Does that make any sense?
This is a site that talks about "gassing kikes" every single day. Are we supposed to believe Patrick Little is too controversial for them? WTF?
Does that make any sense?
This is a site that talks about "gassing kikes" every single day. Are we supposed to believe Patrick Little is too controversial for them? WTF?
Other urls found in this thread:
Just shut up and buy some red shoes. We got this m8
>red shoes.
Maybe because Patrick Little is more anti-semetic than pro-white.
because patrick talked shit about anglin and TDS, so anglin hasn’t endorsed him, he hasn’t wrote any negative stuff on him though
Patrick Little is a filthy mongrel.
A guy who exposed stormfags as amounting to 1.4% of the population is an embarrassment to them
because he ran the same campaign nehlen did and it was destined to fail. active stormer support would have gotten him an extra thousand votes. whopee.
Did they have a black out on Patrick Little before or or after he criticised them?
anglin is controlled op
Richard Spencer's series of tweets about this were really good. TLDR: the vanguard in the streets are attempting to optics cuck, while potential alt right candidates are blowing their chances of victory by going full redpill during their campaigns. It's ass backwards.
Daily Stormer has an article about fucking Dennis Rodman right now. Not exactly pro-White.
that's like saying he's more wet than he is fire retardant. they both serve the same interest
Patrick Little on controlled op:
It's beginning to seem that way.
What other possible explanation is there for having a black out on the very best potential politician we've ever seen?
>he doesn't know the red new balances meme
lurk moar newfag
Because white power movements are about money. Its a scam duhhhhhhhhhh. Patrick Little did not pay them. Its the greatest scam ever. Get idiot neo Nazis and old white racist triggered and collect their money thinking their donations will save their race.
Yeah that makes sense. Still I don't think either groups will ever see eye to eye on things. Nobody wants to be the one to back down or even just keep their mouth shut when things don't go well.
Daily stormer is targeted at 14 year olds, wouldn't have made a difference if they did
White nationalists and neo Nazis are the only people on the planet cheaper than jews.
The answer is who cares?
Seriously who gives a flying fuck?
Patrick Little and his FBI buddy are so desperate for attention that mentioning DS is the only way their threads get comments anymore.
I'll add that this is strange timing for an "infighting" thread. You faggots could at least spread your operation out. Don't make it so obvious. There's 3-5 why are white nationalists so X around 4 shirtless nigger threads.
All Patrick Little supporters look like pic related. They should not be taken seriously.
Stupid argument. The Stormer always has daily articles about everything and anything even the slightest bit counter Semitic. But not Patrick Little. Why not?
Why wouldn't you care?
I remember hearing that Patrick made some comments that implied doxing themselves. DS and TRS immediately dropped Little.
You can tell shill threads because OP never replies. Just creates a thread then leaves. I am here and replying.
this is great!
Patrick Little went in a tirade after the Nehlen doxxing debacle, where little talked about hunting DS bookclubs and other bullshit. DS and TRS did not endorse after that but did not actively campaign against him, they let him and his supporters do their thing, while many continued to bash DS & TRS. When questioned later Little said he was mad about Azzmador allowing Vice to get into a van when traveling from the park everyone was kicked out of to another park. Meanwhile, I'm not sure he's said shit about Cantwell's mockumentary with Vice, which was far more detrimental than trolling vice in a van. Azzmador left Gab just to avoid the negative infighting culture of his supporters
They're not.
The Jew who did Patrick's robocall works with Anglin.
>pic related
TRS and the DS were rekt so bad by Jow Forums that they can't openly support e-celebs like PL otherwise Jow Forums will know it's just another Jewish trick.
Proof of claim in next post.
See? PL is a TRS/DS PSYOP and immediately after being exposed he lost support.
Someone could make the same stupid ad hominem against Daily Stormer or pol. Don't be stupid.
Except the majority of his supporters hate TRS and DS and can't shut up about hating them. Morpheus go outside for a few minutes you ugly mystery meat faggot
Daily Stormer are edgy fags and Jow Forums is mostly boomers, shills, and non whites.
It doesn't matter what his deceived supporters think. It's a PSYOP. TRS and DS promote Patrick on Jow Forums, through robocalls, and etc. while pretending they're not supporting him because again: if they openly supported PL everyone would have known immediately that he was a kike trick. Luckily based anons exposed PL and he didn't get off the ground at all.
Here's proof:
This was literally less than a week before the election. Let me guess, you didn't actually listen to the episode? You're so dumb that you actually think more than a couple low IQ schizos will buy into all of your constant bullshit.
3 words.
No thanks. If you want to give reperations to niggers dont tax everyone in america. Tax the descendants of slave masters. Youre just making enemies. Nobody wants to be your slaves. Especially not the people who didnt own fucking niggers.
all evidence has been documented.
