It's time to decide, Jow Forums

It's time to decide, Jow Forums.

All or nothing.

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>guilt tripping people into following your boycott
Weak, arguably aggressive, manipulative.

>follow a literal gut instinct
>listen to AIDS-infected men who parade in bondage gear

Their god IS their stomach and appetite so I can't see how they could possibly win this.

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I hate fags and love Chick-fil-A, so this is the easiest decision ever.



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guess i'll have to start eating three times as much chick-fil-a

fuck faggots and liberals, along with their kike masters
I'm going to go at least once a week to Chik Fila fucking faggots

Yep. Downright no brainer.

I wish we had a chick fil a

I dont even eat fast food. But I would start

Chick Fil A. I don't have anything against gay people but that shit's delicious.

Come to America, Leafbrother. I’ll buy you a traditional-marriage chicken sandwich and anti-LGBT sweet tea.

>imblying I'm giving up my sammiches and tendies for their pet oppressed ones

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It’s actually healthy enough to not even carry the bad association with fast food

guess I'm a nigger cause I'm going to keep eating chicken.

I refuse to eat any fast food and I would eat Chick-fil-A on occasion. It's honorary.

I also support the fact that they are against homosexuality because I am too.

How many times does this have to backfire before they stop?

Yeah theyve been bitching about Chickfila for damn near 10 years its fucking boring already

Chik-fil-A is projected to become the second most popular fast food business in America. Plus, it's really good. This shit fails every time. I hope they go full retard again -- because Chick-fil-A will get a huge spike in business.

>I hope they go full retard again

It’s only a matter of time. These people are seriously sheep and any moron on Jow Forums can predict their behavior. They actually believe they have a moral high ground— the public does not support them as much as Hollywood and the Media makes them think they do.

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>eat a bag of dicks
>eat some tasty chicken
Go to their twitter and write something nice Jow Forums
Do the same for huffpo

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>Follow your guts
>Your guts are hungry
>Guts have decided

I chose Christianity. I will give a good Christian business my money. Chik-fil-A runs a clean business with good, clean, kind employees that know what they are doing and are always polite. The restaurant is always clean. I stand by Christian businesses.

Wai... wtf I always thought these were ironic.
Shills are that fucking stupid

food > feelings

Can you guys make pride month the unofficial Chic-Fil-A month over there instead?

>not a Chick-fil-A meme marketer

ironic since gays each chick fil a the most

consciously I side with my stomach but I think sub-consciously I must side with queers because I empty my stomach every time I see them in public

This takes me back

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My gut tells me to go with the hen and not the cock.

Great IRL shitposting idea from the master.

I wish Chik-fil-a would start marketing pride month as 'Chicken sandwich month' every year from now on.

>I don't have anything against pedophiles

>t. Quisling

Right wingers aren't allowed to act like shit smearing kids the way left wingers can

>you can't eat Chick fil a

How do you think getting fried chicken a betrayal to the Queen?
Tim Hortons is owned by burgers and they sold their coffee recipe to dolans, so it's not like we have any sovereign claims to fast food.

>eating fast food
kys my yanks

Imagine saying this to Americans.. Check mate.

Theres one in Detroit

I am. Slowly. With greasy fast food.

Ask them what rights they think they don't have

>We don't have the right to push through our agendas!
>We don't have the right not to be criticized!
>We demand special protections!

Let the good folks at the original article know which one you prefer.


>filling your stomach with that disgusting garbage is now called "loyalty"

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>The last fast food joint staffed by cute, polite, white high school girls which always has a line of cars at their drive through
>a month of faggot parades where middle aged men dressed in black leather chaps shove their arms up each other's asses in the middle of a public street while the 7 year old boys of single mothers prance around in pink wigs and high heels

Friendly reminder that faggots reproduce by fucking little boys.
Homocaust when?

p.s. Fuck Canada.

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Who the fuck would choose faggotry over a chicken sandwich. Even if you're leftypol, that's just stupid.

>Mental illness or sustenance?
How is this even a choice?

I'm gay and eat at Chic-fil-A. Fuck you, HuffPo, I'll eat as much cock as I want.

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Guess why they're bitching about it now.
>Ermergard, it's an INVASION

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lol Get Fucked Huff Poo
Idgaf what you are, you're not getting in between me and my fried chicken sandwiches just because you like to suck dicks/eat cabbage

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For collaboration with the elephant.

Im gay and eat at chick fil-A.

Nothing i hate more than the lgbt community and any news articles opinions that try and dictate what people should do.

I dress and talk normal. If you need to wave around your sexuality 24/7 irl, there's something seriously wrong with you gay or straight.

You dont see straight guys walking around with shirts saying I love pussy all on them or other odd sexuality related stuff besides little teenage boys.

95% of the gay community is fucked up and i want nothing to do with the community itself. Chick fil-A doesnt give a flying fucking fuck if you're gay unless you walk in with assless rainbow colored chaps and a shitty dildo strapped onto your head.

Hell i dont even do ass play nor do i do 1 night stands. Might be because i grew up in the bible belt but even normal gay people can learn morals.

Chick fil-A has good food

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Well, this is all just basically free advertising. The next they'll discover is that Chick-fil-A only hires pretty good mannered people, mostly attractive young women.

Fuck you. I'll suck my cock and eat it too.

I don't care what gay people do or if they exist, I just like their chicken sandwich with a lemonade every once in a while.

I really like their lemonade on a hot day.

Stomach, hands down.

I have not had chic filet before but I think I will go eat there just to spite these whiny cunts. Is it any good?


Granted, most fast food is garbage, but I have to disagree with you here. Chick-fil-A is literally God-tier. I'm genuinely sorry your commie shithole igloo country doesn't have glorious chicken nuggets dipped in chick-fil-a sauce to snack on

> When the fag is actually mentally stable and we'll adjusted

Why are you such a Fucking unicorn? Where are the rest of you???

