In divorce cases, why do courts favor the mother so heavily?

In divorce cases, why do courts favor the mother so heavily?

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Because men are more likely to be able to pay child support, a portion of which goes to family courts.

Wow, thats beyond depressing.

I shouldnt have asked

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I'm drunk, I would have ignored the thread if I wasn't. Family courts are the worst thing about feminism, absolutely obvious evil. Imagine breaking families for just a few extra bucks, not even a lot, a in most systems this money doesn't go directly to the family law courts.

This is the stuff black pills are made of. Do not continue without your favourite drug.

just put all your shekels in crypto that way that fucking cunt can't take it from you

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>why do courts

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Chicks tend to be more sociable and caring animals, in general.
Sadly this is not true in some cases, and shitty bitches get the gravy.

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Damn... I didn't know that.

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There is this social idea that mothers are for beeing serious and rasing the child while dads are for having fun and providing money. You cant raise a child over a distance, but you can pay money. But gender is a social construct and men have it better

to find out who rules over you, find out first who is above criticism.

Because men and women are different you newfag. Women are treated better(especially the attractive ones) in almost every aspect of modern society.

As feminism gains more power, guess who keeps getting bigger slices of the divorce? There was a special on a local news channel awhile back that did a segment on how stay at home housewives work values at like $150,000 a year and that's what they should be worth plus interest.

Also they are usually, USUALLY better caregivers regarding children.

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hahhha imagine her face trying to cash out the meme money at a bank. the faces of the cashiers

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It's usually the man's fault for the divorce. Either he cheated, was abusive, or just a loser and she deserved better.

Having kids in 2018.

Are you retarded?

Just cause you will never reproduce user, doesnt mean its bad

Don't forget that they favor women even when women make the money because they know that the feminist lobby will eat them alive if they don't always give the wamen what they want.

Not reproducing ever.

Are you suicidal?

Why do you want to have children?

Enlighten me.

this actually isnt true

my friend got his kid, took him alot of lawyer money though

it must be some reverse jewish shit, they might think giving it to the dad is somehow bad lul so they do it

>t. The eternal roastie

>better caregivers
Stop this meme you massive soigoy faggot. Statistics literally show the exact opposite with single moms being the equivalent of growing up in the ghetto for a kid while single dads have no such issues.

>mother works in forensic psychology
>whenever a "abuse" case comes she makes psychological reports favoring the men, treating the claims of the women as "dubious"

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I wanna fuck your wife

it is based on the common misconception that women are better parents

Women have naturally evolved to be better parents. That's why men work and women play with babies.

Evolution tells me to pass my genes forward

Not alone, fatherless child are mostly spineless faggots that were always catered by their mothers, as if the umbilical cord was never cut. They are weak, and they know that, that's why they wait until their parents die to kill themselves, the world is "too cruel" for them.