Here's the archive link:
No it's easy enough to open another tab. it's even easier to coordinate via discord. We just got a wave of faggotry.
This is the smallest brain analysis Ive heard so far, good work faggot. Is this your job, since you are literally on every thread which names Spencer, DS, weev, trs, and now patrick little? The only person I haven't seen you work into your schizo analysis is Cantwell, which I have my own theories on why.
They paying you overtime or do you do it for free?
Do you support Patrick Little?
I'm paid in something other than bills.
So why are you here?
Cantwell isn't popular enough to draw his attention and is pretty open about his fuck ups.
Look at this fucking guy and laugh at this shit taste in anime
Cantwell has admitted to working with the FEDs.
He has rekt himself.
I'm ambivalent, I never promoted him and I don't work against him.
You seem very passionate about defending PL for being so lukewarm, user. Are you just here to shill then?
And? Why shouldn't he. He has explained it well enough for me to agree with his cooperation.
the daily stormer is an Insraeli company you derp brain.
I like shitposting and making fun of whignats/commies.
They all do. Even Discord is suspect with the owner willing to sell convos. It doesn't stop the spergs from sperging.
Irrelevant. Anons will not follow someone who brags about working with FEDs. If he is taking down Communists with Federal help, great, but you don't blab about it or you lose your fanbase by default.
yummy nummy in my tummy jew tears mmmmmmmm
No dude attention. Nobody can be as retarded and spiteful except someone starving for attention.
Pattrick little supports British Jews and Zionist Jews. He feels they are essentially white people (educated, good workers, etc). American rennasiance style. So these guys aren't going to like him much.
It's called being an independent and authentic racist/antisemite. I didn't agree with how we went after book clubs and I don't agree with his stance on weev. I think he shot himself in the foot when he took a side and pushed it, versus attempting to get along with everyone
Wahaha my bad I was thinking of tommy Robinson.
>authentic racist/antisemite
this is my first reply to your post..
the only people I pay any more attention to these days are Greg Johnson and Richard Spencer, sometimes cantwell.. everything else is low iq trash
Yeah, name me another Israeli company jewed from countless domains, payment processors, registrars etc. They even had people on the dark web talking about wishful thinking, in hopes they could remove them from the dark web. Let that sink in retard.
this is my second.
Anglin, TRS, and others have intentionally poisoned your thinking. If you want to save white people you must save yourself first. The goal is to elevate our People to a new level of thinking, and after them, the world. This is Hitler's solution and if you disagree with it you're an enemy regardless of your skin color. Wake up, man, we have a world to save.
What is the doc that weev is on?
TRS coming up with the genius parenthesis meme, is proof of what exactly? Great memes?
That's odd as his fanbase hasn't diminish neither has TRS neither has the daily Stormer. There was an episode where people "picked sides" we've gotten over it for the most part. Let me rephrase that as I don't want to speak for others like yourself. I'm back to reading the stormer and listening to TRS mainly because of you. Cantwell put me on to both of those platforms shortly after the doxing.
Implying I'm not already successful. You're the schizo loser pushing Morpheus narratives, literally the most retarded and small brained false narratives out there, and there are many other retarded narratives.
>implying TRS came up with the echo maymay
Did you check my 3s at all? I'm giving you signs along with irrefutable arguments as proofs. Are you retarded or just not paying attention? The wonders come next, you know. You don't want the wonders, user. So pay attention, learn, and accept reality.
all you do is shill for trs and the stormer, user. you're a shill and demoralization doesn't work, m8. im well aware of how many people we've turned against these hasbara Zionist agents. you think we don't pay attention? you should begin paying attention too.
no one said you aren't successful. but youre an anti-semite racist when hitler called you to be neither of those things, quite the opposite actually. so you're either a low IQ betamale with an ego not reflecting his ability or a shill. who cares either way? I'm here for the Elect.
The biggest problem Little has is a content problem and nonmeme image problem. He needs things people can look at and find a reason why to follow him, if you've only seen him and his fuentes clip or involvement with anglin, you'll likely think he's a complete joke plant. He needs someone to operate for him on his image and pieces of content that will make him more reputable. The Patrick I saw on the Fuenes stream and Killstream were night and day. I don't want to be anywhere near the Fuentes stream Pat, it was incredibly embarrassing. The guy I saw on the Killstream gave me a reason to believe he might be a person worth polishing for this movement. He's new to the jew, but he's deeply rooted in pro white knowledge.
>you must save yourself first
That's the problem. These neo-nazis think about blacks and jews so much that they end up not starting careers or families. It's just endless shitposting and talking to normies about the holocaust daily. If you can't fix yourself, how are you going to fix an entire race? The delusion is palpable.
