It's totally
medicinal bro!
Don't let Big Pharma
fool you man
*gasps for breath*
It's just a
*schizophrenic episode*
plant lmao

Attached: dude.webm (640x360, 2.85M)

Other urls found in this thread:


It's gonna be fine. I heard legalization in my country is just a social experiment. It's just a prank bro.

We already had this fucking discussion with the same fucking webm and I told you that dabbing and hitting from the bong is for le weed dude plebs
I also suggested you to try what she did with wax made out of tobacco and try not to puke your ass. It's how she does it that is not normal.
Why do you seek attention so much you godamn bitch

I have no problem with marijuana but stoner culture pisses me off. I like to have a few beers on my day off but I don’t feel the need to base my life around consuming alcohol.

+ her hair are fucking red.
You act as if she was salvageable

she does porn bois btw

>t. pharmakike on a plane

Most likely, her hair are red.
One of the strongest indicator of mental illness right next to blue and purple.

I hate weed smoking degenerates but the part about big pharma is true.
It's all a ponzi scheme to half cure you, half keep you ill so they can sell "medicine" to you forever.

>wax made out of tobacco
what the fuck am i reading

Most people who base their existence around a single factor are unbearable. I dont mind gays, but hate faggots who only exist to be gay. Same with weaboos.

I'm old, I don't know what that shit is, oil/hash is as exotic as I ever got with weed. What is that stuff and is she taking a lot of it?
If that's anything like oil isn't that a massive ridiculous waste?

t. Degenerate weed addict loser

yeah and she does it with a sóy infested boyfriend
there perfect for eachother


>massive ridiculous waste
murican smoking in a nutshell

I wish people would smoke and that be it. Why make it your lifestyle taking it more seriously than it needs to be. Odd spliff here or there is fine but these degenerate youtubers baka.

>t. retard Pharma cunt
Aspirin is worse for you than smoking weed everyday, cuck. Go infest some slave forum with your maggot-infested belief system.



This is accurate and I smoke weed daily. I don't have pot leaf shirts or any of that stereotypical shit. Obnoxious people come in many forms and they all suck

>dude it's totally medicinal, you're just doing it wrong

"Dude leftwing people are mentally ill"

>have 0 friends
>parents are ashamed
>can't get to sleep without youtube videos on laptop
>periodic mental breakdowns

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Jeez I can't stand these kind of people. Sure, I love to get high myself every now and then, but this is a little too much. Maybe because I never done a bong myself. Oh well...

It’s wax. You make it by drowning thx/cannabinoid plant matter in alcohol-soluble solution, like isopropyl alcohol or butane. Once it’s been extracted you remove the solvent, typically by allowing it to evaporate, leaving behind a wax-like gooey cannabinoid concentrate.

It’s doable at home but since it requires combustible material lots of people mess it up or hurt themselves, I remember a story of a local news anchor blowing up their kitchen and then going to jail for it.

i like her porn sometimes, in part because i know she's a degenerate who does porn to buy more weed. also her stunted runt child/fetal alcohol look is kind of cute

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You’re addicted.

How could you smoke that much dab.
I did dabs once.
It was probably like 1 cm of that.

Was so fucked up I felt like I was drunk.

Never again.

let me guess, you guys hate weed because canada and/or the left said they liked it

No different from caffeine daily imo. As long as you can give I break with no issues there's no problem.


People that say pot isn't addictive are full of shit

Tolerance over years of usage.

Came here to post this, based burger

No. I just hate all three of those things equally with no relation to each other.

>caffeine is equivalent to weed
Stop trying to make excuses. You’re addicted to it. Get help.

>Shoots OxyContin
If method of delivery is a "crazy" control to you, perhaps you need to retake fundemental Science courses... You act like anyone will get scared of some kike studies when there are thousands of videos on YouTube of people smoking and beingimmediately alieved of thousands of various ailments (such as speech disorder, Parkinsons, Dementia...)

The idea that Cannabis is NOT medicinal, is as archaic as bleeding someone to balance their humors.

