Why did the RAF go out of its way to completely level strategically unimportant medieval German towns during the final...

Why did the RAF go out of its way to completely level strategically unimportant medieval German towns during the final month of the second World War?

Hildesheim was one of the oldest and most well preserved medieval towns in Germany. It was also a town of zero strategic importance and was not targeted prior for this reason. However, on the 22 March 1945, the final month of the war, it was completely levelled in just 20 minutes, killing nearly 2000 people and wiping out a thousand years of history. This happened all over Germany and went far beyond what is generally considered to be the isolated incident of Dresden. How can this be justified?

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What does "strategic importance" have to do with murdering people?

It's total war pussy get over it

(((They))) trying to break up the German soul.

Typical British pettiness and hatred for the Germans.
Did you know Churchill wanted to drop anthrax bombs on Germany and occupied Europe?

Remember that the Germans had a British tourist guide and bombed everything with 5 stars.

Because the whole Blitz thing.


bloodthirsty anglo

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Churchill goes down with Lemay as men as fucked in the head as Hitler and some of his cronies.

Arthur "Historic sight? Set it alight" Harris

What and the Americans didn't? How about those peaceful soviets? I could name loads of towns that were bombed flat by the Americans and soviets. What a retarded question. Germany started the war anyway.

Do I smell Aryan blood?

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I wish we could die for each other to uphold each other. Funny pic tho lol

You ever watch videos of Educational Beatdowns? That’s what that was. That was the “Don’t get up Faggot” version of the European war.

Cry about it retard. Losers get bombed, the German "people" deserved everything that came to them.

Also its not like the Germans didn't bomb civilians or kill millions of innocent people.

You're a fucking retard I honestly wish that every fucking square inch of Germany was completely destroyed.

I have no sympathy for losers or Nazis, and the Germans were both.

5,334 turkroaches in a population of 101,667

Churchill hated Germans.

>the Nazis were good boys, didnt do nothing
>Poland, Austria and France were rightly theirs
>wahhh stop bombing us when we start to lose
Fuck off retard

Poland, Austria, France, and parts of Czechoslovakia should indeed have been theirs.

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Go chocke on your crushing debt, degenerate fag shit, disgusting dyke women and all those various brown people running rampage.
You're the fucking scum of the earth, go serve your kike lords in hell.

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Why did the Anglo put Boers in concentration camps?

Perverted sense of vengeance for the Blitz I think. Truly a shame the Brits and the Germans had to fight each other, instead of stomping out the commie menace together
Boers ain’t White, so who cares

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Woops I guess I angered the German, I would care if you were a human being. Disgusting German sub((((human)))) filth

There are almost no countries left on the planet holding animosity for the English, finally they are catching on to the sliminess of the limey bastard. May Russia grant you merciful obliteration after your deserved retribution of having your own government restrain you while your progeny is fucked by Pakistani groomers, acid thrown in your face, being spat on, run over, stabbed, blown up and beaten by the very filfth you used to reside over. Your country is an irrelevant failing shithole, if yours wasn't a history of being cruel and conniving rats I would pity you.

Sure is mutt in here.

t. Jonas van Kwejrk

WW2 was an inside job. How are you supposed to redevelop to an industrial economy with a bunch of peasants and their stupid land rights in the way? We burned down these medieval shitholes for Germany and they burned down Coventry and the east end of London for us. War is about richies uniting to kill as many of us peasants as they can. Never lose sight of that. That's why all the theatrics.

Having read a book on RAF bomber command, I remember a section mentioning the late stage bombing of cities without military purpose or factories etc.

Apparently by that stage in the war, senior Nazi party members worked out which towns were safe from the 24/7 bombing campaigns and moved there themselves or moved their families. Also German Sercret Police (gestapo etc) had moved administrative functions to these safe places.

So they targeted these cities to kill senior Nazis and their families.

The dehumanising propaganda at the late stage of the war combined with personal grievances held by your average Brit against the Germans turned everything very blood thirsty by the end.

half, sure I'll admit. But the other part of my absolute disdain for the English comes from how you treated Australia during ww2. Happy to take our brave soldiers willing to help out our English 'cousins' away from defending ourselves against the nips only to treat them like colonial cannon fodder shit while not giving a single fuck about what becomes of our country. You are worthless to us and the sooner other Australians realise this the better.

Order from jews to destroy german history and heritage. Every other historical building that survived is now covered in glass and steel as a proof of corrupt postmodern jewry.

