Young spanish salary: 700 euros monthly for working 10 hours a day
Nigger: 450 euros without working AND NGOs help them to find a house. Oh and if they bring their families and have children they can gain like 1,500 euros monthly
Spain YES! 450 euros monthly for the rapefugees
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It's all so tiresome
You are doing the right thing here, Spain. Your women need the fun. 500,000 more to come soon!
Spain will go facist again in my life time :)
Is not fun when even the women have to be slaves too to maintain all these niggers
Someone tell me again why the fuck is Europe so cucked? Why do you do this yourselves you poor bastards??
Are you all secretly masosadists???
so buy a machine gun and start mowing the niggers down
take your country back by force, and kill the evil politicians that did this to you also
>tfw live in a timeline where the west falls in your lifetime
>Pepe is researched
>China slowly build artificial islands between my country and claim as their own like parasite
Are there more to come?
Are those Socialist losers going to be voted out in two years? They are going to destroy the country. You need to join Italy, Hungary, and Austria.
brb moving to spain
Mostly education and selfguilt brainwashing 24 hours a day, not kidding, now they are even talking how cool euthanasia is (for whites of course). We have a high suicide rate too but media ignore that, they are always saying we are killers and sexists (only 40 women die a year, and more than half of those deaths were by immigrants). But also is the absolute lack of honour, I understand corruption exists everywhere, but here old men would sacrifice their own children and grandchildren future just to be a little more rich. Lets say there is no warrior spirit, just whores spirit. Then we have the rest of the brainwashed young people but most of them are starting to wake up, mostly because here even women miss the old sexism because most of them are still living with their parents at the age of 35.
As they say in most retail stores, "you break it you buy it". However the jokes on you because in this case what you're breaking is your economy. Unironically you can't buy anything.
And you're having fun too! Soon paying 70% of taxes for the doctors and engineers! Yay, the future is black, haha.
That's what you get for an all-female government.
I'm genuinely sorry about your condition now, fellow spaniard, however, I just hope that it stays there.
We can barely afford to sustain ourselves, let alone rapefugees.
Does no one even dare question the brainwash? How did it even get so bad?
Count on it my fellow estoniabro, count on it.
Can I also come to Spain if I'm not a refugee?
They call us paranoid or fascists, but in private a lot of them thinks the same and digital newspapers comments are getting censored. Only NGOs and retards who still go to the university still believe their fantasy world, but poverty is pretty high here, like I said most youngers cant afford a house nor a single kid, you will see lot of people over 30 that still live with their parents here.
Way to literally take it up the ass, Spain
Does Spain also give the niggers housing? All of western civilization feels like it's a powder keg ready to blow at this point, just needs something to set it off.
>I'll do nothing and wait till epic le happening comes by itself, muh day of the rope and everyone will happily live after :)
You stupid fucking faggot. You have no idea in what kind of world you live in.
u mad?
Yes, though usually during the first months they share house with others till they have enough or the NGO fixed the papers. You wont see niggers in any university or at 06:00 AM,, you find them in gyms, parties, buying or taking a walk. They live better than riches I can assure you, Justice cant even touch them and even if they rape girls, they are in the street in two days.
I will tell you more, if they enter in your house and you hurt them a little the thief can sue you and you could go to jail.
Lived in Spain for a year, country is on the edge of collapse all the time. The last news report I remember watching before leaving bin collectors were in a standoff with Madrid officials and hadn't collected refuse in weeks. The gist was that they wanted to reduce their salaries to about €800 pm, fire lads and have those that remained work longer hours to compensate. This won't end well. For the commies and the moors. It will end well for the Spanish. ¡Cara al sol mis hermanos españoles!
in 400 years they will call this slavery
That's what you get for choosing (((socialist)))
but wait, are they gonna pay the (((NGOs))) or the dindus directly?
In Italy we pay circa 1000 a month per single refugee to the (((charities and NGOs))) providing care for the niggers, not to the niggers themselves.
I forgot to add that case where they hired a football coach who didnt even speak spanish (nor tried to) and was gaining over 2,000 euros monthly.
>working ten hours a day
Biggest lie ever told on this site. You motherfuckers literally take siestas in the middle of the day,
Here in Argentina in 24 hs is going to be decided if abortion is legal or not.
All the middle class young girls salivating under the idea of killing their babies because some international kike swarmed our country with money to make lobby.
We are clapping under the idea of suiciding ourselves.
I'm so tired that i want to kill myself. The only think that keep me sane is the idea of defeating this beasts and some day to get justice.
Digits for fascist coup and new inquisition
what did the quran mean by this?