>Durrr weed will stop the opiod epidemic
Like no, opiod painkillers are several hundred times stronger than weed. Medical marijuana is a myth made up by stoners to abuse cancer patients so they can get high. There is nothing pot can do medically that we can't already do better in a lab

It totally helps me with my chronic pain bro. Do you know how bad acetaminophen and aspirin are for you man? They're fucking toxic. I smoke daily and my pain just melts away. Best of all, it's not even addictive!

Attached: medicinalthc.webm (300x532, 2.88M)

people smoke as much of it as possible because it makes you feel good thats why you think it's addictive. take it away and they wont even care because theres no withdrawal or craving for it.

cum on step it up

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You have no fucking idea what youre talkingabout
Its literally harder to stop drinking coffee every morning than stopping to smoke weed
Its harder to stop drinking coca cola than stopping to smoke weed

hard core

Piss off moralfags

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>When your whole life resolves about smoking and justifying that you smoke
Now tell me again how weed is not addictive.

I have chronic back pain from injuries and surgeries. I am in remission from cancer but the medication I take for it kills my appetite big time so I medicate just to have an appetite to eat. If I don't smoke my mind goes to fast for me to process quickly and I end up losing some crucial timing socially. I've been smoking it for a long time to treat these things I mentioned, so yea you're probably right, but I'd rather be psychologically addicted to cannabis than be physically addicted to opiates or be mentally fucked by ssris.

Opiates cause pain to become worse over time. They are too strong for most of what they are applied to. Something that makes you puke, is not a medicine. People that use them are literally creating their own pain... Pathetic. Cannabis, on the other hand, has 20X the anti-inflammatory effects of Ibuprophen, and the oil is the only known edible drug that allows kids with Cluster Headaches to stop having episodes.

I smoke weed everyday, there's no real long term side effects, unless you're smoking when you're supposed to be studying, in which case it can cause you to fail or not remember wtf you were supposedly studying, making college/uni a waste of time or money. But so long as you don't let it get in the way of shit that matters, it doesn't really matter much.

Also, THC oil shrinks brain tumors according to several studies. It is the only known "oil" to do such a thing. Please, shut the fuck up, you ignorant kikes' slaves.


I bet its all boomerfaggots
Too fucking retarded to look at and correctly interpret the thousands upon thousands of studies

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>I don't have pot leaf shirts or any of that stereotypical shit
well duh, you save every cent you can for weed money

There are two kinds of addiction, physiological and psychological. Caffeine and nicotine have physiologically addictive properties, they get embedded in neurotransmitters and there is a notable effect when they are present then absent.

Any pleasurable activity is psychologically addictive. Any activity that causes a reward in the brain, from natural or artificial means, teaches the brain that it wants to do it again. This is very apparent in drug addicts because even the act of preparing the drug is rewarding to the user, like heating heroin in a spoon or grinding up weed in a grinder.

Users take advantage of the idea that there is no physiologically addictive compound in weed so they lie to themselves and say they can’t get addicted. If smoking weed is the first thing you think about when you roll out of bed and/or the last thing you do before you pass out every day, you’re fucking addicted. Get help.

Nah. I see modshills have descended on the thread. I get an ounce for medical prices and I make it last 4 to 5 five weeks.

Caffeine is alot more Addictive then weed. I don't think weed is even addictive honestly.

This fight was lost before it started, smoking was a gateway it's too late.

>I don’t think weed is even addictive
Well, you’re wrong. See

It literally is

100% this. Beautiful post

Where’s the sauce

gateway to this dick you thot ass hoe

Who the fuck says weed is the first and last thing i think of in my day?
If thats the case for anything youre addicted
Jesus christ you are fucking desperate to paint everyone who smokes weed as an addicted stoner
Maybe its time for you to get help

i like her. sad that her yt channel got nuked

Shut up you fucking 12 year old. Get raped by a pack of niggers and have your anal cavity collapse.

How do these people not die from this ? I hit wax once, and for three hours straight thought I was dying lol


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did you sweat?


Attached: jews and weed.png (920x762, 130K)

>Who the fuck says weed is the first and last thing i think of in my day?
I didn’t accuse you of that.
>If thats the case for anything youre addicted
Yeah, that was the point of my post, genius.
>Jesus christ you are fucking desperate to paint everyone who smokes weed as an addicted stoner
I didn’t come anywhere near the implication that all weed smokers are addicts.
>Maybe its time for you to get help
You first, my dude. You seem very paranoid and aggressive, you should probably lay off the bud.

