What's the end game for Jow Forums ?

I don't think a racially homogeneous white enthostate is a realistic goal. What can we honestly expect from a essentially a meme generator and think tank like Jow Forums?

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user, you know that Jow Forums's true end goal is the absolute homogenization of humanity, right?

>I don't think a racially homogeneous white enthostate is a realistic goal.

Then jump ship motherfucker cause that's where we're sailin'

>I don't think a racially homogeneous white enthostate is a realistic goal
Why not? Western world is turning right on a large scale
>What can we honestly expect from a essentially a meme generator and think tank like Jow Forums?
4chinz generates radicals, dissidents and agitators

The genocide of all Jews and pedos.

I think your country is a little ahead of the game compared to pol in terms of "maladjustment index". pic very related.

global revolution

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Uniting all of humanity against jewish supremacism.

The ethnostate must always be the goal, whether or not it seems realistic now. If it doesn't happen humanity is pretty much doomed.

World Republic, where the memes act as the market.

Our goal is to turn everyone into orange juice in what is known as the instrumentality project.

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I'm going to steal OP pepe, and there is nothing you can do about

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I never said it wasn't a laudable ambition, but I don't see how it could be accomplished in the current political climate.

banter and memes
like anyone says the shit out loud in real life, at least not anyone with a decent social position

Don't forget spree killers. You know all of the mass shooters, including Saint Anders Breivik were here.

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>What can we reasonably expect?
The expulsion and/or extermination of every non-white, Jew and Muslim in the Anglosphere and Europe.

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Even if you believe it possible almost the entirety of Europe is disarmed. How are you going to overthrown the E.U with no weapons to fight them with?

Exactly, can we just return to how we lived for most of human history. I feel people were a lot happier when life was simple.

Simple. Your politics are BS and we will take it by force and violence

If the Fourth Reich cannot be realized, I will settle for nothing less than the rehabilitation of the Third, so that my Grandfather and his comrades will no longer be demonized, so my children will not have to feel shame that their great Grandfather fought on the “wrong side”, like I did as a child.

If the dreams of his generation will not come to fruition in this future, then may he and his Volk be washed clean of the fetid lies that toothy Jewish serpents have painted them with.

> we steal deal build them

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>Expulsion of Jews
That's exactly what they want for Greater Israel. Every Jew left alive is an enemy that will grow stronger. They must all be exterminated.

There's no broofs Breivheart was inspired by Jow Forums

>Even if you believe it possible almost the entirety of Europe is disarmed. How are you going to overthrown the E.U with no weapons to fight them with?
We are the EU. We don't need to fight it, democratic takeover is enough

You're welcome to it. Meme magic belongs to all people (except blacks).

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There is absolutely nothing Democratic about the EU

we dont plan on expulsion or deportation
>we plan on TOTAL WAR

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Hol up.

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I would personally be okay with just confiscating their assets and throwing them out, but if anyone has earned a Holocaust, it's them.

Jow Forums moves people to the right politically. That’s its greatest real world effect.

>What can we honestly expect from a essentially a meme generator and think tank like Jow Forums?
If you expect anything less than pointless faggotry you're going to be disappointed. Jow Forums is no more a "movement" than /b/ was in 2008.

They will rebuild and enslave your great grandchildren with 1000x more kikery. They must all be killed for the good of humanity.

Honestly if people are desperate enough this is a non issue. Bullets and rockets get used up, they get stolen, all fights are not open field or bombing runs, and so on.
But fret not, people won´t do shit as long as their lives are so comfortable.

Personally, I believe we should try to radicalise/fash one nation and redpill the population. Then we can take control of culture, and then the ethnicity of said nation.

My plan:

>Place fascist/Jow Forumsfriendly governor in Idaho/Nebraska/Gun friendly state
The platform being liberty and even more comfy gun laws, the ending of lots of government control of things that should be private, a return to tradition, ect.
>Once one state is in party control, another will follow.
>Repeat until fascist president
>Being phase two, mandatory military service
Peep the Switzerland model of conscription. I like this because it trains an individual for a career, arms them, and we can include radicalisation/redpilling into the basic training. This will increase public health and strength, and help to cut down on the general weakening of the people.
>Begin removing degeneracy from the media.
>Have certain agents run black propaganda, entice racial tension, cause strife.
>Begin phase three
>Tell people how great ethnostates are, and how I want them for everyone.
>Mississippi becomes black ethnostate. Another for spics, another for Asians, ect.
Let the minorites do what they do best. Eventually they'll either kill themselves off, or declare war on the whites.

Boom, America becomes a white, fascist ethnostate. Now we can start to step towards great things.

Most of the EU leaders are unelected officials.


>Mandatory servitude to Israel through the military.
Fuck off kike.

>I don't think a racially homogeneous white enthostate is a realistic goal.
Asians get to be left alone, Europeans should be too. I propose Europe deny citizenship to non-Euros. Then devise a program to repatriate European diaspora, with a preference for Americans. Solves Europe's low birth rate issue in the short term, while Europe fixes economic/social reasons for the low birth rates. Keeps immigrants white (DNA test required no 56%ers), and undermines the economy of the JewSA.

>muh meme arguments
EU officials are appointed by the member states' elected governments

If it came to that homemade guns can be manufactured relatively cheaply and with minimal tools.

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I don't need an argument, I have violence.

Our end goal is human colonization of space, which is only happening if whites can reclaim their countries and resources for themselves and stop wasting all our time and energy baby sitting the third world.

