Unemployed members of Jow Forums

What is your damn problem?!

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why do you spend your life groveling for mr. noseberg?

I owe nothing to society

Easier to live off gibs and blame the Jews for your lack of initiative than actually making a difference in the world

>He thinks working for his boss and paying taxes to support socialism isn't problematic.
>He thinks he can escape his financial situation one day

everyone laugh and point at the wagecuck

I'm wealthy and got affirmative action'd out of ever having a job. The billionaires above me think being wealthy is good enough and that I should stop whining about not having a job, not realizing that all of the brown people they replaced us with are prepping to murder us.


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That's not you

I just tried to turn my tv's volume down by lowering the volume of my phone. I'm pretty sure I'd kill someone in a workplace incident. even in an office.

Once you are rich you learn the true value of a dollar. It has no value. Trading time for money is a deal with the devil.

I'm in grad school

I care about my people and holding back the night of the illuminati's machinations.
You are an enemy combatant.

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I fucking love Apu.

working for multi-national corporations is anti-thetical to western-idealogy.

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>wage cucks think they have a higher up on those who dont slave themselves away

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>Affirmative actioned out of a job
Ive spoken with many hiring managers. No one has ever hired a random person just for the sake of diversity. Either u can get a job or you're not as good as the other candidate.

I live in a third world country where I earn in one day of work the same money you make in an hour, so fuck the system.
neet for life

Refuse to work when positions within my society and life are occupied by child fucking cannibal satanists.

You pay taxes supporting this shit, I refuse.

But isn't everything somewhat proportionally cheaper as well?

I got 99 problems but u being a slave ain't one

>t. underaged idealist who doesn't yet know how bad the world actually is

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>t. fag wearing little boy’s suit

>He thinks being a conformist ass kisser gives him the right to condemn people who dont work.

>Doesnt realize hes also a slave.

>Uniroinically working against the interests of the people of the host nation then talking down to the people you are exploiting.
The stupidity and banality of bussinessmen never ceases to amaze me, Right up until the point they suicide after realizing just how much they fucked over their own family in the persuit of meaningless trinkets.

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says the guy groveling to mr. mom

>What is your damn problem?!

That is exactly what I ask myself after I fail yet another job interview.


look at this boomer and laugh

Last I went to mexico the gas prices werent cheap

I'm a nigger

Society, cannot help if low IQs don't want to hire me.

Is this now a /tendies/ thread ?

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multi-generational households have been the norm for all of history before the 20th century


>The stupidity and banality of bussinessmen
everyone sees everyone else as a threat so managers only promote people less intelligent than themselves. it's a death spiral and we're near the end

then maybe we'll stop feeding people that have been unable to feed themselves for thousands of years and start gearing up for Space.

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whos ready for space-tendies ?

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No white privilege to help me



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no need not to be neet

I'm unemployed but I walk around the central business district during the day in a suit and holding an empty briefcase. I take photos of myself and put them online to show my sartorial tastes and to appear like I have my shit together.

need form neet: pro basement dweller

>low intelligence
>high testosterone

gym-rat neet

I work for the Jews AMA

Hows it feel to be cursed by the Almighty God ?

Yup. I live in the border and cross to Muttland to buy gas even tho peso is getting rekt. Also mutt gas station dont hustle you with "litros incompletos" or water on your gasoline

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My name is Misael, I'm literally "the Jew who can't burn in an oven". I also work for Big Brother, but I'm fair with the Goyim, they can have some shekels and gibs If they're not bad Goys, unlike (You) :^)

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Bump this comment to into nirvana

Lost my miserable dead end job so i'm taking time off to reorient my life around something new and fulfilling.

best of luck

Anyone else feel like me?

I work but I'm dying inside. I live with family because the alternative would mean struggling each month to pay for rent. I have a few good friends but I'm terrible with women. Everyone my age is spitting out kids, jobless, and sleeping around and somehow still able to put on an appearance of having their shit together, why do I have to work? With my job I have no time for fun and friends. Without my job I have no money for fun or friends. It's lose lose.

I see other people getting rooms for 400 bucks a month. Blowing food stamps on pizza and bullshit junk food. Blowing off work without repercussions.

