SIM (Spreading Information Manual)

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fucking leafs


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what is this thread even?


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my god, the cringe. leaf, go home


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wtf is this OP?

>Post instruction manual to help people spread information
Immediately have random "burger" tell me to go home

Nice try

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what a fucking douche

>The New Nation of Canada
Holy Jesus Christ give me a fucking rifle now.

It's so people can spread information among right wing circles online
Much more of this kind of stuff to come

There's too much sitting around and doing nothing these days so I figured why not make something people can use in order for them to change the world on their own.
Too many people asking what they can do to help and the answer is just SPREAD TRUTH.
Simple as that

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This is a leftist attack scheme (to undermine or destroy Canada) seemingly orchestrated by Government/Crown groups.

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Is this your manual?

Do not call it the "New Nation of Canada", that plays into Trudeau's claim that we are not a nation.

You need to call it something like "The Former Nation of Canada" to drive home what is at stake. We are rebels, and we have lost our country. It was stolen from us.

Also needa a bit more pizazz. I assumed this was a leftist collection of places to shill.


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images all need to be rotated. I'm not downloading that shit to rotate it and I'm not reading it like you posted it.

Good point, I'll fix that

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>Make a list of groups for people to join in order to promote themselves and others

"It must be a psy-op"
Want me to make videos on how real CSIS psy-ops work? If you think your talking to an idiot then just keep shilling and unironicallly bumping my thread, thx

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Use a fucking pastebin next thread, faggot.

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Individually posting photos make the thread seem as if it has more traffic than it does and therefore gains more traffic by default. I know what I'm doing

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>I know what I'm doing
All images are rotated 90° for people who are not using a cell phone (oldfags, the only people that matters)

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>Old fag
Nice one bud

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But don't worry I'll fix it just for my huwhite argentinian fren

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Bump for more.
I'm reading every fucking tile.
Go go OP go go OP


Saving it for later. If someone can create a pdf of the images or host it to make it continuous with less overhead to read per page I will be thankful.

Thx fren

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Just read Memetic Magick

Ignore the literal magic though and view it as game theory

he's telling you to go home because you're too lazy to rotate the pictures.

Fuck you and this thread you stupid faggot.

How about a link to a pdf instead of this shit

Will do
I'll post it to my facebook page:
The New Nation Of Canada

What program should I use to upload the Word doc onto facebook because there's no direct ability to do so?
Should I use google docs or is there something better?

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I've been trying to post links to my facebook page and other links but Jow Forums keeps saying I can't post it because it thinks it's spam

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Just convert it into a pdf and upload it anywhere

How about breaking the link like
Kikebook . Com / OP is a faggot

Thx for the unintended bump little shill, much appreciated

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pastebin should work fine

dude are you retarded? do you realize how informed about the internet than when you post shit like this?
go back and watch
kevin mitnick

Not upside down, so it can't be Australia.... is it Mexico, Ecuador, Colombia, or Singapore?

Couldn't you turn this 90° Clockwise?

Literally no link, even broken works at all right now for me, thx for the failed advice fag

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this one? occult info/chaos-magic/Memetic-Magic-Manipulation-of-the-Root-Social-Matrix-and-the-Fabric-of-Reality.pdf

ITT newfags. Back in 2008 an user actually posted a pdf of CIA manual on how to spread information and sway people. I guess we are here because of that. I might be wrong. But this Canadian version seems like a leftist version on meme warfare.

>endlessly posts shit sideways
>finally gets called out by a random user
>admits like 'yeah, maybe sideways wasn't a good idea'
>didn't realize this on his own; thinks posting sideways is normal; thinks everyone does it; is proud to post sideways
>has canadian flag
>totally makes sense now

Does it still exist. I may know someone who might want to read it for reasons.

Just made it now, thx

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First link that actually worked....

Thx burger

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goddamn retards ,the lot of ya.

>Meme flag
We usually know what that means

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It is just very very very basic, not the worst way to start a journey to become better

lmao most Jow Forumsfags already do most of these if not all of the points mentioned there. This is child's play and just common sense. Why do you think Jow Forums's message spreads so quickly? lol
CIA manual goes deeper into psychological level to manipulate people and social engineer them. It has a lot more documentation.
You might have a different version. It was dumped here along with thousands of ebooks by one user. Let me get the link if I have saved it somewhere.

>"Your manual isn't as good as the CIA's one, just give up user"

That's pretty much what your trying to say.
I'm one guy, cut me some slack user

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Pretty much. Fuck shills that try to shut down any initiatives from people on the supposed same side.

not really, you are posting common sense and not eye opening stuffs. But I guess it will be useful for some people here. Have fun!

Focus on what's important about it:
>It's a list of facebook groups to join where you can post and explains how to avoid getting banned
>A short list of youtube channels where you can easily influence people's minds using the comment section and how to boost your comments to the top

Essentially, I'm just posting basic stuff. That's my point, It's just basic stuff to help people get their message out. Simple as that

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Agreed, I just posted a pdf on my facebook page if you wanna check it out

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Was thinking about OPs contribution. The very least it gives one a place to start with the groups shared.

I think the manual you mean is the following which a noob shouldn't start with, he wouldn't get anything from it or worse use it in a manner that harms himself

woah... Q actually predicted this one

Do you have them as a single pdf?

You could have at least rotated the images.

What I'm doing right now among other things

Should have used comic sans. Would have been more appropriate.

Even tho I agree with you, for the most part, and reddit is cancer, we need to redpill reddit, who are our more numerous than us and... have similar views to ours

how about you upload the .doc / pdf somewhere safe , it would only use one line in the OP and keep the thread open for comments

I'm not a giraffe, rotate this shit leaf faggot

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