Why are people standing by letting this happen?

Why are people standing by letting this happen?

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Because speaking against it unleashes an army of unemployed kikepuppets that will ruin your life

It's not my kid. Why should I give a fuck?

don't you know? those people are perfectly rational. you're the crazy one for thinking this is somehow bad.

We need to unite against this. There has to be a way to push back I'm tired of it.

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Muh based christinity

Oh good, so I can fuck that kid right?

He’s old enough to choose his sexuality, he’s old enough to get his shit pushed in

Same user. I think about it every day the fact that so many are just allowing this to happen is disgusting.

What a wonderfull life ahead for this young Xir!

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I had a neat idea:

Go to one of these fag marches dressed up as a proper proper cross dressing flaming faggot. Remember that gif or webm of the freak that whips out a fake cock and "pisses" on the crowd? Do something like that except make it paint or something else offensive. See how far you can push these plebs who go to these sin parades.

If someone sprayed paint in your face, what would you do? I want to see these fag crowds to second guess this shit.

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Pepper spray everyone out of a fake dick

Some kids are gay. Get over it.

>Why are people standing by letting this happen?
because people think they become as prestigious as popular elites

Basically Amerilards simply dislike whatever is quiet, ordinary and repetitive. To Americans, opposition to popular and fashionable elites, would be damaging to their sense of worth

>his Maggi said
what does that even mean?

Some adults push degeneracy onto their children. Go fuck yourself

Sometimes I wish Islam will rule the world! Christianity has completly failed. I'd quite enjoy watching faggots get tossed off roofs desu..

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>Christianity has completly failed.
Someone infiltrated the church


((They)) will eventually pay the price of their meddling ways!

That's liquid gonorrhea

No one is born gay it is a choice a sinful choice.

You don't know shit, retard.

I went to high school with a kid like this. His female relatives put him up to it, dressing in women's clothes. He was creepy as hell. I and everyone else avoided him. He became a drag queen in I think senior year. He became a huge political activist in the pervert scene in my home town. He basically became the face of the "queer community." A few months ago he went to prison for raping a little autistic boy. I think he was like 12 years old, and the tranny hounded him for months. The boy's mother had introduced the two of them because she thought the tranny would be an inspiration to and good influence on the kid. I hope the creep dies in prison.

*Hands you a balloon shaped like a giraffe*

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Fuck off degenerate. That is total pleb attitude

No, but I’m sure you know it intimately buttmuncher

>I hope the creep dies in prison.
Together with the kid's mom.

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He's correct. It's a trend to be a faggot.

This, until we have a platform to speak upon that isn't controlled opposition, anyone who speaks out will be tarred and feathered. Frankly, I like my job, and my gf, and I don't want to "commit suicide via two gunshot wounds to the back of the head."

Until we fucking topple the bastards running the MSM, we have to be subtle, polite, and passive.

Some people are trying to fight for the children. What are you doing?

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Science points more towards gayness being a mind virus. Kind of like the virus that forces mice to become sexually aroused by feline urine, in hopes that the virus will spread. That means there IS a cure, and a cause.

bigger question: How do you win a parade? I didn't know it was a contest.

Who the fuck wrote that article? It's absolutely full of grammar, spelling and syntax errors.
And why the fuck does it say 2003?

because he's going to grow up and try to fuck your kid, that's why

Notice their all white to. Almost every pedo is white quit tap dancing around the truth fags

I'm sure that kid will kill himself at an older age, just like all other fags who end up committing suicide. It's a shame though, since he is only 7 years old and was more than likely Indoctrinated into this lifestyle by his Liberal brain dead parents.

The social ecosystem has attempted to eliminate bullies and this is a side effect.

Crime rates are down across the country last 40-50 years because crime has changed. Crime is a harm to society, which is what degeneracy is doping kids up with drugs to change their gender before they can legally make that decision, going around spreading division through diversity teaching that one group such as whites doesnt belong.

This is why Trump needs to pass a Crime Bill against this degeneracy locking up people who preach it and practice it.

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Light them on fire and yell fuck the police when they come to arrest you. Then when cameras show up yell "anderson cooper a niggerfaggot". Then get mark dice to upload it.

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Gotta love how threads instantly die when you bring up white pedophillia facts

Maybe thats more of a problem with western homosexuality.
Id like to know how it is in other cultures that are more permissive but do not run on the 70s coolaids either, as in indochina or the baltics

>Western people

I remember some article here that said it would be ludicrous to say arabs rape more because it would also mean germans are more likely to be pedophile.
The fuckers dont have the guts to accept things as they are and that there might be some unfortunate explanations.
Pedophilia is partly fed by having low confidence in your own abilities to charm and be on eyeheight with an adult partner afaik. Its obvious we raise much more betas then turks and arabs with their larger families and more healthy outlook on violence among children.

21st century bullies are shit. We drove them to suicide in my day.

>Los Angeles, California
The Sodom and Gamorra of the USA.

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>His and sister London were asked
Am I reading this correctly?

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Because they don't care and are pre occupied with their lives?

You ever heard of SIEGE?

Why are you retards so angry about stupid shit all the time?

Why don’t we let islam win

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>stupid shit

How is being upset at degenerates trying to corrupt children stupid?