>be white male
>kill self
The absolute state of the "master race" lmao
Be white male
Other urls found in this thread:
I want you to suckle my cockel
>the absolute state of Jow Forums pass users
>the eternal dragon islander posts again
jokes on you Xian-Xo, I cant afford a Jow Forums pass
Niggers are too busy getting shot in Detroit to commit suicide.
>be white male
>have entire country stolen from you
>own parents side with occupiers
>watch as niggers and spics have 10 kid families
>meanwhile video games are your only companion
>watch as you grow old
>watch as your women side against you
>watch as your church sides against you
>watch as your government sides against you
>wonder why you're still living
>eat more
>get fat
>realize there is no hope of a happy life now
>no woman would ever want you
>living only for food
>decide to take honorable way out
>end your life
nothing new: higher intelligence is related with higher suicides
Yeah, great!
isn't like 70% of michigan white? Wouldn't that be equal representation?
This is what happens when you realize life is pretty much a shit sandwich and your prize at the end is probably a long illness where you will spend years praying for death.
>Living in Michigan
You call that living you drippy coit turbofag?
Is 70% male as well? You don't math much, do you?
Only white men think beyond tribal ape-like behavior (Niggers/Mexicans), Asian bee-hive group think, and Kim Kardashian's latest lipstick color (Western Women). The individualistic aspect of Western society leads people to question life, themselves, love, meaning, etc. Since White men don't abandon their kids at high rates like niggers/mexicans, they're expected to provide for their family (and sometimes fall onto hard times/unemployment). Add in the remission of religion in the West and the empty void is now filled with shotgun shells.
Be a hooknosed inbred, call for extermination of whites.
End up exterminating yourself due to being a dumb jew.
so white men are more weak the blacks, browns and asians?
It made my day.
The media is doing this to us.
>From Michigan
I'm scoring to be one of those numbers any day now
I'll make a mental note to watch the obituaries for you user
The result of divisity sjw marxist policies and propaganda along with being sold out by boomers, white males are being demonalized, vilified, and replaced. They are seen as the enemy and they are attacked on all sides. What should they fight for? Their countries and heritage has been stolen and given away. Their Women are whores who are incentivised to cheat and devorce by the court system and media promoting degenerate cultural norms and they are having their positions given to diversity hires because of equity and too many white males is a bad thing. I only hope more start to take as many poor mother fuckers with them as they can until the whole system crashes and burns.
Economics I think. No jobs. Most of them grew up with parents who worked and now you're out of work you would like a total loser. Lost a friend this way. Sucks. Fuck globalism.
>the race only consists of males
Don't give up, it's darkest before the dawn, I care about you
Basically this
When whites are considered little more than evil demons, people are going to kill themselves. It's also why school shooters are more likely to be white besides population percent. Whites are attacked on all fronts, especially if men.
The thought of falling asleep forever is better than life itself.
>American maths
1 post by this Id
Learn to spot SLIDEs newfags.
thanks jews
know your better than your situation. no way in hell of getting out.