Give me one reason why I shouldn’t move to Northern Ireland

Give me one reason why I shouldn’t move to Northern Ireland.

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because you're not fucking Irish are ya

No I’m british

>because you're not fucking Irish are ya
Neither is Northern Ireland.

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they're just waiting for your collapse at this point. It's coming. there will be a free Northern Ireland

how bout some Irish car booms for ya cunt

Taig faggot.

The loyalists were better at killing people though

>he doesn't realise Ireland has already collapsed

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That missing swastika kek.

>"I'm offensive and I wanna show my beliefs with pride, but y'know, not too offensive. No full swastika"

Ireland doesn't need more immigrants.
You should take those back home as well, ya paki cunt, ya.

>calling a part of Britain Ireland.

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The fuck are you talking about

This pic below is why the south us fucked

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Based Ethnostate Ulster

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*steals ur potatoes*

99.8 percent white

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Only because you shitted on N.Ireland with your filthy immigrant beggars , Lad.

Shouldn't be there. Just like Paki's shouldnt be in Uk

>Calling Northern Ireland part of Britain

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Because it's infested with the Irish.

Why do paddy's have a confederate flag?

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It’s been Britain for so long now asking them to move out would be like asking white Americans to go back to Europe

They’re not paddys

Hillbillies means Scotts-Irish

Better at killing civilians. Just lol at “Loyalism”.

Northern Ireland shall rejoin Éire and all English on the island will get the rope
That enough incentive not to move there?

T. An actual faggot

Because you should remove kebab from England.

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>implying a british civil war wouldn’t start in Northern Ireland

>Expensive unmaned robot going out to deliver baby killing pills in a religious country.

>Any other western country(with little amount of religious people)


Im not being funny mate but those people in the north will not hesitate to steal what ever robot people deploye even if they dont get anything for it money wise those people will just smash it and burn them because they think its funny or some shit.

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I just got back two days ago from vacationing in thhe north mostly.

I saw on average 1-3 nonwhites a day, in belfast, their biggest city. Incredible.

I have lots of family there in loyalist areas. They live well over there. Not a lot of work however.

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I should further note, the time I spent in the Republic felt super American. All the big cities, and even the smaller areas cater to Americans so well it ruins the Irish feel. I shit you not, I saw more American flags than the tricolour in most areas, and food was garbage compared to places up north. Drinks too. The American tourists don't realized they're being played

They seem to have the most balls compaired to the rest of the union at most times

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tiocfaidh ár lá

Save your home first. Don't worry we'll take good care of the North while you're gone

hahaha this guy gets it

>Im not being funny mate but those people in the north will not hesitate to steal what ever robot people deploy




>can't wait to throw that baby killer in with the lads

They've been there as long as whites have been in South Africa.

They should go.

Should whites leave South Africa then?

There are very few jobs in Northern Ireland.
Also, they are quite xenophobic, even to British people.

I can’t imagine they are actually xenophobic towards British people. It’s probably just banter

>Its just banter haha

The Troubles: *exists*

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I’m not talking about taigs


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>Confederate flag

Is that real?

Because your presence will make it a little bit worse.

I’ve even seen confederate flags where I live.

Its pretty wonderful here desu. If you're white and protestant come on over.

Thanks desu

No reason, the Irish are a wonderful people. As long as you're employing people and not stealing the limited work that's available they shouldn't care too much about your accent. As long as your doing things for a good reason.

Basically as long as you have good intentions in mind you'll get along with an Irishman/woman. Have money though, nobody likes a debbie downer.

Also stay out of their country you dumb cunt. Think about it.

You'll be hated by both sides because you're English. Neither Catholic or Prods in Ulster like the English. Try and sort out the mess in your shithole and don't be coming here because you're not wanted here.

Here's your quick rundown.

>Be Ireland
>Invade Scotland and colonise half of it
>Exterminate the Picts
Fast forward a few hundred years

>Be Welsh King sitting on English throne
>Send the Scottish back to Ulster
How do they have no right to be there considering most of the Ulster Scots were basically invaders from Ireland that shouldn't have been in Scotland to start with.

Fuck off with your cunty Americanisms, fucking IRA MUH HERITAGE retards need stabbing and then gassing.

We don't like the Ulster Scots filth or the Catholic filth in the Republic. Both of you shitskin shit stains need to be wiped out and you will be, very soon so don't you worry.

Oh and my little Irishers, don't piss off the English again, last time you fuck tits did that we genocided you and God saw that it was good. We will do it again, we will hunt down your men like the dogs they are and put bullets in each of their ugly little viking skulls. And we will cum over your corpses and laugh. You niggers.

because it looks like a piece of shit

>a free Northern Ireland

It's all so tiresome.

Do foreigners not realise that they have elections every other day in the north? The people have never once voted for republicanism or unification with ireland, its not as if the uk gov wouldnt have fucked them all off years ago to get them off the books if they couldve

You do realize the people at the front are masons right?

Northern Irish people are fucking dickheads. Every single person from Northern Ireland I met gets really fucking annoying after a few drinks. They are the ultimate drama queens and pretend like they were the only place on the planet that had conflict and violence. Holy shit, and then they either get violent or really fucking loud especially if you disagree with them. I like Irish culture and music but the people on that island really know how to make mountains out of molehills.

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Hey they're flying the stars and bars, that pretty cool.