You have no problem my unemployed friends. Infact, I need to be up in 4 hours to work a 10 hour shift and I'm shitposting here. There truly is no reason to live.

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Give it upppppp; crash n burn bb

Same. My wife also didn't get into the nursing program despite having a better GPA then multiple girls in front of her b/c they're minorities and the program was only accepting 30 candidates this semester...

LARPing from mommy's basement is fun.

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You must live in the ghetto. All my friends are making 6 figures and have great lives. I just live with wealthy parents as a professional neet.

Racist views = can't maintain a job. No rocket science here.

fucking this

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You're definitely not alone, man.

I hate my fucking life and all I ever do is work and commute, I'm almost 30 and make a decent (not really by NY standards but still) salary but since I work in NYC I can't afford to move out without giving all of my disposable income to some jew or chink.

yeah. it's time.

I lost my job when I had to nove home to help after the death of a parent. When I tried to re-enter the work force after 7 months they said the gap in my work record is too long. No one would interview me. The longer I apply for jobs and hope for interviews, the longer my gap gets and the more I am ignored.

I retired from the fake, jew money slave scheme~!

>"Well well well if it isn't the w-w-wage c-c-kuck..."
>"..O-only another few minutes until shekel..."
>*Mother bursts into 35 year old manchilds room, knocking over 15 cans of unfinished sugary sodas and a few bags of chips*
>*painful sharting intensifies*
>*panic attack*

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NO we pay the same price(dollars) for drugs but in pesos

I'm on my way to sign my contrat :DD

that looks comfy. makes me feel nostalgic for more innocent years

In the age of the internet what is stopping your unemployed ass from starting your own business?

Get in front of a camera and let somebody fap to you for a few hundred bucks if you're that desperate.

Are we counting underemployed the same as unemployed?

Because that's fucking me. I need to be making about $1500 more than I am each month if I want to move ahead in life, but I got bills and care payment, so I can't really take time off for training to do something else to get a better job.

I feel fucking trapped.


meant Car payment

You're only seeing what people want you to see on their perfectly curated social media pages. If you know how much credit card debt your more carefree friends really have, how unimaginably financially fucked they really are, you wouldn't feel so bad. If you knew how many pregnancy scares and abortions your most sexual active friends have had, or how many STDs they actually have, you wouldn't envy them. Anxiety is a sign of low time preference and higher intelligence. You're anxious and sad because you know and CARE how much better things could be, and how far you have to go to get there. Eventually you're going to have to make a move, leave your parent's house, and possible seek opportunity in a different city. But the mere fact that you're worried about this puts you ahead of the curve. Remember, most people have ZERO savings, nothing, nada, and considerable debt.

Ironically, if only you knew how bad things really are, you would feel better about your situation.

I already have money.

There is something inherently feminine about taking a picture of yourself just to show off what you're wearing.

Why do he look like Patrick Bateman?

1M times this

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>Eventually you're going to have to make a move, leave your parent's house
only once you marry

this shit is so hilariously cruel and pointless i'm surprised there aren't white collar shooting sprees every day. then i remember it's 2018 and no one has any morals so they're all lying on their resumes anyway

I'm secretly scared of everything and with each ensuing month I meaninglessly waste away, the more retarded I become.

well put, I feel the same way.

>Anxiety is a sign of low time preference and higher intelligence. You're anxious and sad because you know and CARE how much better things could be, and how far you have to go to get there.

I was taught to save very early in my life. I bought my first car, cash, having worked at McDonalds throughout high school.

After that, instead of going to college, I went directly to work in the tech sector at entry-level and worked my way up to a ~50k-ish salary. Over the course of 5 years I saved up $28k in cash because I worked my ass off and spent like no money on drugs or booze or going out.

My boomer parents told me to buy a car with it because it would mean that I wouldn't have a monthly payment, so I bought a car for $20k or so used. Literally the worst decision of my life, it's now worth only $9k-ish even in great shape only 4 years later. They could have taught me how to invest or referred me to someone who could have invested for me, but no. Buy a fucking car, that's what you do with money.

