>"White Genocide is for reals. guise!"
>*kills self*
You wypipol are funny.
"White Genocide is for reals. guise!"
Other urls found in this thread:
keep laughing.
no one cares about our pain, so why bother? we're in a hopeless situation cuz we've been betrayed and abandoned by our own people.
The weak cull themselves. The strong will cull you.
trying to talk out on the problem only leads to more alienation and ostricization. you become a villain in society if you even say the words "white genocide" even though that is in reality what is happening.
>hated for being white
>shamed for being white
>still study hard
>your gpa is good to earn a scholarship
>scholarship is given to niggers and women because FUCK WHITE MEN
>higher taxes to fund niggers and women
>look for a job in your dream career
>all spots taken by niggers and women
>invest money to start your own business
>cockblocked if you don't hire women and niggers
>actually hire women and niggers
>they ruin your business and steal it from you
The ones killing themselves are all lefitsts who've realized they betrayed their own race, and the day of the rope is approaching.
They've saved us time is all.
>1 post
god you people are dumb
It's mostly deranged leftists who commit suicide. Net positive, the weak are killing themselves.
1/4 of all baby's aborted are black.
t. butthurt Qshill
I'm unironically planning on commiting suicide by 30 or when my parents die. It's really my only plans for the future.
Why? You could always resign yourself to Allah and go hit up a furry convention.
This. All of the 'systems of oppression' against blacks and women that once were are all justified if they can't perceive that all they've done is the reverse to white males. Even with odds stacked against them, white men still generally outperform these 'oppressed' groups at their jobs.
Direct your sadness and rage onto the world, make something out of it as a desperate attempt to find meaning. I was planning to do the same as you at thirty, but my calling was literature. I write for myself, maybe you could try the same, friend?
>Not getting into cryptocurrency to make your odds better
Good morning! Isn't it funny that if you were smart enough to see why they're killing themselves, you'd kill yourself too!?
I’m just glad I don’t believe in the holocaust anymore. Save yourself and Heil Hitler.
>read TIME
>Oy suicide is now becoming a problem after literally who fashion designer anhero'd
>suicide for female minors rose 20%~ over the last few years, lowering the gap between male and female suicide rates
>now its a problem
If you’re willing to throw everything away, you have nothing to lose and are truly free.
They weren't oppressed by the system, they simply werent included because they didnt build it and couldnt build it, they think western civilization popped out of thin air like magic and now after all the hard work is done they are entitled to a piece of it inorder to insure themselves a better life but it comes at the expense of the actual builders.. white males, who sweat, fought, bled and died for it and of course they will tell you you cant take pride in accomplishments of your ancestors so they will just take everything built for the benefit of their descendants and give it away to 3rd world low iq shitskins.
I see it as bullshit. Niggers and women always see things on a group basis and not individual basis. Why are whites more fair to blacks and even get offended when other whites mention negative things about blacks. But blacks consider all whites their enemy. Even those that cuck for them are not safe from nigger reprisals. I saw first hand how it works. I was in a bar where some of my friends wearing maga hats were celebrating post election, a couple of niggers came up to us and started fucking with us. One nigger stole my friends hat so we chased him down and got it back. Shit got heated real quick. When it seemed like we were going to come to blows a bunch of white cucks appeared from nowhere and tried to protect the niggers from us. This infuriated the niggers and they started attacking the white cucks. My friends then started throwing punches behind the cucks and hit a few niggers. Then the niggers got really mad and didn't care who they hit. The white cucks went down on the ground and the niggers were yelling at them to stand the fuck up and do their job. When the cucks couldn't stand the niggers turned their rage ion the white cucks and beat the shit out of them and of course took their wallets. We fled because we didn't want to get arrested.
P.S,. I bet 99% of these people that cry oppression weren't around when oppression was and 99% of white men had nothing to do with it.