Balkan wars

When will we have Balkan war 2: electric boogaloo? Who will win? Who was in the right last time?

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>spotted the balkan refugee living off benefits in sweden

Why are there so many slavshits from balkan in Sweden?
They are literally no better than the shitskin muslim invaders.

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Kosovo is Albanian and you know it.

Why is it such a shock for people to see balkans fleeing to their "we give anyone who isn't a natural born citizen free shit" countries?

Macedonia too.

Because your cucked countries give them benefits for not even working and only spawning dumbass kids, everyones dream in the Balkan is to go and leech of a Scandinavian country because you fags are so gullible

you have no say so in the matter, my brazilian friend

this time the UN don't step in to save the shitskins

This. these idiotic Scandinavian countries are so enticing to people from poor Eastern Europe countries, especially countries like Albanian, where honest work is JUST NOW becoming viable. Few years ago, it was either be a criminal, a farmer, or just be dirt poor and live off of scraps. Why would we NOT flee to your idiotic countries?

>it was either be a criminal, a farmer, or just be dirt poor
You act as though your people didn't choose this. The only natural Albania is a criminal one.

I know you're shitposting but we honestly didn't. None of us asked to be conquered by a crazy ass communist dictator.

Albania is Serbia prove me wrong.
Tip: You cant

Fuck you, Kosovo is serbian and Albanians are just white niggers

This is factually incorrect, Mohammad. You can argue that it's "Serbian land" but the majority of the people are Ethnic Albanians, who speak a form of Albanian.

Well, the fact that it's called Kosovo and is recognized by over 100 countries to be independent is a start.


Don'the lump us with subhuman cumskins

Just cause a lot of people Said it’s Ok it doesn’t mean it is. What If all countries Said ”kill all albanians”

Borders are an arbitrary thing though. They only exist as an idea so yes, it is important to have national recognition of them, for them to have any validity.

They can come and try it, we got lead to spare

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Serbians want to be good EU citizens now, the Jews had them domesticated. No war in the vicinity, just Serbia being flooded by African baboons, Arab neanderthals and faggot pride parades.

Albania wants the same thing though, although I doubt you'll see any gay pride parades any time soon.

Why do I get the feeling that you're a non-albanian shitposter

Ma Shqiptar se un s'bahesh, I just don't take things seriously.

We are ready to supply serbia with diesel fuel and mercury in exchange for chocolate bananas like in the good ol days

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Sure, If you dig it out of the heads of civilians

Day of bananica soon.

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>thread theme

On a serious note, there are a few hotspots of Muslims that can blow up.
Raska, Kosovo/Albania, Bosnia.
Raska has a majority of muslims and they have been uppity in recent times, flying Turkish flags and such.
Kosovo is a mafia state propped up by Clinton&co, who knows when that shithole goes into flames.
Bosnia is a fake state that will fail inevitably.
And there is a question of Albanians infesting Macedonia, Montenegro, Greece. Who knows how long the Albanians will have the support of the west and keep getting away with it.
As far as Serbia vs Croatia scenario, I can't see that happening.

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>hotspots of muslims

>blow up

North of Macedonia, amirite greek bros?

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I have a honest question for you. How does it feel to be so pessimistically retarded to think that any such scenario can take place? Any ebel mooslem insurgency will be shut down in mere hours considering each nation you mentioned strives to join the EU and such a thing would be a considerable detriment.

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>As far as Serbia vs Croatia scenario, I can't see that happening.
because we tractored you back to stone age?

Hey North Macedonian, how's it going?

Northern Macedonia

Southern Kosovo

Western Bulgaria

Eastern Albania

You fuck right off there is no we here

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>slurps Turkgarian cum for 850 years

Bananko > Bananica

>honest question
>starts with an insult.

If by we, you mean your current owners, it's still no. I just don't see enough animosity building up for something like that to happen.
We will see what happens in the future, perhaps you join Germanys chimp out for the third time and this time we don't take it easy. Preferably we flourish alongside eachothers while the west fails.

Fight me irl.

I start with an insult because you're laying out plans for an impossible scenario.


...fuck peasants though

I already won.
Bananica is product of Štark. Štark is owned by Droga-Kolinska Portorož. Droga-Kolinska is part of Atlantic Group. Atlantic Group is croatian. Bananko is Kraš, Kraš is croatian.

There were literally 0 plans in my post.
I was giving an assessment.
Albanians, not even once.

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Why is there no war. I want to fight in one while I am still young.

You know what I mean, you know you're fantasizing different outcomes in your brain about how you're going to kill the ebil mooslems and claim back your ancient heritage as saviors of hwyte Europe while jerking off to old Yugoslav imagery and insignia. That is why I ask you why you're so pessimistically retarded to believe any of those scenarios will come into fruition.

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Reckless trigger discipline. He deserves to get his dick caught in the slide after shooting himself in the leg.

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That's a nice fantasy bro, kinda got a bit gay with the jerking off, but whatever helps you.

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Mag's empty

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>the albo fears this

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>proceeds to show reckless yathagan discipline

Serbia is a country, not a nation.

Way to contribute absolutely nothing to the thread.

Is this a Jew that wants more Balkan pizza?

