Is Gen Z actually Based?

Does anyone know any school children?

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they're not based, thats just a meme. they're the basedest generation yet. to be fair, this is caused by the extreme levels of propaganda aimed at them

My 9 year old nephew told me he started imitating a monkey to piss off a black kid. That's pretty based imo.


damn you cant even type s@y with a 0 anymore? mods must be huge s@yboys to be this butthurt

Did he get v&?

Darkies are famously anti-sodomite, so that's probably why, since "Gen Zee" is the darkest American generation since this begining of this country. Good riddence to back rubbish I say, let's get Arabic on these tossers!


You can always spot the newfags because they think filtering is butthurt mods and not standard practice for all overused memes for the last 10+ years

Among the whte young men of gen Z I see, they either are skinny and soft with faggy haircuts (these I would consider the "normal" ones) or complete fucking söyfags.

The majority of gen Z is shitskins and mongrel mixes, and that's the real fucking problem that you guys aren't noticing. How can a generation be based if it's mostly shitskins? You expected it to redpill all the whites because they had to grow up around them but it didn't, they're so söy-fed and chemical-laden that they just let shitskins run amuck and hurt them. They just allow it like it's a part of life, they don't know any different and are deathly afraid of being called the worst thing ever according to what they've been taught: a racist.

We should start calling them the worst generation.

gen z throw tantrums like toddlers if you take away any of the 3 electronic devices they are using simultaneously

they're zombies

no they are cancer as usual

Yes. And no. They are worst. An emotional appeal is more likely to work on them than previous generations. Luckily the left pushed to far so their is still time for the counter culture to inflict them.

all kids play with toy guns. that is what guns are; toys for manchildren.

ATA' BOY!!!!
Let's get that young man to the USA as quick as we can so his parent's don't turn him into a onions boy.

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>guns are toys
>the only power in this world comes out of the long barrel of a rifle

They will be the first of the modern Kalergi gen. Big improvement on gen y SJWs. Not snarky faggots. The worst I've seen is some hot brunette dressed as a goth. That's not really permanent like the skanky tatt fests.


power is for children. peace is for real adults.

lol get stepped on you pacifistic insect

why is thou perturbed?

poltards will tell you yes regardless of the reality

wait 10 years to find out

I think you insulted his gun

Gen Z is like 22-elementary age kids. They were all protesting to ban guns and swallowing Tide pods a few months ago. Where have you been?

>is thou
>not art thou
you have to be over 18 to post on this board

and both of you are total brainlets since you don't recognize that quote. Read a fucking book

trolled hard

When my daughter was 5 she taped a "no blacks allowed" on her bedroom door because our little homey neighbor kept wanting to play with her. She's 19 now and still hates niggers and leftists. Mission accomplished. Plus she's never gotten knocked up.

based white trash

As someone who is 18 in high school I have to say yes, most kids I know who are not 1st generation immigrants are more conservative/right wing

You sound jealous, user. Your daughter must be a nigger lover.

23 year old with 3 younger brothers reporting in. The two youngest are in high school, oldest is in uni. Yeah, we're white enough (Irish/Scandanavian/German). I'm kinda on the edge of Gen Z depending on how you measure it, so I guess I'll count myself. I've also got a white gf who hates niggers even more than I do and we constantly make nigger/jew jokes.

I'm not totally sure about the oldest younger brother since he's in uni for business and we don't see each other often, but he's got a good head on his shoulders. He's a bit of a frat guy though.

The middle one is committed to never drinking or smoking. He's working hard to get into a good university and works out like a fiend. Doesn't fuck with thots. He's Jow Forums-lite, in part thanks to me.

The youngest and his friends all laugh at my nigger and jew jokes and had a blast when I told them that I only bought that one Fortnite battle pass thing because I didn't want to play as a black character (only played it for a week as a way to spend time with them).

I know it's all anecdotal, but I feel like there's some hope lads.

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You're not Gen Z.

You roody poo candy ass

Googled it and Gen Z is apparently 1995 onwards, though I have seen 1995 as the cut-off for millennials too.

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