait till he comes back and shouts the flesh from those who infect this board with their vile garbage thinking it will detour us or make us fall from honor. until then i will seek to clench their throats in my hands. their cowardice is only cast off in the anonymity of a virtual word and i will be comfy in the wastes that is their broken corpses.

Only in spiritual worth. But regarding the ability to rule? No, absolutely not. Some of the bastards in Washington that were elected can't hold a candle to even the most incompetent monarch of all time.


>market economy
>glorification of imperial past
>promotion of traditional family values
>militarism geared toward regional dominance and not le worldwide revolution

Modern China, though "communist" in name, is far more accurately described as fascism in practice. Show your flag.

What kind of weirdo homo shit are you trying to pull here kid? na na na nanananana na na na nananana we're not doing that, HEY!

weak inbred genetics

Disgusting fuck.

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look at the UK

>being this autistic on purpose
do they not have schools there?

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Hace unos días en televisión mostraban Paysandú.
Las imagenes daban cuenta de una pobreza bastante grande y de habitantes de rasgos amerindios ¿Es eso común en Uruguay?, pensaba que estaban a otro nivel

those teeth are a 1000x more attractive

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>implying you wouldn’t

Holy shit

>Heaven isn't real, retard.
Well I guess you'll find out one day.
>The Church should have no relation with the State and should not exist at all, it's a den of charlatans and traitors.
Tell that to 1000+ years of Monarchism in western Europe. Most of which became elite superpowers at their height.

Loli teeth are, I think, an often overlooked part of loli sexiness. And then when they have some missing, oh man.

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The Pope does not subdue the earth, rather he subdues his fellow man. The rules of heaven and earth are not the same. When Jesus came here, he did carpentry. Your pope's and monarchs need to get real jobs.

>The Church should have no relation with the State

A mouth should have no direct relation with an ass, yet it is part of the same body. The state and church are of us, and we are of god, and we manage the state and church to help our pursuance onto god's intent.

lmao i live in the coast, yeah they have mestizos over there what the fuck do i care? are you an expat or sumthing?