Germany is not a US vassal state

We use very little in terms of US military equipment. And we don't pay for the 30,000 US soldiers stationed on Germany's border to France - which Trump said he would remove if we don't pay, but which are still here.

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Seeing modern Germany bearing the Iron Cross.

I'm not sure how I feel about this. I'm not sure you deserve it.

deep state runs this country not trump. your gibs will continue

So pay for your own defence then and poke at the russians at your own risk. We'd love to watch the show.

>Be Thyssenkrupp
>Build Dolphin-class subs
>Be the US
>Give (((our BFF's))) $1.3 Billion to buy a Thyssenkrupp built sub made in Germany
Now, it appears that one has nothing to do with the other. HOORAY!

F-35 is a shitshow.

I work in the weapons industry as a engineer and have many friends working at subcontracts for F-35 in Norway. The workflow is just laughable. They don't test all the parts before the orders to the subcontractors. So if they find a fault with the parts the subcontractors just have to start again from scratch.

No wonder it's so expensive.

If the Don is capable of striking a real deal between the Norks and Seoul; there will no longer be a need for a huge, highly expensive Army base there to enforce a cease fore for a war that never ended for the past 60 years.
>Translation: A lot of military personnel and materiel can leave Seoul to do what it has never done for itself, and the ungrateful Seouls can kiss the pink part of our Lilly White asses
>The same goes for ungrateful Europeans. Besides, Europe wants its own EU army and are bringing in warm bodies to staff their new military by the boat load
>What could possibly go wrong?

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Instead of buying proven superior weapons (Israel cucking most modern Russkie air defenses) must save money and finance more refugees!!!

>implying that troops will pull out and leave their shit behind immediately when pull out threat is mentioned like when obama left all the equipment behind for ISIS and thinks that trump will leave equipment behind for ISIS living in germany.

All European countries are more or less vassals of the US
Their gdp is higher than all G7 members one

>and poke at the russians at your own risk.
Russians are our friends. We'll negotiate a nuke sharing program with them.

You don’t deserve to use the iron cross until all of the following happen.
1. The Kaiser is restored.
2. Konigsberg is retaken.
3. Every last muslim is kicked out.

They do that shit on purpose. It has to be some kind of money laundering scheme.


>I work in the weapons industry as a engineer and have many friends working at subcontracts for F-35 in Norway. The workflow is just laughable. They don't test all the parts before the orders to the subcontractors. So if they find a fault with the parts the subcontractors just have to start again from scratch.
system integration is a bitch in a globally sourced machine...

It's little more than an extremely expensive test bed for unbelievable avionics. Once we can shitcan the F-35, the avionics package that we can put in its replacement will be unstoppable.

Side note, I fucking love the Gripen. You Swedes make good looking aircraft.

Attached: Gripen.jpg (512x342, 54K)

>Their gdp is higher than all G7 members one
>3rd largest economy
>higher than G7

Frenchies and math

Attached: 512px-GDP_PPP_2017_Selection.svg.png (512x512, 49K)

Yeah, like they're ever gonna trust you again, nice fantasy Anwar.

1. I wrote G7 members and not EU
2. I wrote GDP and not GDP per capita you dumbfuck kraut

>16th of march
Fuck off!

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>3. Every last muslim is kicked out.
They can use the Muslims, but there needs to be a frank, clear, concise conversation ahead of any agreement. Euro's will not likely convert to Islam under pressure. If the Muslim is smart, he'll make his case by example, not by blowing shit up.
>History repeats: There was a time when a group of people were wedged between the Christians to their West, and Islam to their East and South. For the purposes of political expediency, and their understanding of pushing the narrative for 'minority representation/non-oppression', they chose to convert to Judaism; specifically, Talmudic as a rewritten/borrowed doctrine from their days under Babylonian slavery
>This time around, the Euro's will either (eventually) choose to convert to Islam or Judaism; lest they revive Christianity in its Orthodox form and purge all non-Christians

GDP PPP is not per capita it is purchasing power parity. You are right to be suspicious of it though. It is an adjustment done to account for differences in prices in different countries. I.e. it is much cheaper to oay for someone to do your laundry in china than in the US. So 1 dollar spent towards laundry in china gets you a lot more than in the US. This system misrepresents the ability to purchase things where there is axlarge spectrum if quality and real price like the case with highly advanced weapon systems.

>Germany is not a US vassal state
Is a t*rk and jew vassal state

>konigsberg retaken
as if they fucking deserve it

>1. I wrote G7 members and not EU
The EU is a G7 member, that is why there are 9 idiots at the table...
>2. I wrote GDP and not GDP per capita you dumbfuck kraut
I posted GDP, not GDP per capita...