>Assuming we'd still be working for them

You think I'm happy with the way our boys are fighting and dying in wars that will never end? I'm thinking whites for white interest, like making Canada or Mexico our Lebensraum.

>What can we honestly expect from a essentially a meme generator and think tank like Jow Forums?

Ordo ab chaos

Storm the Bastille like always

It would be harder nowadays and guerilla warfare is bad for every sides

This isn't reasonable but in order to get your goals you have to be unreasonable.

Well what are you waiting for then? US has some problems too that need fixing, no?

To shit the overtone window so far that it will be a realistic goal.
It was always to secure an existence for our people and a future for our (white) children.
But this also means securing a future for Black children, for Asian Children and so on.

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Its not realistic for the US. It exists in europe.

It might not be realistic in the US (not all of ot anyway) but its very realistic in many European countries.

Hungary and Poland already did it. It looks like Slovenia has as well.

there is no end game because the ride never ends, idiot

We want a homogenous white ethnostate and we're well on our way to getting it. I think it will require concessions, so we should give niggers a couple of states and give Mexicans california/a chunk of Texas. They are the reason we run a deficit and they cost us over a trillion dollars each year, so I say we give them each 500 billion dollars to get their nation rolling then cut ties completely.
What I really want is to send niggers back to Africa and every Mexican on welfare back to Mexico. They fucking deserve it, God knows.

Lulz are the endgame.

It'll become a leftist haven, then swing right again, over and over forever. So long as there is salt, it will be mined.

Jow Forums is representation of systemic nihilism that affected millennials in the 2000s.

There are in effect no practical goals, just LARPers and memes.

Turning right doesn't mean the whole world is going to become ethno nationalist you simple simon. I'm right wing and I think Nazis are stupid dull puppets useful only as provocateurs.

Ethnonationalist doesnt equal national socialist. All nations are based in a people. The era of mass immihrstion in modern nation states has onlt existed for a few decades, and almost exclusively in white countries.

under rated this is about preserving all people. Love for ones own.

ethnostate of only whites and non mongoloid asians

This unironically inspired me. kek

Humm we work with kim to give whites a slice of North Korea in exchange we let him use the tech we build?


I love the full image, usually only see the last frame posted

I also don't see how a racially pure ethnostate is feasible. Let's face it most of our countries are overrun with niggers, spics, and Arabs. What can we do? Kill and depot them all?

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For the WAAAGH!

"Civil" war. It will happen whether you want it or not, at least in Western Europe.

dont know dont care I just shit post

>things are too hard, let aim lower goys

Remaing the majority in my ancestral homeland is realistic and a moral obligation for right thinking individuals

Works for Israel. Thats whos behind the filth invading Europa

I was thinking of an ethno-planet, but whatever.

Umm, yes sweetie, that's what you do with invaders.

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Anything, the capacity for human creativity when properly groupes it's infinite, we could solve all the problems of the world.

Sadly the agenda don't allows that.

There will not be an ethno state that encompasses the entire geographical nation. There will be localized ethnic groups. Balkanization. Like pic related but with white people.

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still hasn't figured out it's a jewish daycare center.

I'm in. What's your plan?

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America should be kept as mutt central. Honestly, the unwanted and refugees need to go somewhere and America would be a good home for that.

It will also be good for the rest of the world to have a common enemy. A mutt America would be an enemy to all honest races who want to preserve their racial integrity.

That's why we need to destroy the current political climate

Pushing the overton window towards a future where kikes and niggers hang from every tree.

Jow Forums is a shithole of racists and losers.. many of which are rural obsoletes that have no future unless they move. This shithole will eventually be labeled a hatesite and removed from the internet, or net neutrality will hopefully result in it being slowed to crawl so it is non-functional. For most here on Jow Forums their future ends with an empty whiskey bottle in hand, and gunshot wound to the head.

>I don't think a racially homogeneous white enthostate is a realistic goal.
You're just saying that because you're not White and don't want to leave.
>What can we honestly expect from a essentially a meme generator and think tank like Jow Forums?
Jow Forums is the trickster archetype. The trickster often deals in forbidden truths. It is inherently contrarian, both silly and righteous.

Lets say hypothetically, we established a "traditionalist" Christian White ethno-state.
Jow Forums would likely start poking at the absurdity of Christianity and questioning the true value of virginity and celibacy etc.

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Don't..you forget about me...

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>whole world is going to become ethno nationalist you simple
I only said Western world, and yes, it is going to become ethno-nationalist. Nationalism was the norm before WW2, and will be once again once the taboos of WW2 die off

As a nerdasexual i would have distracted her from shooting those kids on a monody

By pounding her with my cock on Saturday before

You know this places functioned on dial up at one point it’s not like it wouldn’t function if they slowed it down.
>hate site
Dude this is an anime board that serves a very large diverse group of people.

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With dial up i had time to do some curls with a sledge hammer or 25 push-ups or sit-ups as each picture downloaded. I was fucking pocket Hercules and i kept being followed by chicks at work. I had to hide in the basement with the dead bodies

Yeah, me too dude. I was a buff Übermensch, but modern internet speedz reduced me to a 4' 400lbs hobgoblin.

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The internet helps this immensely. Spreading the G-code for home made CNC weapons can help speed this up.

All it takes is one natural disaster or war.

Probably not at first. First thing, eliminate all welfare and gibs. The rest of the world will open their arms even wider to catch all of the roaches that flee the lack of hand outs. That'll take care of some of them.