> local monopolies Federal monopolies > local monopolies.
Ryder Johnson
>be local ISP >try to run wires or operate service in competition with comcast >comcast fucks the city in the ass with a team of corporate lawyers >FUCKING MUNICIPAL POLITICS
Nolan Stewart
Reminder that Ajit Pai forwarded all of the FCC’s responsibilities of investigating ISPs for violations of his new rules to replace NN, to the FTC, which is hilariously underbudgeted and ill equipped to enact punishment on ISPs.
ISPs will run rampant. No one will stop them.
The market will be unable to keep the top dogs in check.
Luis Evans
wtf is with those speeds!? :S I pay 10$ for 1 Gbps down and 500 Mbps up... of which I usually get speeds between 860 Mbps down and 470 Mbps up.... 10$ DU DE JUST 10! Also wtf is dis net neutrality garbage... I have 4 ISPs to chose from and they migrate me for free. Competition BITCH.
Nicholas Reyes
>But they will have even more access now. Net neutrality is not about censorship and freedom of speech.
Nathaniel Fisher
Net Neutrality is not about competition of ISPs you insufferable dolt, it’s about halting service denial and giving customers protection from ISPs denying them full service because of their web surfing habits.
Alexander Foster
More people on the network means that the network gets congested.
The network has to scale appropriately with the introduction of new users, otherwise everyone suffers and gets slower internet.
And with ISPs having complete freedom to throttle users based on the sites and data they access, they have no reason to scale. They’ll just throttle everyone instead, let throttled internet become the norm, and only let fast and reliable internet be a luxury for big ballers (both customers and content providers).
Ryder White
Is that why net speeds are uniformly shit? The way I see it is that you are already fucked.
Noah Cox
speak english fucking pajeet
Carson Cook
owning a company is not the same as creating the tech that it runs you retard
Cameron Nelson
So what do you do if you are one of millions of Americans with only 1 real ISP choice? Just not have internet? Pay $100 a month for some 5Mbps satellite internet that only works in perfect weather?
Owen Green
And white men have no business in what we created which they take credit for (So get off the internet yourself because radio wave communication is the precursor to the internet) web.mit.edu/varun_ag/www/bose.html
Evan Cooper
It's ok for the ISPs to rape you. They just have to tell you they are going to do it first.
Alexander Bell
>another NN thread Goddamn niggers can't even wait until replies in the other thread dries up.
Zachary Rivera
Gotta suck that Pajeet dick to make Mr Trump happy
Ryan Long
Fuck off back to Jow Forums you nigger.
Grayson Russell
Does he still send you virtual head pats when he is on his little sleepovers out of town?
Evan Kelly
No he sends me roses and extra RAM you nigger.
Josiah Edwards
i had a read about this guy, he basically did nothing of significance in radio, all he did was show that radio waves could travel along decent distances, which was already proved before
his greatest acheivement was bengali scifi LOL
go invent the toilet instead of claiming you invented radio
Chase Barnes
No, that’s just all of the major ISPs refusing to expand their infrastructure, that they intentionally throttle all of their customers below their expected rates because they can’t actually meet those demands unless they lay fiber cabling.
Jonathan Bell
Dylan Long
Before Indian/Arabic numerals, you neanderthals were using Roman numerals and had no representation for zero.
Elijah Evans
It's Arabic numerals. Indian shitskins were too busy eating their own poo.
Robert Reyes
You had them and you couldn't advance further LOL
Ryder James
Maybe you should have been calling for the removal of the local monopolies before the removal of regulation that prevents them from fucking you in the ass?
Companies that don't throttle users will take the market share of the companies that do.
The reason this isn't happening now is because the government literally BANS competition.
Why are you people so fucking brainwashed?
Colton Martinez
>shit is already fucked with regulations >so let's just remive all regulations! >people die anyways and medicine doesn't always work, sometimes doctors can't even diagnose a disease >so shut down all the hospitals and stop taking medicines!
Lucas Price
How will net neutrality affect VPNs? I assume they can slow VPNs so everything is slow but..?
