White rappers

What does Jow Forums think of white rappers? Suicideboys, pouya, ghostemane e.t.c. Are they positive rolemodels for whites?

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all puppets. come on. lurk more. obv not positive role models.

wiggers are worse than niggers
this guy should be publicly shamed and then executed so he would send a message for others

not really. i like the music but its all about prescription drugs and highschool satan shit

Genuinely enjoy the musicality of it. Not the contents of their lyrics but how they match/create a melody or complement a beat. Since I can't understand much of what they say, it's easy for me to ignore what they're saying and just appreciate the meter. Part of the reason I also enjoy kpop

yes, men who call themselves "suicideboys" are great role models

I think rap music should be illegal on the grounds of enciting violence.

No, they are not positive rolemodels. They are faggots.

The only white rapper who acts as a positive role model is Mr Bond.


I unironically enjoy post Malone, but you can't really say what he does is rap, besides that, fuck wiggers

ITT: iffy niggas

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t. youtube.com/watch?v=bjh7zEmqlbY

Rap music is literally gayer than spandex on a drag queen

the only white rapper worth something is Aesop Rock


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>Jow Forums
nice meme

>the only white rapper

I meant to say "the only rapper"

most rap is garbage



s o y

Eminem used to be, but he turned into a Hill shill.

how the fuck is he not white? He's from Oregon.

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wow, a five year old can do that

>grew up in jew york
i dont have anything against him, i was a big fan of him when i was younger and haven't revisited his music in a long time
i'm just saying hes a verbal IQ jew

He literally has a song about Varg
Suicideboys has a photo of a church that Varg burned down as one of their album covers

same applies for these gopniks

I like ghostemane but pouya is fucking trash so are suicide boys. Get some fucking taste op go listen to mystic stylex by three 6 mafis

I don't even know who any of these fucking people are. Hopefully they die of fentanyl-laced drugs before long.

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What does he rap about? Which motor oil to us? Looks like a chump.

why are based jews so much better at rap than cuckd bl*ckbois

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So he's a jew.

At least he's not trying to be a retarded wigger. Every one of his songs has more lyrics than lil wayne's entire discography.


The link is right fucking there, dude...

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>Are they positive rolemodels for whites?
>Are white people immitating niggers good role models?
t. Brainlet

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That's not rap. That's just some guy who doesn't know how to sing so he does "rap" instead. Stereotypical visuals that could go with any dime-a-dozen angsty and edgy white teenager / early 20s musician. Nothing to do with hip hop.

I remember when he came out and became one of the heroes of the underground hip hop white college kids / hipsters crowd. The lyrics were pseudo and he couldn't ride a beat even if his life depended on it. Anyone saying this guy is the "only rapper worth something" simply doesn't understand hip hop and is coming to it from some other genre.

Who is the white rapper who just repeats, "Versace", 500 times?

Black people and native americans are the real jews.

OPs pic related looks like an emo vitruvian physique


Riff raff

what's up with all the white rappers going with the norwegian black metal aesthetic


I like intelegent white rappers better.

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Riff Raff

>literally who positive role models
probably not

I would like an answer to this aswell. Do they identify with the black metal scene of the 80/90s?


When I put my glasses on i just see pseudo dolphin men who have swallowed a hook so dense that can only BUH BAH MMMMMM.... BLBLBLPĂ“ *Shit synth drop*., Also the end of the hook protrudes through their throats. Edgy (winks) I know.

But nah its just the next step of coinblatt revolution and this time the motherfuckers put bleach on the water and everyone knows it.

Well this multicolor fags aint bleaching...

Can you embullet clorox?

>makes nigger music
>while dressed as heavy metal dude
>cookin dope in kitchen

trying to be something he's not.the kids will eat this shit up with a case of s o y

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That is a lot of 69 tattoos.

>that 24 year old boomer who still listens to 6ix9ine

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