I hope you aren't trolling.

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I can't wait to be relieved of your burden.

do you want to mix blood of your ancient people with the north africans just so you can continue this retarded German aggression but with a newly granted moral right (due to being race mixed)?

Is this the direction German Autism is headed? Cause from some online comments it seems seems that way.

No, the EU is not a G7 member, you fucking moron.

Cucking what? Short range systems? You (((guys))) dont even fly in syria but fire ur missiles from lebanon. I wonder why

Talking about the EU as part ofcthe G7 is silly if you also mention the other constituent countries. It is double counting of economic capacity. It would be like the US also counting its indivdual states. Also, there is no EU military. At least yet. And at best even work started today it would take multiple decades to form a cohesive force.

Also GDP PPP is extremely deceptive when you are talking advanced weapon systems. China doesn't have an equivalent F35 to buy.

+ you posted GDP PPP (an american user summarized its function) and not GDP

the russians and germans should be allies; if it weren't for constant anglo-american meddling they would be. remember, both the bolsheviks and the nazis were funded by anglo-american bankers. those regimes were pawns to decimate russia and germany.

russia has the most natural resources in the world, and germany is the best manufacturer in the world. a russo-germanic alliance would be unstoppable and if the eu breaks away from nato it would be quite likely. this is probably the reason why the u.s. is reluctant to pull out of nato even though the germans aren't paying what they should.

Trump actually doesn't want to remove the troops.
If us troops leaves, Europe will have to buffer its defense up. This means that EU would be a whorthy ally to rely on, but also that it would be able to stand alone, what the US want to prevent more than ever, because EU could be willing not to follow (those yes men), finance (buying american military wares) and supply (via troops and suppy chaines) the US leadership.
This would be a blow as bad as the end of the petro dollar.

the USA doesn't need the petro-dollar anymore, we're the largest petroleum producer in the world. OPEC doesn't have any control over us anymore.

Good luck in Europe though, I mean with that population density and lack of natural resources, and competition from China with its massive manufacturing base, and consumer population more than 2x that of Europe as a whole, I'm sure you'll do really well for yourselves.

Like, starving.

nigga shut the hell up
you lost to emu birds
the few remaining Bundeswehr Germans are redpilled (not the boomers obviously)

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Emu Wars was 2 machine gun sections shooting at a really large herd of emus then giving up because it got rainy and they broke up into more smaller groups and it was stupid.

You've lost every modern war you've been in. Like, half of the Germans with courage are dead, you are a failed state. BTW Aussie boys dad probably shot your great grandpa.

The US would be fine if europe built up its defenses. Even if it meant loss of political sway with european countries. Now creation of an actual EU military is a different thing. But the stresses on the EU make that seem unlikely atleast in the short and medium terms. Strong european militaries means we free up the ability to relocate our forces to other areas like south china sea.

Yeah they'll share with you, one way.

Not for long...

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while I admire those quads
I'm not German my fellow mutt but to your point
>You've lost every modern war you've been in
>said the cabal main hive of degeneracy siding with commies just to crush the last spirit of hope
you're not even trying
you silly goys fucked the whole world up being blind by the shekel on the stick by them

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f-35 is trash anyway wish our government didn't but them

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see some of my earlier posts for some non-shitposting, lad.

Hopefully they buy Su-57s as the other planes can't keep up with a German pilot

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Hans, they aren't that redpilled. I just applied for a job at the "Unteroffizierslaufbahn" and they're mostly "Pro immigration" and try to push a feminist agenda to our country. (Feels like that is becoming increasingly an issue for them): Obviously they're patriotic and they hate the way the Bundeswehr is becoming now. In other words: They don't give a shit about who is elected in our parliament and they don't care where they will send them.

It doesn’t matter which planes you buy the US will still have more and will join with Japan which is buying a modernised version of the F-22 to wipe out the eternal kraut once and for all

>babbys first geopolitics
The military bases aren't there to "help". It's power/influence projection.


Modern German ARmy is a paper army... morale sucks, organization and equipment also going to shit

They'd still fuck your shit up.

Sorry, you sour kraut, you have lost one of the most important wars in your county's time: The one where you get invaded by shitskins and Merkel facilitates it.

True but I think their military would rebel before attacking Poland
And of course there is NATO that would side with the attacked country.

Nah Poland could march to the Rhine.

Before we attack Poland or anybody we have to get our own shit together and solve the issues on our continent, starting with the sandniggers and the EU.

>can’t even afford guns for their nato war games
>has to use broom sticks

Yea fuck off.

>implying polish dont deserve to lie on the roast right next to sandniggers and turks

Poland has more mechanized forces than you and they are at a higher readiness.

