Xbox Head Phil Spencer - Gaming is the Great Unifier

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no, it's filled with jewish agenda

>Assassin's Creed
>Battlefield V
>Gears of War 5
>Tomb Raider
>The Last of Us 2
Why was the wimminz pandering so cancerous this year? Girls don't even play vidya.

Do explain

don't worry I've been working on a video game.

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we will see if they do it again after those games tank.

Fuck it, I'll just play Dark Souls from now on.

gay game for gay noobs.
can't even abuse other people online.

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puddem up pardner

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Probably. Wolfenstein 2 tanked and I'll be damned if they're not doubling down.

they want their shekels. Men already play video game, their games will be bought even if there is a woman or a lesbian or a transvestite by the men. Women are a whole new audience to tap in to.

Microsoft is part of the Club of Rome, so they shill for the Vatican

obviously they are pushing for one-world religion

It seems like it would be smarter to make games for girls in that case, instead of just putting female characters in guy games.

What's wrong? Never able to win an invasion because of aussie lag?

ngl I'm gonna probably play the last three on that list. Also I just bought that old DUKE controller for the xbox one that came out 2 weeks ago, I swear to god I feel that baasedboy joy, but i didn't smile, not even once... I'm playing halo 4 right now and I haven't felt this good since last night during the Korea Summit.

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dumb frogposter

xDDDDD cool vid man! liked and subscribed :)

Female characters everywhere. Even Gears 5 was compromised.

>Great Unifier
i bet that nigger feeds in LOL and drags down his team in cawudewty

I seriously don't understand why every game doesn't have a character creator now. It isn't even that hard to implement.

Be the coolest goy at the barcade

Just to please all 3 female Gears fans.