Going to Haiti

to install some machinery.

Yes or no and why? Anyone ever been there?

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Jow Forums faggot

Saging this thread until you put Conan in the pictures.

try posting from there so we can see their flag

Fair enough.

Only stay at your hotel and the job site, never go anywhere else.

I tried, Jow Forums won't let me baleet.
My usual rule for visiting anywhere like Mexico, but Haiti seems like some final boss type shit. Fortunately my work clothes make me look like a hobo so maybe that'll help but I'm still white.

kill one nigger

WRONG, he should go elsewhere and live out a Mad Max scenerio. Then he can tell us all about it in greentext.

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Let them sink or swim on their own. You are offering them help and they are clearly incapable of using it.

Friend of mine ran a medical clinic there. All the medical donations from the US would be stolen by the head doctor at the hospital each month. He'd pull up in a truck, take everything, even vitamins for kids and then sell them at an open air market. Don't go there. This happens at every hospital in Haiti.

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What could possibly go wrong? I mean the (((media))) told us that it's totally not a shithole and that black Africans are just like us but with a different paintjob.

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Haiti is the worst nation in the western hemisphere. Think about how terrible it has to be for that to be true.

I dont get this, even if you live in shit like this you have nothing to do so why not spend a little time making the place you live not shit. I've seen homeless camps that are cleaner. How about spending just an hour or two moving some of the shit to a place you dont sleep? WTF is wrong with these people?


I hope you're being paid well to go to that shithole.

>some machinery.
a nigger and garbage grinder?

Is it a nigger grinding machine?

Kek, I feel bad for the driver that got left behind. Makes me wanna get myself in trouble in south America

Why bother install public infrastructures when niggers just dismantle it to sell for scrap metal? They don't deserve civilization.

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I had an experience where I wondered into a job that wasn't for white people, if you catch my drift. The looks you get, especially if you're not ugly, my god. It was like they wanted to cook me over a fire. It was the first real redpill I ever got. Was completely apolitical at the time.

Be careful user.

>Going to Haiti
Good fucking luck.


Kek. That's one I haven't seen in a while.

Still want to know how that nigger survived

Port au Prince is hell on earth. Traveled to the southwest, it gets nicer the further you get from the capital. I heard the north was deforested and terrible but i did not go there. Dont relax...

Also 100% nigger. It's not a coincidence.

C1inton really raped those people in Haiti, didn't she? What a cunt.

What's your job?


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Don't. I went there as part of a group ATTEMPTING to get power back to parts of Port-au-Prince (unsuccessfully; the damn niggers stole so much from us that our sponsor shut the whole thing down) and ended up catching a strain of Group A Strep that nearly killed me; I spent over a week in Vanderbilt just getting pumped full of IV antibiotics, and my immune system is permanently weakened. Basically, I went to Haiti to help the darkies and all I have to show for it is that I'm not supposed to go back to any tropical or "underdeveloped" countries...ever.

Speaking as one who has been to Haiti: They're not people, not as we understand the term.

Avoid Niggerlands

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>Why bother installing public infrastructure when niggers just dismantle it to sell for scrap metal?
You give them too much credit

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They're disarmed and the tallest man on the island is 5'4" weighing in at 110 lbs. You'll be fine.

I was just there last week doing a building contract. It smells horrible. The people have zero hygiene. Crime is rampant. Super hot and humid.

It's nice but you gotta watch out for the typical things that happen in third world countries like muggers and what not. Typically if you're respectful and just kinda chill nothing bad will happen.

Visit the beaches, as money as possible. The beaches are so nice, plus beers cheap like real cheap you can find a Corona for like 1$

Good luck!

Pretty much $200/hr.

That's quite a bit. I'd probably go for that much. Just get every vaccination you can before you go and carry antibiotics with you while there.

Forgive my ignorance, but what exactly is that thing he was trying to dismantle?

Probably a transformer. Niggers use the transformer oil to fry their food since it can be reused a bunch of times, unlike vegetable oil. This is a common problem throughout Africa.

you better be getting payed BIGLY if you are doing it for free I implore you to donate your expertise to helping your countrymen rather than subsidize a parasitic foreign population.

Send us a Jow Forumscard

Attached: Conan.png (500x586, 394K)

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Post moar of this.

Kudos to him acknowledging the situation, other lefties would had just cut the scene or reshoot it. Rip

If you are in Port-au-Prince you can go up to Petionville which is up the mountain and they have the nicer hotels there. If you go anywhere, normally the shifty people come out at night, so do most travel during the day. City Soleil was considered a slum back in 1995, to stay away from. Drive around with a group of fellow workers and take a lot of pictures. The people are very friendly but, as I said, the robbers come out at night and the local people are afraid of them.

This is good advice.