There's that schizophrenia I was waiting for. Hahaha and you gave the gull to lecture someone else about improving themselves. I would love to hear what positive things you are doing in life because you're clearly not taking care of your mental health
because Patrick Shittle is even less relevant than the daily stormer
Anyone who is not racist in the current year, is either a signaling faggot, or a nonwhite fag who wants into the club. There's a distinction between race realism and shouting nigger in the street.
Only when I know your around. Your a good laugh. Anytime I feel down in the dumps I can think to myself at least I'm not Morpheus. I know it seems really odd to you as a lot has changed in the lives of most anons. Yet here you are same infographics same stupid quotes and forget the catchphrase.
>Stay defeated
Claims to have all the answers yet accomplished nothing but some yous. Bravo bravo.
Our world is controlled by Zionists and their agents. Our money is fake and printed illegally. Our banks and financial institutions exist solely to enslave us to the system itself in the form of rent and debt. The desire to build a life in this fallen world is noble and most should do so, but the few who possess the warrior mindset understand how futile of a pursuit this is, and so we revolt. It's wise to give up /comfy/ status to risk everything fighting this System. Keep in mind: Neo-Nazism is not National Socialism and there is not a single Neo-Nazi who can tell you exactly what NatSoc even is. Neo-Nazism is a deception.
>haha all this evidence is just crazy!
this is why i defeat you shills in every single thread.
Race realism does not equate to racism.
Race realism is based in logic while racism in emotion. Only leftists and kikes think with their emotions. Which are you, user?
>muh demoralization
you must step your game up with me, user.
Ha ha gassing kikes yet it's white American men who blowing their brains out in record numbers. Who gunna gas the kikes with all white trash men plastering their brains all over the walls.
>all those megucas
man of taste
He is the one constant we can all count on. No matter what changes, no matter what leader rises from Gen Z, that schizo fag will be here with low quality false narrative info-graphs for us to laugh at.
Race realism is by definition racist, dumbass. The only thing you defeat is whichever personality you maintain before you find one of these threads. You're a nobody and you've changed nothing. You have a crew of low IQ retards who probably aren't white.
I've been here all summer and can honestly say that I've never heard nor seen that which you speak of.
>Race realism is based in logic while racism in emotion. Only leftists and kikes think with their emotions. Which are you, user?
I saw online a racist guy change from pro Trump to pro Hillary. Why? Because some jews in interviews said Hillary called them a jew. Their whole mindset is based on just that. It's insane.
It's not even summer yet, even though you're done with school for the year.
>Race realism is by definition racist, dumbass.
I'm going to ask you to sauce your claim even though I know you cant because it's nonsense, and here's why:
Race realism is the discipline of approaching matters of race with honesty and integrity in the pursuit of racial truth. The truth is not "racist" and only /leftypol/ says it is.
See above. Race realism isn't racist. The truth isn't bigoted. It simply is. And this is what we must convey to others so they can have proper thinking.
Not here to try and demoralize you. I know it's not possible in the sense you have no moral. You exist only to destroy and attack. I have fun you for the most part. Your projection is off the charts and I'll be seeing you tomorrow when the pm pisswave hits. Does this mean you're going to be on the Monday to Thursday shift? Obamleaf was shiting up the place p gud earlier. All we need to see is that sister fucking octojew you role with and we'll have to faggot trifecta.
Cause he is controlled opposition
>haha im not here to demoralize you but here's why you should totally feel demoralized!
sorry /leftypol/ but again: you must do better
Racial truth is racist, and there's nothing wrong with that.
I should have clarified. Most of these racists do not have a level head approach to these topics. They flame convos constantly saying nigger jew hitler nigger jew jew nigger hitler. They're the SJWs of the right.
Madoka is good but mami a best
This worlds gone to shit I say let it go...
>the truth is racist!
hi /leftypol/
oh yeah true. consider they're that way because shills like the DailyStormer and TRS create that culture. It's easy to kill it and to give them a new, better culture though. That's our duty who are aware of the problems; we must fix them.
>anti-semitism is a jewish trick
>Did you check my 3s at all
ahahahahahahah lmfao, what sort of mental illness is this
A common issue I come across when attempting to converse with a lefty on this board is that all points are glanced over and they go off in a completely misdirection. The left is full of some of the most disingenuous people on the planet.
>we must fix them
Yeah I think it's an artificially created culture. I bet the skinheads in the 70s and 80s were infiltrated and made into spergs. It would be interesting to look into. I don't know about saving them though. If you suggest anything not purely gas or race war, they think you're a cuck.
Another day, another thread, and moarPenis is still a faggot
You'd probably have better luck of you where actually a likable person. Face it bruda you're probably the least charismatic sperg of all the namefags that showed up during the election. That was your first mistake.
Well, Im a pro white race realist. Sorry if that hurts your non-white feelings. I don't want to exto every other race but you can run with that narrative if it helps putting pro white people into a negative info-graph.