What are your predictions for Bosnia. When will it fall apart. Will there be war. I think there might be war in 5-10 years.

10 years may be overly optimistic, that place is standing on glass legs.
Hopefully we can avoid war. I'm not sure about you guys though. That's a rough one, I guess welcome to the "Having roaches" club.

What are your thoughts?

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What's the point of holding it then? To look tough while asleep on the couch? Sounds like more of a larper than someone prepared to fight.

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Srpska will probably be fine. Problem will be with croats in middle bosnia and muslims in Mostar. Those are potentional conflict areas.

And this

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>Republic South Serbia

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Shut up cuck. Kosovo is Albanian.

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>Northern Macedonia
>not Southern Bulgaria

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Ehh, won't be problem.

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I’d be worried about getting my little finger bit off.

Not for long. If there is anything that the USA is consistent with, that's in leaving their proxy patsy "allies" dry, after they've taken every possible advantage of them and depleted their usefulness. Your time is soon up schizo anal fag, better prep your sister for your uncle and run for the mountains.

>trigger discipline

only nordsòyims care about this

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Most of our Commies just straight up fled to Sweden and Florida during the 90s.

>t. Slavshit doing labour in a German factory

>When will we have Balkan war 2
in 1913

Do you even know where Bulgaria is leaf?

Bosnia and Albania are the two most likely to start the next war in the Balkans and will be mostly reliant on Saudi money and Turkish military support.

The only way to counter them is for Croats and Serbs to adopt the Kibbutz settlement model from the Jews and outfuck the Arabs.

you chose tho submit rather than to fight and die with honor

>t. Larping Turk

>the low iq serb thinks america is protecting albania
>he also forgets serbia have never won a war


You wouldn't exist if it wasn't for mutts

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>Largest army in Europe VS peasants with WW1 arms

And still you did not win. It's retarded you keep blaming the mutts.
They just stoped the shitfest. Be grateful you did not lose other regions

>Total Population : ~4.4 Million
>~2.3 Million Albanians
>~1.3 Million Macedonian
>~0.6 Million Serbo-Montenegrins

Why should we exactly fear that?

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JNA stopped being that in '91

Yes NATO and regular Analbanian army are peasants in that you are correct. Keep sucking that Clinton cock you might turn catholic a bit faster.

>mutts didn't help us!
>they just stopped the shitfest!
>therefore saving us.. oh wait

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only a serb can brag about winning a battle 30 vs hundreds

>serbs never won a battle
>grr serbs only kill poor weak albozergs
Make up your mind nigger

And was a coincidence that Milosevic attacked Kosovo when Albania was in civil war?

>fucking implying it won't happen anytime soon
Just end this pain.

>that Milosevic attacked Kosovo when Albania was in civil war

Mind-boggling level of retardation, right there

>meme flag

Checks out


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If by some miracle the outside world, ESPECIALLY NATO would pull out and refrain from meddling, interventions etc...

...Albanians would be no more.

Neither would Bosniaks

t. did not had a traktor to return back

might as well say you didn't win shit with battle numbers like that

well, apperantly there was civil war. It was caused by Ponzi scheme, goverment ponzi scheme, and albanians fell for it, selling homes etc, going to greece and italy for work to invest more into it. Fascinating...

>did not had a traktor

Great English right there, Shqiptar

Btw, the tractors were mostly looted/stolen Croat ones

If you believe that Croats love Albanians, you live in fantasy world:

1. you are exclusively criminals, smugglers, tax evaders

2. you are predominantly muslim, inbred short-limbed tribal squareheads

3. you cause trouble, especially in tourist places where you physically fight and assault competition, like in Hvar, Rovinj, Poreč

As a reaction to an open and outside funded terrorist insurgence that threatened the integrity of the country? That is a logical and valid move, not a coincidence.

The "civil war" in Albania has nothing to do with "Kosovo War".

Prisons were emptied in Albania any way.

Also, BND and MI6 were training rebels since 1996 for Kosovo war, in Albania

if you believe albanians give a flying crap about croats you are
1. retarded
2. a serb, might as well be included in the first
3. a balloon headed slavoid who never leaves his basement and gets his news from internet

>If you believe that Croats love Albanians, you live in fantasy world:

Well, not all croats are the same

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>albanians think moses was albanian

Fucking kek

It won't be the Albanians thats for sure. If Bosnia and Serbia become part of the EU then war is avoided as long as the EU exists. However there are many variables, such as Russia, USA or Turkey intervening.

there are many albanians in croatia, some even are croats from kosovo, eitherway, they are both shit, acting like pakis in UK

Btw. Do serbians know that Albanians stole the byzantium flag?

croats from kosovo are not albanians

you're replying to albanimal

>It won't be the Albanians thats for sure.

How come?

They are the only troublesome, expanding entity in the Balkans.

North Kosovo operation is one option.

The other is western Republic North Macedonia.

The third option is B&H disintegrating.

That's it for Balkan War options.

They're not Croats ethnically.

Not by a long shot.

Catholicized Arnauts, Catholicized Serbs and Catholicized Hybrids.

Fun fact: Hashim Thaqi is descended from a Serb Orthodox Priest who converted to Islam.