During bulking I stopped drinking coffee. Usually I drank 5-6 cups a day. 2 in the morning, 2 in the afternoon and 1 in the evening. I never missed it in my morning routine. You're literally talking bullshit about muh caffeine. It doesn't exist.

That's fair. First morning thoughts usually go piss, make coffee, drink coffee, take a shit if need be, then smoke. Since you seem to have no problem with caffeine addiction and that comes first on my list of vices, I guess we can be friends m8. Ayyyyyyy. Kek.

Good wax (as in the 92% distillate I can get at store) is tasteless; and doesn't even irritate your throat. Even dabbing is okay once in a while; depending on the butane content...

Why won't this gif play?

what's your favorite weed? mine is milf weed


If you can't get addicted to coffee (which takes about 3 days for regular people) then I'm sure you wouldn't get addicted to weed.

Its my experience with it
>replies to my post implying i claim weed is 100% non addictive
>implies i smoke daily
>dude stfu youre an addict why are u mad bro?

It's true tho if smoking was policed as hard as weed is we wouldn't even be here in fact were not even sure what negative effects weed has (other than destroying teeth, being addictive and speeding up the development of psychosis in vulnerable people) but we do know the negatives of smoking and alcohol so idunno I don't want it I'm just saying my mind on this shitshow.

You, like many others, are trying to justify your addiction to a mind altering substance by comparing it to something else. Caffeine doesn’t compare to cannabinoids, not even close. If you want to be more accurate, compare it to something like alcohol. I think everyone would agree that if having a beer was the third thing you did every morning you would be an alcoholic with a drinking problem, it’s basically the same with weed.

Again, you’re trying to justify yourself by pointing at coffee and saying “it’s the same thing, if not worse!” which is just an absolutely incredible lie, it’s not anywhere in the same ballpark and you know it, you just don’t want to admit it.

You’re too stupid to realize I was responding to claims that it’s not addictive, since your reading comprehension is at a 3rd grade level you thought I was specifically calling you out.

what's her porn name?

One of my close friends thinks like that. Dude is my brother but I worry for him, has quite a lot of ambition in life but all he does is work a dead-end job and smoke weed. He can't talk about anything without mentioning weed, and he constantly finds the need to stay high all the time. There are people out there like that, Germanfriend. Not many can show the restraint you might show. They "can't handle it".

want to know the reason people call marijuana a gateway drug?

[spoiler]its the most widely used and harmless drug there is so everyone that starts smoking is usually a kid or just late but anyways the first time they smoke weed they arent smoking weed at all, theyre breaking a taboo. once that door has been opened many people go on to try everything else since weed was so awesome. sometimes people start with heroin or coke but thats really semantics. the problem is the taboo and the drug itself. you make weed not a taboo and the problem is fixed[/spoiler]


Every weed smoker I've ever meet has been in one way or another dysfunctional

I smoked weed for a decade. It was a gateway to hallucinogens

Weed smokers are like vegans. If they smoke weed they won't hesitate to tell you.

>people only smoke because it’s taboo
No, people smoke because it gets them high. What kind of shit logic is that?

Haley420, no idea where to find her videos but I figured I'd pay it forward since last thread I saw this webm no one would answer me

It's totally
moral bro!
Don't let Big Porno
fool you man
*gets cummed on*
It's just a
*degenerative colitis*
dick lmao

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sure they do but it doesnt make what i said any less true

You faggots need to be removed duterte style


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> doesn't play music

Attached: Ukulele_diagram.jpg (700x288, 133K)

90% of people are dysfunctional one way or the other.

Hence this justifies that:

I know it's you Australia

Lose the memeflag and prove me right

>ancap flag plugging weeds tv show
Holy fugg user. If you're going to expect others to go over your own posts with fine toothed comb you should probably reciprocate dick. I already explained my substantial reasons for smoking in another post.
You accused the other user of being paranoid and aggressive, but that's exactly what you are doing here.
>dude you have a speck of something in your eye that's blocking your vision! Let me try to get that out for you!
>*faceplant into the dirt because of the speck of something in your eye you paid no attention to obscuring your own vision*

Nice projection you retarded faggot

It completely negates your entire argument.