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All jewish people are racist

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This can't be true. Jews can't be racist fucking anti-semite scum.

Who else /Ashkenazisupremacist/?

Yeah, we all know that racism is privilege AND power.

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why are today's journalists unable to even write a headline without 'horrifying' bias

Interesting how not racist people suddenly become racist when exposed to the mass of humanity.


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>Didnt like Asians
Im noticing a pattern here

I like how they purposely say "xenophobia" instead of "racism" since he's a kike.

Fuck every news media outlet. I pray to God every journalist alive gets brain cancer.

In shocking turn of events, Einsten found to be just white, not jewish!

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What he was saying was considered scientific fact more or less at the time. The article warns against using this argument but how is it wrong to view things in context? Also how can anyone with a straight face tell me that, having travelled to developing countries, they don't start to compare and contrast their home country to the developing country? And when they see something backward, they don't get a little feeling of pride? I bet even the most liberal progressive anti-racist would start to get this feeling after spending a few years in rural China, for instance. Einstein was just a man after all.

"Even the children are spiritless and look obtuse.”
>Soulless bugmen as Jow Forums has put it

>when exposed
That's when their instincts kick in and the humanitarian brainwashery vanishes


sandnigger filth desu

>Einstein’s perceptions of the Japanese he meets are, in contrast, more positive: “Japanese unostentatious, decent, altogether very appealing,” he writes. “Pure souls as nowhere else among people. One has to love and admire this country.”

Einstein was a white supremacist. No surprise there.


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Einstein was a Jew, so of course he's racist like all Jews

Nice digits. But also this, there is nothing wrong with having preference in cultures or people. This completely morally grey "everyone is equal" bullshit is useless and will die.


>can't do basic mathematics
Pick one and only one.

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What's new?

"Ulltra-Nationalism for us, Internationalism for the goyim" - The Way of The Jew

>chinks have no souls
>indians smell bad
>japs are alright
he's not wrong

There also was an article that he was a sexist

>"There is only one race, the Jewish race"

Wtf, I hate Einstein now

>It wasn't racist back then but it's racist now
We should call this - The Theory of Relativity

>People are still shocked that societal norms were different in the past

but you can't say that! Are you denying the 6 gorillian goyim?

Einstein was so low IQ from being inbred that he married his first cousin like the inbred kike he is.

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Based he's /ourjew/

he liked the japanese
the chinese he hated

Everyone was racist at that time. I'm not shocked

Jesus, this pic and the story behind it are awful.


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They do that in South Africa too whenever blacks attack whites, it’s a xenophobic crime not a racist crime

>at that time

Fuck, so now Einstein was not only dyslexic, failed highschool math, couldn't talk till he was 4, failed collage intro physics, had ADHD, autism, bipolar disorder, SAD, depression and dyscalcua, but he was also xenophobic and misogynistic? How the fuck did he manage to make general relativity?

Hes right though, chinese and indians are subhumans while the japs are the best asians

xenophobic crime huh, that must mean they want to fuck white woman.

Read up on Tesla's opinion on Einstein, gotta love the disdain he has for Einstein

How can you be prejudiced AFTER meeting someone? That's experience, not prejudice.

You clearly haven't read the Talmud.

Lmao, but by G-d forget having such feelings for stinking kikes

All statues of Einstein must be taken down.

This reveals the systemic inherent racism that is keeping Chinese people down.

>taking clickbait at face value
got any quotes? nowadays even something like "i didn't quite enjoy the cuisine here" would pass for shocking xenophobia

This is also true from my experience, except it's specific to the Chinese.

Shut up with your bigoted talk. If you don't like blacks raping your country, that makes you racist you fucking BIGOT.

Pretty much everybody was racist back then but it only takes millenial brain rot to pretend otherwise.

Einstein was also a fraud.

His Slavic wife, a highly talented physicist, did all of his work. He published it through the company he worked at under his own name.

He divorced her and married his own fucking kike sister. Complete degenerate.

he´s just a racial relativist

Einstein=Murder Chinese^2

>Private journals kept by the scientist and humanitarian icon show prejudiced attitudes towards the people he met while travelling in Asia

>Written between October 1922 and March 1923, the diaries see the scientist musing on his travels, science, philosophy and art. In China, the man who famously once described racism as “a disease of white people” describes the “industrious, filthy, obtuse people” he observes.

>He notes how the “Chinese don’t sit on benches while eating but squat like Europeans do when they relieve themselves out in the leafy woods. All this occurs quietly and demurely. Even the children are spiritless and look obtuse.” After earlier writing of the “abundance of offspring” and the “fecundity” of the Chinese, he goes on to say: “It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races. For the likes of us the mere thought is unspeakably dreary.”