So not ever a proper Aussie, my boy. Boers are stinky monger idiots that dug their own social and political grave. Using masses of niggers for labour? What can possibly go wrong?

if you start a world war and massacre millions of people, you forfeit your right of having your history preserved if you lose that war
frankly speaking, germans should have been genocided to the last woman and child and their land parceled out to allied nations as final reparations

The war was clearly always about destroying Germany

No one gave a shit about Poland that's why they ended up Russia's bitch

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You are already beginning to find out.
skipped making them labour even.

Notice how the Americans target schools, hospitals, universities and generally centres of culture and learning in the Middle East?
Well they did the same during WW2 to Germany.

Its all about demoralisation with the (((Americans))) and turning destroying culture, so they can mold human cattle into what they want. Good little consumers who get in debt and keep the beast system going.

Iran will be next and North Korea if they aren't careful.

Good. Should have wiped out every city.

The brutal reality is simple and Churchill was right. Your thinking like this from a national stand point.

You need to think in terms of empire to judge that decision.

Australia was an outlying colony, one that, if captured, could be re taken. Britain however was the heart of the empire, if it fell, the whole operation was basically over.

Australia’s butt hurt over this cost us Singapore because you lads refused to follow orders and acted on your own as soon as the japs landed in PNG.

I agree with you that Australians need to move on from their British past. But I feel you have not been logical in your disliking of the British over a smart tactical decision.

Cultural erasure. They hate Christianity and think that killing people/places kills ideas. Kikes, basically.

>How can this be justified?
It can't. No European won WW2.

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Unfortunately there are plenty of “hard working useful” nonwhites in Britain. Makes the racialist propaganda effort a little bit more difficult. Good or not, nonwhites don’t belong here
Australians can do whatever, but they sure must remove all non-Western Europeans from the sacred Celtic soil first.


Because the Jew wanted (wants) to wipe out Europeans and replace them with African slaves. Destorying history helps this. Then it was physically bombing, or communism, now it's just Africanization of history in media. The events stay the same, but the people change. Same result.

Churchill wanted to show a power of Allies to advancing Soviets

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In the latter years of WW2 literally ALL leaders including Hitler were hell bent on killing and raping as many whites as possible. The Dutch royal family even engineered mass starvation to be unleashed on its own people
To know what a jew is up to, see what he accuses others of.
World War 2 was white genocide. The eternal Anglo just obliged its masters.

It's the Jews launching a nuke in Civ on the last turn just out of spite

I think these people are just shills

No matter what angle you play it there is absolutely no logic in leaving ourselves nearly defenseless to protect Britain's precious colonial jewels and let the japs go Nanking on us all while they expend our soldiers lives so they don't have to waste their own. I'm sure England would've valiantly stormed Bondi beach and drove out the nips afterwards.

To allow that just because of shared heritage with no benefit and plenty of defecit to Australia is cuckoldry. America is immeasurably more of a reciprocal and important ally than England could ever have been. This should already have been realised after Gallipoli.

Go easy there Hans you blood thirsty Nazi sympathiser.
Seems like the plucky Brits missed blowing up your gene pool

>leaving ourselves nearly defenseless

I must have missed that part where Australia got occupied by the Japanese.

If the US and other allies had not spent millions of dollars and lost thousands of men I guarantee you Australia would have been easily overrun. What exactly did you want, a D-Day level landing on your island? We protected you exactly the way we needed to.

You know more British died at Gallipoli? Australia holds onto Gallipoli so much it’s warped it into some bullshit ‘birth of the nation’ where you imagine evil British officers ordering a generation of happy go lucky Aussies to their deaths for fun.

You can try and judge all you like you are not thinking within the context of the time. When most Australians identified as British and Australia was simply another red blot on the map.

And since getting butt hurt over WW2 what has military independence done for you? Vietnam? as you join the rest of us in America’s back pocket.

Britain/Aus/Canada/Nz could of achieved foreign policy independence from America had we stuck together. Instead we are all components of the Americans Empire now

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Good, we wanted a white europe for white people, you rejected it. you dont deserve our brilliance. have fun in your empire of dirt.

Germany gets BTFO during Barbarossa, Goebbels then decrees "total war", he gets total war.

here endeth the lesson

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It's almost like a world war between white people is a bad thing and not good for anybody, huh

Fucking wot? Are you a pom or a yank?
The British took our troops and refused to let them return when Australia came under serious threat. Churchill wanted the USA to limit itself to the defensive in the Pacific and focus on the Germans. Fortunately the Americans rejected this and saved our cracks and in gratitude we have participated in all your wars. The British exploited us because we are little more than colonial subjects to them hence we are bros with the USA

Arthur "Holocaust Mk2, Lancaster boogaloo" Harris

Cry more bitch boi

Shush, you got a continent-sized country out of it and total independance, what more you you want, dry your eyes m8

faggotass krauts had it coming. german women were made for big russian хyй

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they made a mistake, "sorry chaps I thought it was berlin".

