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gays are disgusting
Which country? I need to know before I shitpost, or make up excuses if its my one.
>Implying we don't all think like this
>Arachnaphobia: fear of Arachnids
>Hydrophobia: fear of water
>Homophobia: hatred of faggots
All gays are pedophiles and perverts.
This is why everyone hates fags
>getting people fired
>getting people arrested for hate speech
Left wing views are so shitty that this is how they have to argue.
>everyone sitting in the pews waiting to shitpost
this is the equivalent of telling the teacher someone said a swear word in class.
lefties are mentally challenged. prove me wrong.
You fags are becoming less gay and more ungay every year.
It's more of a revulsion and rejection in most cases, no? For example I'm not afraid of gays, nor do I particularly hate them either. I just feel revolted by them and while they can do what they want behind closed door I reject them doing so in public much less peddling it to others.
Sure, create another person with nothing better to do
This won't bite them in the ass at fucking all
This bothers me as well. It's perfectly reasonable to fear faggotry, yet we treat the term as an automatic hate crime.
I don't need any practical reasons to hate fags
>Firing someone for a phobia
I agree. Companies should be able to fire any one with mental issue, such as being a fag
You dont but its not like there arent plenty of practical reasons
discord gg/3VrHh9
add a .
I wonder what cucked state this happened in.
Yesterday at work some guy freely dropped an n-bomb and no one batted an eye. Some roasties (one of them a manager) nervously looked at me to check if everything was ok and I just laughed so they laughed too.
And then everyone clapped
Yeah. I don’t want to genocide spiders or anything but I feel physically ill when I see one close. Just go away spider
Word ''homophobia'' is one of most retarded things left has invented, imagine your in Europe in midle ages and black plague would be everywhere, you would try to avoid people who had a dessise, and some retard would say to you ''why are you so hatefull towards sick people'' ''ARE YOU A PLAGUEPRHOBE!!???''
And than bunch of sick people would walk around screaming ''PROUD TO BE SICK'' This is EXACLY what you people are doing, there is nothing you should be proud of if your a gay, your in a sence a evolutionar and biological cancel, your not better but WORSE than average population there is nothing good about beeing gay.
>Report someone for not accepting faggotry
>They get fired
>Report someone for being an illegal
>You get fired
-speaks english
-not arrested (-> not UK)
-not sent in front of a disciplinary board for reeducation (-> not canada)
-no mentioning of mates, cunts or dangerous animals (-> not australia)
-got fired -> americans love when people are getting fired or when someone quits their job
It is the US.
Go through her twitter and find something she said offensive and report it to her boss
that flag
>I need to use the authority of employment to force people to accept my lifestyle
t. Homo
Where do all these people getting fired for sexism, racism and homophobia go?
canada you dumb kraut
>I tattled on someone that put trust in me LOL! go progressives!
I hope so.
Right wing voting bloc
Same here. If they weren't so slutty aids carriers, i wouldn't have any problem with them
Well that girl should pay Kendrick a visit.
Homophobia is indeed retarded, there are plenty of rational reasons to hate the fruity cunts.
Actually women are disgusting they do anything to destroy one another. They are nigger tier brainlets
Don't forget, these are, by the lefts admission, irrational psychological compulsions
If you're fired for having a "phobia", you could leftist pretzel logic to claim you're being discriminated against for being mentally ill, or disabled, as most phobias are treated with therapy but she's being treated with discriminatory workplace firings
She should lawyer up and give them a taste of their own bullshit desu
The boomer and the gen X guy have the correct expressions
Homophobia is hate and how can any organization hire someone who hates others just because they’re born that way?
If you’re homophobic keep it to yourself.
How too make people hate fags.
I don't hate gay people. I hate people that build their entire existence around the fact that they're gay because they're worthless dipshits and try to rub it in everyone's face.
You sure? Their workplace laws are pretty similar to ours - getting someone sacked for politics would be a serious bit of drama here.
Short of working in customer service and having a swastika tattooed on your forehead, sacking you for politics is a tall order anywhere but the US it seems.