I basically wasted some of the best years of my life working and saving up all that cash for a stupid piece of metal when I could have been out banging chicks and getting wasted like the rest of my peers and actually _living_

Millenials are right to spend money as soon as it comes in considering how high our inflation is and our shitty ZIRP financial system - you're literally penalized for being responsible and saving for a rainy day, the only option to get anywhere close to the same kind of returns are to put your funds into the slot machine of stock exchanges and pray you get 4%.

It all comes back down to the money. Because the financial system is so fucked, everything else is fucked. And while a lot of people don't understand this technically or logically, the current zeitgeist lets them intuit how fucked it all is and just spend recklessly.

It's not like we have a future or anything.

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>cruel and pointless
I know. I have a solid, professional work history but all HR sees is "the gap." And the larger "the gap" gets, they have started to blame me that there must be something wrong with me. My excellent references are starting to back off as well because it has been so long. Humiliating. I just need one person to give me a break, or I will probably end up at Walmart just so I am working because, funnily, it is easier to get a job when you already have a job.

>I'm secretly scared of everything
You have to work to overcome that. Here is some inspiration from some great men:

Keep your fears to yourself but share your courage with others. ~Robert Louis Stevenson

There is a time to take counsel of your fears, and there is a time to never listen to any fear. ~George S. Patton

Panic at the thought of doing a thing is a challenge to do it. ~Henry S. Haskins

Those who fear life are already three parts dead. ~Bertrand Russell

To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom. ~Bertrand Russell

>it is easier to get a job when you already have a job.

The reason for this is because of how awesome NEETdom is. Everybody can feel it in their bones how pointless the majority of current jobs are and once you get a taste of being NEET for more than 6 months, you'll crave it the rest of your life.

We're fearful because our parents lied to us about the nature of the world. And they didn't give us any tools to deal with it.

At least we have Oxycodone and Xanax.

>1 post by this ID
>same post made 3 times a day, every day for 2 years straight
>mods do nothing

>And they didn't give us any tools to deal with it.
True, dat. And now education (high school and college) does not prepare one for the real, working world either.

I don't want to work so my government spends my money on rapefugees.

There are many.

First my employers will rob everything they can, in my sector and country we have hit the lowest wage globally.

Then society won't value me because of my job and lack of money, also sucking as much they can in rent, and allowing mass immigration.

My goverment(((((chosen by society))))) will waste and rob taxes, allow and promote all the former..

So in a few words I don't see the point being a wagecuck.

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Multi-generational households don't work anymore because women don't know their fucking place anymore.They also go against everything the Boomers stand for, so we can add that to the list of things they fucked up. I lived in a multi-generational household for two years. Had to deal with several psycho cunt relatives until I finally got myself the fuck out of there.

oh god spain is infested with refugees too? man that's sad.

unemployed Jow Forums is a disgrace. I agree that kikes and commies can be pinned for a bunch of shit. But if you are NEET you have no fucking excuse. You are lazy

start working under the table you fucktard. get a skill

uhm no.

We are infested with latinos, africans and some other thirld worlders..

Latinos can get nationality just by staying two years..

We went from 99% spanish population to only 75% of born babies being by a spanish mother in 30 years

All this while we have huge unemployment...

Unless you're willing to help me with my problems I'm going to share them with you

In this country to work with a skill you need contacts..

Can't beat the NEET lifestyle.

cool image

The hall keeps calling with dogshit

>being a wagecuck

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is that even a female?

I don't want to make a difference to society because nature itself is evil and a lost cause. You end poverty, poverty comes back. You end tyranny oligarchy, and peace last a little while. A golden age comes, and the trouble eventually starts.

Everything you believe in your 20's is a complete lie. The world (and the work world) aren't waiting for you to come and save it. Everyone past 30 just goes through the motions and wants to retire in a paid off dwelling place.

Nobody gives a fuck about you, you aren't special, and there isn't a special plan for you that God made. If you like the world, you are trapped here.

Just finished a federal background investigation, and signing up to work on commercial ships. Just need to wait 15 more days to get THC out of my system, and then I can take the drug test, and ship off for 6 months and start my career =]

go away me