Reagan was a god damn good orator and his speeches still give me a freedom boner to this day and whoever makes these edits is a true american
Reagan was a god damn good orator and his speeches still give me a freedom boner to this day and whoever makes these edits is a true american
reagan was a true american. socialists, natsocs, leftists, alt-righters, and others absolutely despise him. why? because he loved america.
>flipped California from rep to permanently Dem
BASED father of Cuckservatism!
>neocohen worshipper of ayn rand
Reagan, neocons, kissinger, Alan Greenspan, Paul Ryan, republicans... all worship the Rand cult
California, the state that gave us Reagan and Nixon, can not elect any Republican statewide any more.
Fucking boomers don't realize that this old kike puppet and his amnesty was the reason we're so fucked now
Reagan was a god damn commie. Taxes. The national debt. No fault divorce. Amnesty. Jeb's dad. Reagan is a meme, and there is a reason why neocohens like him so much
Reagan fucked it with the no-fault divorce, illegal amnesty, and the war on drugs witch hunts. fuck him.
Remember until the mid-80s California was red, then Reagan gave the beaners amnesty and citizenship.
you can thank that piece of shit reagan.
After his amnesty california changed from blood red to permanently democrat. there's no fixing it. They successfully displaced the native white population and took away their political power forever.
Ronald Reagan was the one who implemented Rockeller/Bush NAFTA. Then he followed thru their globalist plan granted amnesty to millions of spics. Then he went after guns. For some reason, Boomer conservatives love the guy.
After Reagan signed an amnesty bill in the '80s California has been invaded by spics over the last 30 years turning it from reliably red to reliably blue. In reality the spics want to conquer California completely and drive out the non-spic population. They've taken over cities like previously black Compton and spic gang leaders have gone on record to say that their goal is to ethnically cleanse neighborhoods. Of course the spics are only Democrats for conveniences sake as just recently they turned on Dianne Feinstein to prop up one of their own who's a total La Raza type.
What we're seeing is a crisis in California that people are ignoring or don't even know about. The spics are taking over the southern half of the state and if it keeps up I guarantee you in 20 years you'll see calls for either a split into two states (South California) if not an outright independence movement either for their own country or to reunite with Mexico. I'm guessing cartel influence among the spic population and probably some rising politicians there is very strong and in another decade if things don't change it'll essentially be a cartel run state.
Reagan was shit. He granted full amnesty and American citizenship to millions of mestizo aliens, and enabled millions more to use that amnesty to immigrate. People who had illegally snuck into the US, lived here in defiance of the law, and he fucking handed them AMERICAN CITIZENSHIP. Reagan did more than any other man in American history to lower the white population percentage overnight. Do not choose hollywood actors to be your President.
Not to mention he was the beginning of the Bush/Clinton regime
Reagan unironically set this country down the shit path it's path on. Literally boomer: the president. The future collapse of SS and half this country becoming Mexico all on his watch.
Reagan did a lot of good, but the bad things he did: granting amnesty to millions of illegal Mexicans, signing the 1986 FOPA which included the Full Auto Ban, and his general Civic Nationalism far outweigh the good. pic related was the White population in 1980.
He was the white Obama. All dazzle not much substance.