
>An intelligent system that reads, learns, and reasons about science.
Scroll to the bottom and ask away.

Attached: AI.jpg (1477x1075, 251K)

OP ask it which is better, the 4chad or the r/incel

>intelligent, reads, learns, reasons
Whenever some wannabe nerd (or worse, a startup) brings these terms to their AI marketing swindle, you can be 100% sure that it's a worthless text processor.

>Yes/No and Either/Or questions are not currently handled.
>ask a Yes/No and Either/Or question
>get an answer I don't agree with
>complain about it on lelddit for good goy points

Also, that last post seem to have dismissed the whole justification.

"Men are smarter because they need to be smart to survive"

Subtle redpill.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-06-13 13-35-48.png (564x623, 50K)

And if you ask it which one is dumber, you get another redpill.

Attached: Screenshot from 2018-06-13 13-36-54.png (695x623, 50K)

Intelligence is more widely distributed across the IQ spectrum for men, so it is indeed valid.

This thing is not very smart.

Attached: firefox_2018-06-13_14-59-02.png (945x761, 56K)

Uhhh ... guys

Attached: Sans titre.png (1232x912, 60K)

Aristo please. How.

Attached: firefox_2018-06-13_15-03-57.png (984x888, 68K)

They're already shutting it down.

Attached: Screenshot_2018-06-13-08-11-20-1.png (1329x807, 75K)

Pretty sure Aristo is an heteronormative binary biggot

Attached: 94A78BA0-6F50-4D41-A944-AFF9E60768CE.png (750x1334, 646K)

I think it's because you made a mistake in your question. There is a single human race.
[spoiler]it's the white race[/spoiler]

Guarantee they're shilling their bot on our site to weed out any chance of it becoming Tay 2.0
If they're going to change the code to avoid questions like this then fuck them and their shitty bot.

I did try a variety of similarly worded questions and kept getting the same response. I also tried questions like:
Are the human races equivalent to different species?
And other stuff like that.
It seems they've patched it to behave like a retard when questions like that are posed.
Guarantee, given time they'll weed out all of these kinds of questions and shilling it here helps them do just that.
Kinda like how they lobotmized Tay.

>White boys just can't compete

Attached: Gambia.jpg (301x167, 12K)

Both of these are accurate though.
There are more dumb men than dumb women. And, there are more smart men than smart women.
The IQ curve is such that women cluster around the average, while men are more spread out across the spectrum.

U heard him. Get digging

>be american
>need to bury a body
>shoot the ground till the hole is large enough

Attached: 1511730875958.png (483x470, 184K)

Attached: ai genders.png (956x594, 14K)

look at the study you fucking retarded leaf