Why did they try to make us feel bad about this when these jihadists would behead people without a second thought...

Why did they try to make us feel bad about this when these jihadists would behead people without a second thought? They deserve torture

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Attached: memories.jpg (1000x748, 173K)

no trial, no evidence, mostly guys turned in for a reward. And an easy was for abdul to get his rival taken away.

On one hand
>stooping to the level of these animals
On the other
>stepping on the processes of anti terrorism workers
Don't care, just keep preventing chemical and nuclear attacks.

thats obviously sra

None of the prisoners at Abu Ghraib were even actual terrorists.

On the offchance you're not just trolling, watch Taxi to the Dark Side for a good film about the subject.

A bullet to the head. Rinse, repeat.

Fancy bullshit like capes and fairy lights just proves that we can cut the funding and still run a good war.

No one deserves torture. What the fuck is wrong with you? When you descend to the level of "getting back" at your enemy by doing creepy borderline sexual sadistic shit, you lower yourself to subhuman levels of barbarism.

Do you want to end up like one of these countries, where it's impossible to have a society because everybody solves their problems by degrading, torturing, and raping everything they dislike, like prehistoric fucking apes?

You should not feel bad. You did not do this disgusting inhuman shit.

You should feel angry, the same way you'd feel angry about terrorists doing this nasty shit or angry about our "trusted allies" in Saudi Arabia who do this nasty shit all day long.

Attached: islamic state and saudi arabia.jpg (472x922, 135K)

Why do they have this chode standing on a case of MREs? Waste of good chili mac

>I can lock up and torture people without any trial as long as i claim them to be jihadis
muttistanian democracy at work

I fully support the rape, torture and murder of all jihadists. Your moral posturing (waaahhh we're better than this we shouldn't stoop this low wahhh) is a weakness

>thinking people here have a problem with authoritarianism and torture of enemies

the smell of jew is strong in this thread

See this is exactly what I was thinking,
I do hate taking centrist point of views though.

Eager to kill jihadists? Then you should start with your own government, who empowered the jihadists in the first place.

Attached: Osama bin Laden article 1993.jpg (2151x1606, 554K)

Those were Iraqi soldiers, not jihadists. Anyway, our government set them up with all their weapons and then decided to kill them. The only solution is just leave the Middle East. Take out the Saudis and make it a territory for oil.

Nice photoshop, user

You realize these are just random people they just rounded up...Its like the Chinese invading us and accusing everyone of being a gangbanger. They also put these people under mind control levels of torture and are now your average ISIS fighter. That was the whole point of these prisons, same with Gitmo

Onions boy tier comment

>b but I can get more info out of them without torture
Cool story, don’t care

We don't and nor we should for Israel, they're also sandniggers with violent tendencies towards us.

Attached: Isisbucket_challenge.png (558x558, 312K)

What if
Acting like jihadist
wasn't a nice thing
for civilized people

What if
it's pretty much acknowledged
that torture
isn't a good tool to get informations

I wonder

One of the saddest perversion's of Ayn Rand's works have been by the "Ayn Rand" Institute to argue for exactly that. inb4 but j00

How do you feel about organ harvesting political convicts?

Because some of the people detained there were pocked out of a hat