Nolan Baker
Local monopolies is the real problem.
Net neutrality is just a fucking distraction so people don't focus on the real issue.
Jayden Wilson
They aren't slowing anything They going to stay investing more now and increasing speeds.
Stop reading leftist propaganda
Austin Perry
Now that Corpman has defeated his arch nemesis, the diabolic Professor Freemarket, the people can finally rest easy again.
Everyone does, except ancap-larpers on Jow Forums.
Jordan Baker
Holy shit Fuck off and join reality you absolute brainlet.
Ryan Foster
People that don't support free markets enjoy being cucked by corporations and the state.
Oliver Rogers
What's it like making 10k USD a year and having 60% taken away in taxes yurocuck?
Ayden Smith
Bull fucking shit. Time Warner bribed my state to stop Greenlight from expanding into rural areas. Now there is a law that municipal internet companies can't expand outside the city they are based in. Those rural areas that got gigabit internet speeds are now stuck with DSL and wireless internet services again because no major ISP will expand into rural areas. Please fucking kill yourself you worthless nigger faggot kike.
>fucking romania, the absolute shithole, has higher average internet speed than murica top motherfucking kek
Ryder Phillips
and cheap as fuck
Dylan Wright
Thanks to WW2 most of Europe has a vastly superior infrastructure compared to the US, downside however are crazy amounts of taxes and getting paid less for the same job than an American would
Adam Scott
Comcast cant do a fucking thing if local municipalities tell them to get fucked. Google got cockblocked everywhere and had to use a disproportionate amount of resources to even fight against the cities and still decided to cancel their expansion plans. Not to mention if companies could just sue their way in you wouldn't have local monopolies in the first place because verizon would just sue into a comcast region or vice versa but that literally never happens. The plain reality you so blindly ignore is that local governments are corrupt as fuck and are everyday examples of the innate evils of government
Bentley Wright
What greater investment? In stock holder meetings, where ISP's are compelled legally to tell thier stock holders the truth, they said that NN did not slow investment in infrastructure. What new development?
Andrew Bell
Says the Polack falling for troll bait?
Gavin Diaz
>local governments fucking around >federal government gets pissed off and changes the rules to get things in better order >"no, fuck these new rules, the government sucks dicks fuck them" >"local governments are corrupt as fuck and are everyday examples of the innate evils of government"
Kind of reminds me of the parapalegic guy from Scary Movie that gets pissed off when people try to help him and at one point gets offered a blowjob and shouts "I CAN DO IT MYSELF OKAY GOD" and proceeds to suck his own dick. I think the comparison fits in more than one way, really
Net neutrality doesn't fix anything though. Throttling and fast lanes was never a problem for any consumer. You know what was and still is a problem? Lack of choice and exorbitant prices with 2 year contracts for garbage service period. Who the fuck cares if Netflix is throttled if your connection drops every 5 seconds and you're getting 1/30th the speed you paid for? NN got all the peabrained monkeys riled up over non-issues when they should be protesting in front of their mayor's office demanding new companies like Google be let in. It wasn't even that long ago that Google was fighting to get into cities and being blocked left and right and yet brainlets like you couldn't even focus on the real issue for a few years. You just move onto the next.shiny thing your masters dangle in front of you
Charles Taylor
How can Jow Forums use computers when redditors use them too? Say no to computers.
Henry Jackson
Batman is a nigger?
Camden Morgan
People that *support* free markets are the ones who enjoy being cucked by corporations. >muh regulations are against my ancapistan dream right kekistani bros >le jew market will sort it out haha i'm sure of it
Kevin Harris
you say that like there's competition available. Do you think we're suddenly going to have 10 ISPs to choose from? You're going to continue to have 1 cabled ISP for a long time. The only competition you're going to find is in the wireless sector.
Gabriel Richardson
>>local governments fucking around >>federal government gets pissed off and changes the rules to get things in better order The rules the feds made didn't actually fucking address the the first issue at all though.
