Apparently it's John fucking Podesta yelling at a kid that's being burned alive.

someone please tell me this isn't fucking real. I

Attached: John_Podesta_14_fish_pedophile.jpg (620x393, 36K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Illuminati pedophile ring, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on daycare centers, and I have over 300 confirmed child sex slaves. I am trained in majestic ape warfare and I’m the top pedophile in the entire CIA. You are nothing to me but just another hole to rape. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. Ya think you're hot shit dontcha? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of pedos across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You’re fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can molest you in over seven hundred ways, and that’s just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in mk ultra techniques, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the CIA and Mossad and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what moloch's retribution your little “clever” comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn’t, you didn’t, and now you’re paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You’re fucking dead, kiddo

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there's no way this video is real, if it was then he's be fucked, but he isnt. it's fucking public, man!

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it's Tony Pedosta, and when was the last time anyone saw him?

What is the source of this vid?

jeez.... i cant really tell if its the same voice but either way its fucked up

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You know there is no one to stop him.

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there is, but im not gonna take one for the team and be put into a dark room with a big bright fucking light in my face and have the deep state spooks question me and torture me and kill off my friends, family, and gf. fuck that noise.

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it's real, it was pulled from the comet ping pong server before, it got "shot up"

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someone should play the audio around him covertly to see what his reaction is:
does he recognize his voice, and immediately remember and get scared?
or does he look like he is unfamiliar with said audio

record his reaction and I think we might have something to corroborate this

you just started posting here last night, didn’t you? lurk more faggot

oooooooo dont you feel special shitposting 15 plus years, oldfag.

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No it wasn't you absolute troglodyte. It came from worldcorp an ARG site. There's more of it in a similar style. You're thinking of pic related and we never got the files before everything got shoahd

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>believing that the kikes and shills are ever held accountable by national law

Kikes and shills zealously follow the kike book called the Talmud. Kikes and shills have been employing the same tricks for centuries on end. Study the Talmud, understand how to abuse it and use it against the kikes and shills and boom, you are an elite sperg essential in destroying kikes and shills immediately.

Now, Trump, who is a kike/kike shill as well (Chabad kike Kushner for example), pardoned the 27-year sentence rabbi Rubashkin got for slave labour and human trafficking without justification. This is how kikes and shills reacted:


Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.

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shit the fuck up you faggot.

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snopes debunked this since its just a traditional Jewish practice to kill children which is why Israhell protects their child murderers, not one conviction ever in history for the country, pretty strange...

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This was posted 1.5 years ago. Jow Forums has such short memory. We thoroughly investigated this. It may be him we don't know. But we didn't solve it then either.

The fact that it got shoah'd is all the proof I need that they were molesting kids.

remember the funny little detail about the white rabbit on the fence of the green house?
which turned out to be the password for the cicada onion site

so cicada is a part of the deep state?

fuck off, cancer

good idea

Gets me everytime

>I can molest you in over seven hundred ways

my sides

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Be careful

Dumbass mistake, sorry.


of course it's not fucking real, moron

If you remove the 'anti' in that name, it spells saturn. As in the satanistic jewish cult of saturn.

Fun fact: In Denmark there was a huge scandal ten years ago when it was revealed that one of the leaders of the 'anti-pedophilia' government organisation, whose job it was to go from school to school to teach children about not talking to strangers, how to be anonymous on the internet and such, was actually a rapist himself. He would contact girls from the schools he visited, fly them to london and do Casting Couch like interviews, like "You wanna be a model? well, I can help you, all you need to do is show us that you can follow orders on camera and is comfortable being physical". The guy was so fucking stupid that he bragged about it on hidden camera, saying "Hahaha, the government hired the wolf to guard the sheep. I have fucked so many students.".

Link to article?

that video was him whipping a child not burning one alive, could be true but doesn't matter


It was all revealed in a 30 minute documentary. But the wikipedia article above may summarize it a bit.

Unfortunately, it seems like he pretty much got away with it, since most of the girls were too ashamed to go out in public as victims. Much similar to the #metoo cases in hollywood. He was only punished in the end for "sharing porn to minors".

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Hearty chortle

Not this shit again, zero proof pizzaniggertards

Read the Talmud instead of sending stale memes from a 19th century Tsarist propaganda book.
Most of those are taken out of context and reading the rest of the tractate allows you to understand.

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>Only concrete, objective, factual information matters.
Liar. Only propaganda and agenda matters to you.

It's fake and gay bullshit to make 'conspiracy theorists' look stupid

Burning children is the standard way to sacrifice then to moloch

tricking drumpftards, red herring.

Attached: 4d.png (620x393, 442K)

Your tears say more than evidence ever could

This needs to happen, align the forces

The hand signs are a Freemason /judaic thing.

Saw an article on it recently.

yea I'm not that guy either. Got too much love in my life. Even if I wanted to become a lawyer to fight those demons justly and publicly, Love would be at risk. But luckily... a very powerful person is fighting for us. Risking his and his family's lives...directing a giant operation saving these children and godwilling, if we chip in a little, a death by a thousand cuts will come those demons. He can't do it alone.

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>that audio
John Podesta or not, that audio sounds real.

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We don’t know for certain.

BUMP for justice

>We don’t know for certain.

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>The hand signs are a Freemason /judaic thing.
It's Osirus and his fish dick

Attached: podesta sex magic pedo fishdick.png (615x721, 539K)

This is quite old you should lurk on voat more.

Im not a pictionary expert but I'd say it looks like he's "fishing for teens" as my best guess.

Drag him out by his throat and beat his skull in with a rock.

Fucking kek

Nigger it’s real. He’s singing the Caillou theme song

Yep, and what are you going to do about it? This is what gun rights are for.

How new are you? Lurk moar faggot. The kid calls him John. Then Skippy

Get fucked newfag

someone tell me what pisces 14 is , i havent figure it out

That’s not Tony. Tony liked girls. Johnny likes boys

You're days are numbered, Johnny. We're on to you. Soon the entire world will know what a fucking sicko you are. You'll never be able to order a pizza again.

we're reaching the levels of larp that should not even be possible

Were gonna larp all the way to a conviction

Bruh was was that password from that anonymous larp leak yesterday

When they talk about the handkierchief in Eyes Wide Shut.
Its all there.

>yfw you realize cicada was an op to find and elimate/recruit anyone clever enough to crack the pedo code

>alleged comedian


This satanist is a child abuse investigator in manitoba

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No it’s a different video. The star in the side is the logo of a YouTuber by the name “ReignBot.”


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Bump for awareness

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The allegation wasn't burning, but they put an animal like a raccoon in there with the kid as a form of torture and compliance.

Tough to say, but it's hard to get a kid to act that scared. Faking this video's visuals wouldn't be hard, but the audio seems a lot tougher to realistically fake.