>Germany - Rapunzel
>Denmark - Ariel(Mermaid)
>Norway - Elsa,Anna (Frozen)
So what kind of Disney Princess Sweden has to offer?
Sweden's Disney Princess?
>mandolin accent
>eats salmon
>brown skin
she's perfect
Frank-N-Furter (Rocky Horror Picture Show (a Disney property)).
my favourite disney princess
but she's american
Is it true all Filipinas look like this?
mbubu and al'shahira
Some,Because most of them are Mestiza, only a few Morena are beautiful. the malay gene is the universal solvent of gene. so race-mixing is okay.
most are ugly and brown they look like moneys if i'm being honest
Why do pinoys claim to have a significant presence of European (especially Spanish) ancestry? And I'm not talking about the half-Euro/half-Flip celebrities and TV-personalities, but just the average Flippo on the street.
If you go on JewTube and check Filipinos doing 23andme tests, you will see most of them have under 5% European blood, usually it's only around 1%. The rest is East Asian & Native American.
They tend to be pudgier than that, at least in Western countries
Like pottery
What proxy do you use
fuck off gook
Gooks may give me the spooks, but a kike ought to take a hike
Fucking answer me where do I sign up for the ethno state, how is it possible that you're on a fucking remote island close to the southpole.
Contrary to what (((they))) tell you, this island is inhabited by humans.
Not only that, this is the most pure white ethnostate on earth; only designated for a few selected people with blonde hair and light eyes.
If you are willing to put your life at risk, you may come to our island using a light boat with an outboard engine to enter. It has been known to work, but plenty of people have tried and decided it was not worth the risk.
The somalian kind
That's probably safer then staying in the Kalifate I currently reside.
Swedish Disney King when?
Princess Jasmine
obviously a nigger
> Disney
kek. We have our own stories. Don't need the Jew to copy our stuff.
In sincerely doubt that most Americans, Disney people included, know there's a difference between Norway and Sweden.
>trusting 23andme
Really? I looked it up and saw it was a Fox property. Amusing either way.