Nah, her utility is in carrying on like a pork chop and convincing the general public to ignore her political views. These people are self-defeating because they create enemies exponentially while simultaneously rejecting more and more people from their political alliance every year (relying on immigration to bolster the numbers is a big gamble).
Nobody who's homophobic calls themselves homophobic.
So should the homos
They are born not liking faggots. Yet here you are hating on them. This is why we are putting you back in the closet.
Homosexuality is a mental problem and should at the very least be allowed to be treated as such so people who are gay can stop (yes it happens but you're not allowed to hear about it). If you really want to be gay, well, no ones forcing you to stop.
Exactly. None of us are afraid of some faggots.
>I don't hate gay people.
I like to fap to traps as much as the next guy but it annoys me how fags are put on a pedastal simply becuse they like having a cock up their arse
this but then also this
Can’t belive she doesn’t know that no one likes a fucking rat
Yeah but don't you want to kill Jews and make liberalism illegal?
>guy at production line sees black women washing hands
>says "you can wash it all you want, it wont go away"
>she goes to chef
>guy gets fired instantly
That girl...was Albert Einstein.
Never admit your hatred, pol.
It's always better to take it to the polls and watch them all melt down and wonder "WH-WHERE DID ALL THE VOTES COME FROM ))):::"
the same way when trump won.
I give it a 50% chance the girl in op is a kike. You might think this makes Jews look good but they only make up 2% of the population.
So? Kike or not? Who can answer?
i am sure now after being fired for words she thinks gay people are wonderful lol
These morons are truly a special kind of stupid.
The rhetoric here is traditionally outlandish, but 99% of people would be happy if Jews just either shut up or fucked off - ditto liberals.
I'm pretty open to a compromise where they get some plot of land to develop somewhere and the rest of us can just kick on without their presence. Maybe the left and jews could develop Israel as a multicultural paradise free of hate and the white man's grasp?
Pathetic. If the races were reversed and she'd tell some cracka joke they'd laugh it off and be on their day. But noooo
I have social phobia, I have a hatred of socialising with normies so I should be jailed for hate crimes.
I have a fear of spiders, so I (((hate))) spiders and should be jailed for hate crimes.
Pozzed british police:
Pretty uncommon.
who is her boss we can reach out too since she takes such joy in ratting out employees???
snitches get stitches
Oppressed minority.
the most fucked up thing was that this guy was a high achiever in their team. he would lead new workers and teach them how to use machines and stuff. now they have to split his work in the team and work even harder. guys like this always do more work, because they are more able. now the good guys have to spend even more time teaching young workers and helping out.
the black woman was just washing components
Reporting a hater isn’t hate. It’s love.
Hang the fags high
I psychology professor did research showing the same and got fired immediately for it. People are being shamed for using logic. This is what is happening.
They are making a fetish into a lifestyle, so they end as annoying weirdos and way more harmful than lets say, furries
This is what any self respecting person should be doing stay quiet only deal with liberal bullshit when you're forced to. Better to have a good job and have plenty of shekels to donate to conservative causes than be a jobless skin head. That's how the culture war will be won.
Not all gays are pedophiles but all pedophiles are gay
Your dad is gay?
Hopefully into streets.
Yeah. The same thing happens with transgenderism. There are transgender people online who talk about "Trans-regret." They thought being trans and getting surgery would solve their problems, but realized it wasn't the answer. They felt happy at first during the "honey moon" period as it's called, but then reality set in. They aren't allowed to have a voice in this disucssion, though.
Worth it.
Flaggot threads are slide threads.
Go play with some stones you fucking memeflag
You are dad is gay?
I don’t know. Should you? I’m not familiar with British law.
I thought women sided with their gender more than anything.
Prime doublethink double plus good
>WTF guys you mean there are consequences for my actions? This isn't fair. I was always told i'm a princess and I'm perfect. Fuck white people! I need to get BLACKED in all my holes by BBC.
Actually that’s retarded. The plague kills everyone regardless of race. Homophobes only want to kill gays.
I just want them to stop spreading aids and molesting children, but they won't. Male sexuality squared is a horrible thing.
"Freedom of speech is not freedom from consequences." -Liberals like This Bitch
Yep. That's me.
Hydrophobia isnt actually fear of water you mongoloid.