>implying this hard
Anyone who can think two steps ahead can see that le epic happening is coming soon to Europe. It will bring death and destruction. Now who do you think is going to survive this chaos a simpleton normie or a person who can already see it happening and is preparing for it.
>Vote far-left government.
>Being surprised when they betray their own people
This is entirely your own fault
spain has been in a recession since the 90s. im surprised it lasted this long
I feel your pain nigger. My country just voted for this barbarism and sluts celebrated it. They had a big party in Dublin. It's literally a human right to murder the most vulnerable and innocent form of human life you fascist bigot.
How's the general response from the people?
derecha muerte peloton pronto?
When did we, as men, become so weak? These things should have never even been considered in the first place yet here we are.
You nailed those digits bro
Kalergi Plan.
How can anyone deny this. You are paying niggers to collonise you and when there are enough of them, the slaughter/rape will being.
Look at the mural under the Eifle Tower. Now look at the artists other works. Its Niggers genociding white people and they blatantly throw it in your face.
>young spanish salary: 700 euros monthly for working 10 hours a day
That's meaningless without context. What's the rent of an average appartment/house run in spain?
to be fair the most embarassing thing in that post is that a monthly wage is only 700 euro.
I mean sure, send the africans back or bury them at sea, but what the fuck.
Man, Hans, that's cold. You caused the whole thing, you know?
No guns and tyrannical governments.
you won't find a decent apartment in Europe for less than 250euros/month
most are over 300euros/month
half the salary of 700euro goes to pay for rent and public utilities (electricity, water, phoneline)
It's surprising how Islamic countries resist that harmful shit tho. What's your secret? What do you do with commies?
>Are you all secretly masosadists???
Europe has been flagellating itself over colonization and the holocaust since the end of WW2. It's what happens when communist infiltrate your government.
>Europe can no longer pay 1st world wages/salaries
>Looks to other nations for cheaper workers
>"Mmmmm look at all those wonderful Africans we could mass import in and pay slave wages"
>Africans arrive and don't want to work and live on welfare instead
>Economy collapses.
Man are your leaders fuck ups. You could have imported in Indians to drive rubbish trucks.
same here, only we don't give them gibs. occasionally the EU does. 80% of the "refugees" left the camps last year to go beg for gibs in Western Europe. Some people here suggested work camps so they can pay for their stay themselves and shit got hated.
>Not knowing half of Saudi is on gibs
Exactly which is why I need such context.
You won't find a decent place to live in my country without at least 400/month, but then again minimum wage is more like 1000 euro or so.
They are fervently anti-semetic.
And you were only off by one for a chain of 3 88 replies, you have my respect
fuck minimum wage here is 300 euro and a average apartment in the capital is 350 euro. How people make it is beyond me.
(60% grey economy is how)
Meanwhile white and civilized legal immigrants are getting shat on every day (and so are native Spaniards), both crossing the poverty line pretty often.
So tolerant and fair!
>implying this isn't by design
M80 you need a lesson in looking at the big picture. It's way too cohencidental to think that this is just happening because of incompetence in every country in Europe. What do you think the foundation of the ECB was about? The (((financial crisis)))? Endless QE?
When Iran had its revolution, Marxists from Russia were subverting the shit out of them.
Man picture and his friends ran them out of the country.
Spaniards go handle this shit without government. Raid that fucking camp and let them know their either swimming back or dying!!
Lel maybe I should save up a few year's worth of salary and move to your country and live like a king
jews, unironically
When the government has declared war on you, why are people still playing the game and vote? Why not just drag politicians from their houses and hang them?
That’s just sad to hear. Spain should not have 40% youth unemployment while it’s chockful of niggers, maghrebis, gypsies, euro trash, and Latin America spics. Spain should be for Spaniards first and foremost, as it should be anywhere really... and don’t get me started on rapefugees and criminals. I would deport their asses back to their shitholes on their first felony. Spanish prisons should only be temporary holding for migrant criminals. They should be deported. Period.
to be fair, pre- european union, it was understood that spain ,greece and italy were poor and cheap as fuck in relation to the north western europe. not condoning the acceptance of the refugees but the whole of europe is not one
>legal migrants
Tiny little whitei dickis mostly
>Illegal blackmigrants
As a proud feminist it’s clear Africans need spain gibs more than Europeans, and specially SPANISH NATIVES (ew! Nazis! SHAME!) do.
Too busy wageslaving so we can sustain our miserable existence.
Stockholm syndrome and fetish for cuckoldry.
Shit, I’ve been to Spain a few times and unironically love the country. I’d like to live there but they’d rather have niggers than gingers.
