How do we lower the birth rates of minorities?

How do we lower the birth rates of minorities?

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Legalize abortion

Legalised abortion.

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Abolish welfare and let nature do the work.

Abortion is legal, useless. No welfare


Stop paying them with your taxes, wagecuck.

They naturally have high birthrates (r/k selection) but with White medicine/inventions their infant and general mortality rates are fractions of a percent of what non-Whites evolved to have.
The real question is how do we raise the death rates?

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more planned parenthoods in the hood

If you can't beat em, join em.
Start having mixed babbys.

multiple choices
>genocide minorities
>castrate minorities
>mandatory abortions for minorities
now if you are talking about useless people in general there is a much simpler choice
>end the welfare state, let the weak perish

by giving to nonprofits like Population Services International, which takes a business approach to contraception for minorities.

But the white population has had similar birth rates to minorities before.

stopping foreign aid.

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>remove veteran's meal ticket
im sure that will go swell.

If you have a job, you literally pay niggers to breed with your taxes coming out of your paycheck.

Your bank account is not an indicator of your personal strength.. its actually a gauge at how much you've fucked over your own people.

Donate to planned parenthood

i think its an indicator of the amount of money I have in my bank

they should be considered hostile actors like they where 30 or so years ago and face televised execution.

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Not at all it has no set value because its not backed by gold.
I'd not sell you a loaf of bread for your entire national debt.

Demographics is destiny, wh*Toid.


if your not gold backed your money is worthless than toilet paper.

Educate them
Give then give them a middle class existance
Give them loans with interest
And then threaten to take it away if they dont work
Then they cant afford children like whites

Thankfully President Trump is at the helm so good chance you get your money back to where it used to be ...valuable.

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Have sex with more Latina women.

Grind birth control pills into the government cheese?

Create a genophage

USD is worthless to me, I only deal in Gold , Oil and Clay.

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Wasn't there some testing done on mosquitos about changing their dna in such a way that they can only produce male offspring?
This. But it may be safer to change that to female only.

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Pay them to have abortions instead of paying them to have kids. It's pretty fucking simple. They already abort a lot of potential criminals for free. Give them some crack money to do it and watch ghettos depopulate within a couple generations.

sorry your so jealous.

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He's right. only gold has real value. land is impossible to own you have to pay a tithe every year instead of really own it.

Fuck off you memeflag kike, I'll fucking crush your skull after I'm done taking a shit in it

Unironically abortion

eww but you will end up all smeared in your own shit. How would you crush his shit-filled skull?

>How do we lower the birth rates of minorities?

well, you COULD stop subsidizing them... but they might riot.

And the jews would try to stop you at every turn.

Cut welfare

no no no.. that is too easy
we must have more complicated solution

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