Aaron Allen
>commits acts of violence >father left at an early age >shit parent well...
Dylan Sanchez
Daily reminder you can just switch providers or move somewhere else.
Adam Cook
>fuck you evil free marketers because you believe comcast should actually have competition
Imagine being this much of a corporate statist bootlicker
Thomas Parker
There WILL be if the government actually allows competition.
Just because he says he believes in something it doesn't mean that he actually does. He's saying what you want to hear, but he's not doing what you want him to do
Joseph Long
government vs corporate control is a distraction, what really matters is whether power is centralized or not
Dylan Powell
The federal government can't oversee the actions of every state and municipal government in America. To suggest that's a possibility is asinine. However, the federal government does have a responsibility to the American people to maintain the American Dream; to maintain their right to the pursuit of happiness. The internet is an integral tool for the operation of virtually any business now. The federal government rightly decided that in light of the monopolies that exist in America, ISPs cannot be allowed to be the gatekeepers to conducting business.
>should be protesting in front of their mayor's office That's what YOU should be doing since you're the one using the actions of municipal/state governments to criticize federal action.
>brainlets like you couldn't even focus on the real issue >real issue >muh real issue >muh righteous cause You can fuck right off with that bullshit. Net neutrality was good for everyone other than ISPs. And not even the average ISP employee. Dave, who maintains lines, still has a job. Cindy, the HR rep, still has a job. Robert, the salesman, still has a job. The people who stood to lose from NN were very, very few and all of them are far richer than you, and now they also have the power to tank a business that you create. They already have more power than even above average Americans and you ensured they have even more. You don't even understand the issues despite speaking as an authority. You are advocating for racketeering and against the majority of Americans to protect the "rights" of very few people. It makes no sense. I assume you believe in democracy, yet you fly the flag of tyranny.
Again, NN does not attack the issue directly, but is a measure to prevent more damage from occurring. The world is not perfect and will not bend to your ideal of perfection-- all anyone can do is try for the best outcomes with what they have. Eventually, you're going to have to accept that.
Lincoln Scott
There was literally no reason for them not to work on getting you super fast uncapped data plans during the time of Net Neutrality. There's literally no reason they will now. You'll pay for internet access even if they raised the price and didn't offer you anything in return, they don't have to do anything.
Henry Gonzalez
>exorbitant prices with 2 year contracts for garbage service but user, contracts exists to give you a lower barrier of entry, otherwise you'd have to pay like 500 bucks upfront for installation of service. garbage service is because jews gotta jew, no regulation or deregulation or trumpism or islamic gommunism is ever gonna fix that >Lack of choice do you have any idea of how much it costs to set up the network infrastructure for a small town in the middle of buttfuck nowhere
you're right that NN doesn't really fix anything, but repealing it doesn't change any of what i said
Carson Baker
>ancap nigger calling someone else a corporate bootlicker Get in front of a mirror one of these days. Muh deregulations won't suddenly make corporate Jews stop being greedy fucking Jews. Go suck chopped dick.
Jose Jackson
is this satire? or is this person legit retarded?
Austin Flores
right, that's been working fantastically in the cell business. you're absolutely deluded mate.
Thomas Diaz
I'm stunned that Wired was capable of so much insight as late as 2013. That article is spot on.
Justin Russell
>That wired article Holy shit that is some hard core shilling. The article goes on about how ISP monopolies aren't the fault of the poor innocent corporations, but are caused by the state charging high fees for laying cable. It makes zero mention of major ISP corporations signing 30+ year agreements with cities that prohibit municipalities from creating their own broadband infrastructure to compete against private companies, spiked with political kickbacks and free internet for government institutions.
Pai shills need to go back.
Andrew Gutierrez
> It makes zero mention of major ISP corporations signing 30+ year agreements with cities that prohibit municipalities from creating their own broadband infrastructure to compete against private companies
That's another point IN FAVOR OF FREE MARKETS, you fucking idiot.
We need anyone to be able to compete with comcast. Fucking corporate shills.
Slaughter yourself you bootlicking corporate whore.