Oy vey

Attached: IMG_20180613_120334_739.jpg (720x1208, 139K)

Other urls found in this thread:


add the jew hat no balls

Attached: IMG_20180613_123819.jpg (3120x4160, 2.9M)

Oy vey

saved in my merchant folder

These are my slaves

Attached: IMG_20180613_115501.jpg (4160x3120, 2.19M)

Thank you user, very cool!

Attached: cool murdoch pepe.jpg (1639x933, 279K)

the goyim knows. Quick, send JIDF.

Attached: 16143368.jpg (297x365, 50K)


top kek



Oy vey goyim shut it down

Attached: 108484.jpg (1024x721, 107K)

more pics of girls pls

So we just letting kids on here now

Attached: image_0 (1).jpg (960x960, 778K)


Attached: jewsarecancer.png (853x714, 447K)

>look at those rat ears

lmao I like you a lot.

imagine the smell

Good shit, teach em youn- I mean SHUT IT DOWN

Attached: 1528373289088m.jpg (744x1024, 106K)


holy fuck that dude is so much taller than those girls

What this guy said, girls look cute

Now get them to draw and fat spurdo on the scooter

Reported to SIS for child abuse and racism.
Enjoy getting ass raped in prison.

>mouse pointer hovered over the close button apprehensively
Is this some student shenanigans

Attached: 1504397208204.gif (268x268, 2M)

yup i know where your going now

Attached: 1527009067623.jpg (1080x793, 119K)

Well done


From slav(e) to savior


Protecting children from Jews is the opposite of child abuse.

Please post reaction of your teacher

Attached: 1496154115217.jpg (551x242, 47K)

Attached: 1456910495158.jpg (700x970, 433K)

slavs gain my respect more and more every day

Attached: 1528203334613.jpg (3840x2160, 1.46M)

she was laughing and let us finish it

Attached: IMG_20180613_124003.jpg (4160x3120, 2.87M)

Finished pic OP?


Attached: 1448979548881.jpg (595x680, 145K)

>you will never be a student in a based school in Slovakia

Attached: 1511039184862.jpg (800x800, 97K)


Attached: 1520368562730.jpg (1080x1283, 253K)

Likely the best thing on pol today, thanks I'm out

Attached: 1525022167411.webm (768x576, 2.93M)

>he didn't loudly debate the holocaust's legitimacy in class

Attached: 1516423746483.jpg (181x200, 11K)

take down the Jewish world order

This is holocaust class in Slovakia

Attached: tfw_they_keep_falling_f.jpg (331x319, 49K)

is all your class redpilled or what?

unfortunately we did not finish it. but tomorrow we're going to finish it. what should I draw tomorrow?

>. what should I draw tomorrow?

anything. just get pics of the girl on the left that show more of her face.

I honestly thought OP was the teacher. Fuck man am I getting old...


Attached: D9D51C6A-A9BD-4574-A8CF-9FE93217698E.jpg (124x115, 3K)

a wooden gas chamber door

Attached: 1AFA97F8-B505-406B-B1E1-D6ED04A6773B.gif (875x994, 170K)

Post left girl's face. I bet she's a qt.

Stop poisoning the youth, you dirty Slav.

>Tfw Israel flags see this and Slovakia days are numbered

Attached: Help_me.gif (307x346, 1.99M)

Ran out of proxies Schlomo ?

are you a Mexican jew? or just a regular one on holiday?

Based slovaks where can I join?

Attached: Screenshot_20180611-113719.jpg (1407x1941, 571K)

You're a hero.

Attached: 1519847618209.jpg (480x792, 27K)

I ain't Jewish, this Slovakian nigga be poisoning the minds of the young while they could be doing Math or something actually useful instead of drawing some bitchass cartoon.

I hope your mother finds out about this and beats your ass you underage fuck

I can see why Hitler liked the Slavs


Attached: goyim know.png (440x522, 136K)

Attached: it is a mystery.png (241x417, 138K)

El judio...

We don't like your kind here

Attached: Screenshot_20180613-151026.jpg (1003x998, 430K)


Attached: 1517932336767.jpg (714x750, 280K)

B a s e d neighbour

Attached: 1526932498629.jpg (605x586, 70K)

feels good man

Attached: 1517330542657.jpg (491x315, 37K)


For once I applaud the anarchists

Lame! Funny though.

You must be 18+ to post here.

When will these beautiful art be recognized to put up in museums!?

Attached: IMG_1740.jpg (211x250, 30K)

>has a username

Attached: whyyyyy.gif (538x369, 1.05M)

How are you supposed to show diversity in that drawing with such lack in colours? . Bad goy. Go get more of other markers.

Attached: 1526147725573.jpg (331x479, 63K)

Can I get some info on pic related? It's exceptional work.


Attached: 1524166768441.png (1062x2208, 1.56M)

You talk like a nigga, yet your flag is burrito. Explain pls?


Do it user. Are you these kids' teacher redpilling them or are you underage too?

toasting in based bread

Attached: download.jpg (214x235, 10K)

>0 results

Fucking rare, thanks. Take this one

Attached: 1510269939669.jpg (480x480, 64K)

good work, m8

Attached: 1516987003428.jpg (528x543, 29K)


Post pics of these qt's

Gen Z


Attached: 3bd3e2d8868b3bd80b894d48fe47ae61da1b0c5a3efb9f1da703397cadac0808.jpg (675x825, 324K)

Amazing thread, props slavanon

This is gen z