I know a gay guy who basically said, "Fuck you, I ain't giving up Chick-fil-A" when he was told he should boycott them.

Could Huffington post be engaging in a criminal act with this kind of sustained attack?

They just have not let up at all now. It's been a decade.

tim tassopoulos, CEO of chic-fil-a is a BASED Orthodox Christian. all over the world we are leading the fight against faggotry. #begome

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>a group of faggots
>or a delicious chicken sandwhich with sweet tea.
Oh my oh my this is a toughie.

Libs got btfo'd when they tried this a few years ago. I remember the huge lines and support for chicfila that day

I wish the closest Chick-fil-A wasn't a two hour drive past the boarder. I swear if they open one in Bellingham I"ll go at lest once a month.

Chik fil a looks so good. We have Taco Bell in Australia and its fucking trash. Plz come Chik fil a.

My stomach or your feelings? lol get fucked HuffPost.

99% of all posts from mutts, who fucking cares about some poisonous fucking chicken. Cook your own food amerifats

It is the best. Put some money down to try it, and see for yourself. It's worth supporting the company alone.



>Succulent chicken breast filet lightly breaded and fried exactly the right ammount of time in peanut oil
>Served on a soft bun with a pickle and a side of thick cut waffle fries
>Lemonade made daily from fresh lemons and cane sugar
It's fast food, but it is God tier. And they only hire attractive young women and no matter what the service is unfailingly polite

I do, regularly, but sometimes you're not at home and you get the hankerin' for a delicious all-white meat chicken breast patty, lightly battered and fried, baked if you prefer, with a blend of several different spices or herbs for a custom sandwich, your cheese of choice, and a selection of veggies to rival subway, topped with a drizzle of your favorite condiment, or let the fine employee surprise you.

By-the-by, they always pay above national wage. That should assuage your crypto-commie leanings.

have you ever had a Swedish Meatball?

it's when a Swedish wife castrates her husband and de-gloves his testicles, then her refugee live-in boyfriend nuts on it and the husband eats it.

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i hope chik-fil-a expands into europe

Huffpost, Verizon and AOL are all connected. If you have Verizon you are supporting this garbage.

Even Nate Silver knows what's up.

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Also gay and love me some chick. Huge gun nut, mostly right leaning and absolutely cannot stand most faggots. Gonna go get me a spicy chicken today I think.

>the profile pic in the "after election" compared to the Trump Wins pic
I'm guessing he lost his toupee during a tantrum.

>I'm gay and eat at Chic-fil-A.
>and as much cock as I see
>and hairy manass
>being a faggot isn't just a fetish, it's a Lifestyle!

That's the problem.
Homos aren't happy just eating cock.
They NEED everyone else to not only be forced to watch them eat cock, but to give them a participation trophy as well.

In honor of homo month, there should be a push for liberals to suck dick, whether they identify as knobgobblers or not.

You all KNOW SoiBois will line up to be the first on their block to eat cock.

p.s. Fuck Canada

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This. No other group of sexual deviants go out and shit their fetish into everyones face as much as the fags. If you tell someone you're into inflation or vore, they'll treat you like the freak you are. But if you tell someone you're a faggot, everyone is just expected to be okay with that.

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This is great. I guess this makes Chick Filet /our/ restaurant.

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We can now rest easy knowing there will be less faggots and niggers in Chick Fil-a


i had my serving of hate-chicken today.
#1 with a lemonade.

thank you, chic-a-filet

That looks like pleasant fast food, if we had it here I'd loyally eat that whenever the mood took me.

>October 18, 2016
>Should Clinton Play for an Electoral College Landslide
Jesus. Not discounting what the Trump campaign pulled off, but it's like the Clinton campaign looked at anything that seemed like a good idea and did the opposite.

if this gets on drudge, chic-a-filet will have its best financial quarter to date


Its rare. That much i will tell you. I have homosexual feelings but as i said most gays you meet are super-fags who will let you assfuck them in the first 5 minutes usually.

I have anxiety and im a neat freak. I just never seen sex as a major deal, i have tons of friends and have every opportunity to bang anytime i want, its just gross.

Most gays are drug users or are odd as fuck. I was sheltered and hated myself for years for having gay feelings. I just never felt the drive nor feelings that drive men to snag a women.

It sucks deep down, i have a ton of straight friends as its easy as hell to be likeable when you're not a sjw pushing faggot.

I also grew up online so i got used to shitposting and love it, dont care what people say to me. I have friends who hate gay people but more than likely know im gay but dont care as im respectful to others opinions.

Mainstream media doesnt interview normal faggots anyways as we're not interesting. They wanna interview the 45 year old black tranny that smokes meth and diddles kids instead.

I mostly just keep to myself, its not even worth trying to tell people there's a small percent like me because its so rare and mainstream media skews views.

Also goodluck ever finding any normal gay people outside of the biblebelts. Gays that grow up in the conservative areas learn to have morals and are more introverted and keep to themselves/ keep it secret more-so. Hence why its rare anyways.

The biggest mistake ever was a foundation called the lgbt groups which liberated and encouraged gross public misconduct that even straight people find disgusting if other straight people do it too.

Straight people dont wanna see some man and women making out sexually in public, you gotta have some form of respect. Faggots are so broken most of the time outisde of bible belts that they go so extreme its almost alien.

Dont even get me started on trannies.
Trannies are more alien than any gay person i met.

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It was a rough night for all the mainstream outlets but Fox. And they seemed genuinely flabbergasted by what was going on.
>He's winning? Holy shit!


>asking yanks to pick between their bellies and your agenda

oh nononono

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already unofficially started it
>am committed to eating at chic-a-filet twice a week

kike detected