And you faggots lost to slavs

"Less Americans, more refugees" should be Germany's national motto

Yeah, obviously.
Are you seriously discussing attacking Poland again? Stop m8, it's never worked out for ya.

you're, uh, stupid, man.
>can't afford guns
really believe that?

>He says as his own troops and civil protection forces are utter jokes

>Brest-Litovsk intensifies

Yeah they have alot more armored regiments than people realise.

Everybody loses to slavs

>but which are still here


I'm not talking about attacking anybody. Germany already dominates Europe economically and diplomatically and now we should throw all the globalist faggots out and disband so they stop turning their backs against us.

the EU*
best friends forever and ever.

>We use very little in terms of US military equipment.

All of your nukes are American.

If Poland wanted they could be in Frankfurt forcing you to work for them by the weeks end. Your lone Armoured brigade would get rolled right over.

>bite the hand that feeds you
Who will give Poland gibsmedat, if not Germany?

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>F-35 is trash
Even though the Israelis love it to the moon and back while cucking pantsir missile systems at the same time

Poland can't do shit even if we'd fuck up even more. Don't expect anything out of Poland

Putin is manipulating your weak chancellor Merkel. Why do you not see that?

Remember when he spoke German to her?

so why should we have to listen to a fucking word you dip shits say then? why is it that americans are obliged to be polite and why do you expect it?

I don't hate you but Germany is the one biting the hand that feeds you have just been driven crazy by that Chancellor with no robes.

>please cancel joint exercises and trade sanctions , in return in the future we might talk about nuclear disarmament, but most likely not.
>sounds great supreme lead- i mean amazing friend kim

thats your leader, unironically. Merkel sucks , but your not really one to talk

>Germany is the one biting the hand that feeds you
in what way? because we dont got to war in the middle east? because we have been brainwashed by the US and chrisitanity to be weak and accept migrants?

This guy has a working brain.

isn't it true that the us put software in their planes that can be shut down if used against the US or someone the US protects?

They sure were friendly when their dicks were buried in every blonde German girl

I would be surprised. Just from the fact if such a system existed it creates the possibility it can be exploited against the US and The planes in general could be shut down.

The US made deals to become fully been a vassal state of the financial/globalist system since the War. Germany isn't fully a vassal-state of this, but good luck trying to nudge your political systems right of center and see what comes. You're backed in to a wall until 2099 and the Jews and whatnot are trying make you as meak as possibly until then, so as to not make you ever viable again. Enjoy your Arab enrichment. This is what's seriously occuring.

No we would just use our superior aircraft that we don’t sell to outsiders

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>not a US vassal state
>30,000 US soldiers

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nah mate, they have way more functioning tanks than we have tanks at all and thats just the tip of the ice(((berg)))

Germany is a vassal state for Israel, just like the other Jew-conquered nations like the UK and USA.

we don't occupy your pathetic country for your benefit you dumb cuck

of course we're going to occupy you even if you don't pay, we just can't laugh at you now for actuallying paying for it

This is click bait, the air marshal wanted a German made jet, got fired for NOT supporting the f35.
You are a vassal.


We could literally have the H-Bomb in 1 1/2 years time. All technology and infrastructure is already there.

>They are our friends
>No Russia cannot be in the G8 because muh Crimea
so it's fine for you to be friends with a nation and condemn them from global participation while maintaining that they'll still be friends with you?

you mean Zerkrush

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losing to millons of american funded slavs, who could do such a thing, but funding communists is based

An answer would be interesting.

First we occupied you because you lost
Then we kept you occupied because gommunism
Then we continue to occupy you because why not, ya loser
And now we occupy to this day, because if we pulled out, I'm pretty sure Poland would annex you

Shall you be reminded of whose feet you grovel at hans?

>F-35 is trash
>Even though the Israelis love it to the moon and back while cucking pantsir missile systems at the same time
Perhaps there's a reason they love it and want to push it on the world...

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Trump is working on pulling them out... Trump wants all US troops back in America.

Look at Japan ramping up military production for the first time since the 1930's. This is why China is playing nice now. They fear America letting Japan off of its WW2 leash.

Germany doesnt negotiate shit except how to get more Muslims in your country. Your defense efforts are absolutely pathetic. Your army is poorly trained and even more poorly supplied yet you will come crying to us when the time comes. Your entire country has become complacent and weak, and you have consistently reneged on your NATO payments - PAY DEBTS GERMANY.

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how do you blame the us for your love of migrants?? when has the us ever advocated for more immigration for germany? it has been the opposite, merkel criticizing us and the rest of europe for not taking enough muslims. you are the cancer yet you constantly blame the US and christianity.