They won't even last those two years. They've already pissed off the whole opposition
>fuck over (legitimately) the """""""right wing"""""" govt and their neoliberal lackeys
>achieve this using a flimsy majority which united literally all other parties only over the govts massive corruption
>be in minority govt
>be supposedly left-wing but refuse coalition with other large left-wing party because reasons
>elect lots of non-lefty ministers bc you're trying to win the neoliberal vote even though you're """""""socialist""""""""
>elect a minister who openly hates catalans and everything they do, alienating the nationalist parties which helped you get into govt
They won't be able to do jack shit in parliament, and the electoral boon of being in power will turn against them really quickly.
Not like it matters anyway, all remotely relevant parties are either corrupt, cucked, ((())), or all of those at once.
>700 euros monthly for working 10 hours a day
Why are you guys so poor?
We don't kill middle-easterners and steal their oil. Hope America gets nuked soon. God forgive their sins against humanity.
Socialism. Everything is regulated and taxes to death.
>the president is overthrown by a confirmed puppet of Soros
>just a few days later he's bringing in niggers
Like pottery.
Spanish fascists are globalist friendly.
>Lets say there is no warrior spirit, just whores spirit.
It's more of a predatory spirit. Spain (or rather the castilian mentality) has always been predatory. It preyed on its colonies until they gtfo of Spain, and then Spain started preying on its own people. That's also why Spaniards are so keen to fuck anyone over. They don't think of the consequence, they just want to make a quick buck.
There's a saying in spain: "Bread for today, hunger for tomorrow."
What about poor or homeless natives? What do they get?
>confirmed puppet of Soros
>What's your secret? What do you do with commies?
We absoluetly crush commie scum. Zero tolerance. We were McCarthying before it was cool. They’re despised on an official and a popular level.
Pic related is literally the only known and living Saudi communist. He’s a living relic. Commies are so rare in KSA that he’s become a celebrity. He still wears his adorable little red hat. It’s kinda cute.
private security and an unarmed population
Well sucks to be you then, hope you are ready to suck the BBC also since we both know how they act when they get the ficki ficki urge.
They get thrown to the streets with their families when banks decide to appropriate their apartments or houses cause it's mathematically impossible to pay the mortgages. Legal migrants who busted their asses to get normalized here also get shat on and often starve.
Two reasons:
First, service-based economy thanks to le based Franco deindustrializing Spain. Service sector creates a weak economy that fluctuates constantly, quickly reaches its growth limits and with much fewer indirect jobs created.
Second, again thanks to le based Franco, extreme overregulation where the economy is in practice controlled by the state like in the USSR. In fact, after the end of the Franco regime Spain got a bit deregulated, with a literal shitload of nationalized businesses being privatized, and a reduction in state-provided services like public housing. But the idea that the government must control the economy is deeply instilled in the spanish mindset, to the point where people expect the politicians to "create jobs".
because soros told them so. it's not even a conspiracy anymore
>It's surprising how Islamic countries resist that harmful shit tho
>What do you do with commies?
Uhhhhh, did you not remember about the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan.
>former president was no puppet
Lmaoing @ your life.
How would the Castilian mentality (and people) benefit from letting all these hordes in though? Sounds like a waste of taxpayers’ money... is “civic duty” a thing in Spain?
Wow Very progressive, Spain is almost a true Western country now
>working native: 700 euros monthly for working 10 hours a day
>nigger: 450 euros for free
I can only hope this will help wake up more people. Europe destroying own economy and demography for decade. There is infinite number of niggers in Africa. They can spawn like rats. And EU pay them like Kings. This will backfire badly. If only people start fight back before economy is wrecked.
Of course he was but apparently not enough, so now we get a new king cuck.
Average rent is around 400 a month for something that's not a complete dumpster and let's not even talk about mortgage. Those apes also get free housing.
My uncle living withmy grandmother is 60 years, she takes care of him and prepare his food, he spend the money in weed
I'm Jelly. Imo Marxist should be treated like neo nazis are - shunned in public and illegal. Meanwhile they have their own fucking party in our government.
No, in this case I think the reasons are simply media manipulation that plays into the virtue signalling of a catholic originated culture. Ironically, all those atheist lefties calling for the rapefugees to be admitted are actually just doing a very catholic thing of making like a contest out of who is more humanitarian and solidary.
It's a typical spanish thing, just like how people (leftists more than anyone else) almost "brag" about how poor and worse off they are, like being rich is a bad thing, and as if being poor somehow made them better persons.
You don't understand. Pedro Sanchez needs good goy points for the EU so that he can keep the Catalonian crisis under control without the EU having to intervene unless shit truly hits the fan. In truth, the same actor changed his presidential mask. Just look at how the stupid libtards are feeding from his hand.
Spoiler: It ain't gonna work.
oh look yet another spaniard who doesn't understand how the political system in his country works. Sad!
The Spanish fear the Soros.