>we swapped teams same time they Jews did
wait are we the baddies?

Take a paki dick between your gap teeth you snivelling pathetic limey dog

>Why did the RAF go out of its way to completely level strategically unimportant medieval German towns during the final month of the second World War?
"hey look at me i'm still a great empire with scary air force who can level cities , disregard that Germany raped my ass and pushed my shit so far deep i puked it until soviet union and america stepped in"

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You know more British died at Gallipoli? Australia holds onto Gallipoli so much it’s warped it into some bullshit ‘birth of the nation’ where you imagine evil British officers ordering a generation of happy go lucky Aussies to their deaths for fun.

You can try and judge all you like you are not thinking within the context of the time. When most Australians identified as British and Australia was simply another red blot on the map.

And since getting butt hurt over WW2 what has military independence done for you? Vietnam? as you join the rest of us in America’s back pocket.

Britain/Aus/Canada/Nz could of achieved foreign policy independence from America had we stuck together. Instead we are all components of the Americans Empire now

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You are looking at this from a typical British elitist national standpoint yourself. England is the one who so badly wanted to fight Hitler in the first place and you lost your empire anyway. Not to mention immediately after that you wanted to turn on the russians, should we have been expected to defend Britainnia in such an instance as well? English bloodthirst and treason has no ends. To surrender your country to nip terror for the sake of the empire and it's glory is too much to ask of any country and you have yourself to thank for showing Australia that England has nothing to offer in return.

> Actually believing the kike degenerate justification published by war criminals

Oy vey

Germany started it by firebombing London. The eternal anglo will always get his revenge.

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Get the fuck out of America before someone here beats the absolute shit out of you for being a race traitor.

>England is the one who so badly wanted to fight Hitler in the first place
Britain actually wanted to avoid war, it was still reeling from WW1, and in possesion of an overstretched and already declining empire.

Britain in it's literal sence couldn't afford another world-war and as a result bankrupt the entire country, if Britain truly wanted war then it would have rebuilt, modernised and brought its forces and doctrine up-to-date beforehand and not sat back watching Germany doing just that.

Stop pulling history knowledge out your ass

Nope that's what should happen to ALL Jews. You mother fuckers started the war, hate whites and should be exterminated down to the last woman and child you piece of excrement.

this is what you look like

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>muh strategic importance justification in an era where total war meant mass mobilisation of the populace and full utilisation of the country as part of the war effort

As opposed to Germans deliberately terror bombing London?

No it isn't, but in reality that's what most Jews and inbreed island Brits look like. You are a piece of shit.

British troops took the easy beach at Cape Helles while Australian troops had to face the firepower at ANZAC cove.

>inbreed island Brits
Stop projecting.

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Nope you Brits are inbred, ugly and mostly stupid pieces of shit. Shove your spoons up your ass and keep sucking Jew dick you piece of shit Brit.

Bomber Harris was convinced you could win a war from the air without the need for troops on the ground. It was a good and worth trying. Don't forget this was the first time aircraft had been used in any meaningful numbers in a war. Bombing war production (guns, planes, ships) doesn't directly affect the population. Bombing their homes and towns affects them immediately and saps their will to continue a war and just might bring about a regime change from within.
Similar things happen today but with the advantage of 70 years fine tuning. Shock and Awe is just blitzkrieg under another name.
TL:Dr Bomber Harris was trying a new idea

I can do that aswell

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>still calling Britain inbred after being exposed to facts proving the opposite

This is your brain on 56% folks

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It was gas

Nope that's you. An inbred race traitor that sucks Jew sick. Would not be surprised if you were actually 100% Jew, one of the ugliest races on the planet.

>you Brits are inbred, ugly and mostly stupid pieces of shit

Ugly and stupid enough to take the staring roles in your films and tv shows lad

And none that are on Brad Pitts level.

Seek help. Your mutthurt levels are through the roof. Perhaps Dr. Shekelberg could prescribe you some Prozacs and Xanax to calm you down.

Churchill was a manlet with a Napoleon complex. Had he been 6ft+, WW2 would never have happened


And Jews control your country so I'm glad to be lumped in with them

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>thinks of attractive tv stars
>thinks of a man

yeah, you're a bender to be sure m8

Henry Cavill >>>>> Pitt

I too thirst for Aryan blood!

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They had to justify their lend-lease budget share of American dollars.

He was a zionist so the war would have happen anyway.

Always causes maximum mutthurt when their favourite actors turn out to be British

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The only person who would say that is a Jew or a Brit that sucks Jew Cock, and loves to censor speech and be an absolute cuck with zero ability to protect themselves, except with spoons which are considered your national weapon.

When boomers try to meme