>He later adds, in Rosenkranz’s words, “a healthy dose of extreme misogyny” to his xenophobia with the observation: “I noticed how little difference there is between men and women; I don’t understand what kind of fatal attraction Chinese women possess which enthrals the corresponding men to such an extent that they are incapable of defending themselves against the formidable blessing of offspring”.

>Einstein’s perceptions of the Japanese he meets are, in contrast, more positive: “Japanese unostentatious, decent, altogether very appealing,” he writes. “Pure souls as nowhere else among people. One has to love and admire this country.” But Rosenkranz points out that he also concludes that the “intellectual needs of this nation seem to be weaker than their artistic ones – natural disposition?”

It's not racism because he appreciates the Japanese. Xenophobia because the Chinese are not s race.

The numbers too.

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after the divorce, the guy killed himself. officially he "fell on ice"

Everything he wrote here is accurate and remains so even today.


Who is that semen demon?

means we have to give up the theory of relativity.

be careful wishing cancer on people desu

underatted post

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>The Guardian

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> hated chinese for the insects they are
> admired japanese

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All Kikes are racists irl. The whole "Tolerance" and "Equality" thing is just their trying to kill off the whites.

that is why that motherfucker CREATED the a-bomb.
he hated society .

Mark my words, all of a sudden he'll turn from kike, to white man.

Lol. Everyone: he's /ourguy/

Who's this cum connoisseur?

Katka H is one of her known online names.

Typical jew:
>the man who famously once described racism as “a disease of white people”
Oy vey goy, don't be racist!

But at the same time writes this in his diary :
“It would be a pity if these Chinese supplant all other races. For the likes of us the mere thought is unspeakably dreary.”

Dude, read Mark Twain, Hume, Ben Franklin, Bertrand Russell, fucking Marx and Engels etc. People who would be considered Liberals or Leftists today. They all showed disdain toward certain races. It was the standard until progressives took censorship powers.

>read Marx
Kill yourself

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Top kek

This like the Hollywood jews : "feminism is good for you goy! respect women" when at the same time they are raping white aspiring actresses daily.

The Jews are a race of liar, they feed us a destructive ideology to kill us.

Einstein was the Neil De Grouse Tyson of his day. A newspaper sensation.
You read his works, and accounts of him, you'll notice he wasn't a genius. Hawking wasn't a genius either. Both were smart but certainly not genius level. Einstein had an IQ around 130 I'd say and Hawking was in the 140s. Not genius tier. IQ of 160 includes Tesla, Von Gruber, Beethoven, Bach, and Mozart, Newton, James Watson, all were genius tier. Einstein as super smart is just Jewish drivel.

I get your point but are you really trying to imply Neil D.G Tyson has an IQ of 130/140?

>some fucking fedora talking shit about people eons beyond anything you can hope to accomplish
2/10 would not genius

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Jews look down on all non-Jews. The goyim are animals to the Jew.

t. Jew

>Can't even read about the opposition
lol afraid you'll like it? pathetic idiot

It's possible. There are black IQ scores that high, even though very rare. That's university professor tier. Smart IQ. Not super smart.
They do not deserve to be compared with actual geniuses.
I'm not talking shit. I'm talking without bullshit.

Really? The Tyson of his day?
Bitch please.
he won a nobel prize, and could have won at least one other nobel prize for relativity.

Tyson has done fuck all.

I do think Einstein is a little bit overrated, but he's still basically god-tier.

Why is it ok to read people’s diary’s after they’re dead? Aren’t they supposed to be private?

Public figures are mere products.

To be honest, you should either destroy your diaries when you think you are on you way out, or at the least get the person you trust the most to destroy them for you after you die.
Best not to keep one at all really.

Read Mark Twain’s descriptions f the Native American in “Roughing It”. Not flattering.

Kek. Even Einstein was a shapeshifting "hello there fellow whites" faggot:
>"In China, the man who famously once described racism as “a disease of white people” describes the “industrious, filthy, obtuse people” he observes."

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quick rundown?

>he won a nobel prize, and could have won at least one other nobel prize
Not a measure of intelligence. I too mentioned Nobel laureates, it's irrelevant whether you win a prize. There have been many fraudulent Nobel laureates such as Brown and Goldstein for their nonsense cholesterol hypothesis which has since been debunked, and anyone who critically examined it in the first place would have found cause for alarm.
Ffs, Einstein couldn't even drive a vehicle. Not God tier.

Ask Tesla
T. Patent office jew

>t. worried journalist


>Why not wade into a radioactive sewer goy? You might like it

If Tyson was a jew he'd have a Nobel by now too.