Solving the Falklands/Malvinas Territorial Issue

Why don't the Brits simply give it back to the Argies and get over with it?

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Come try and take it, cunt.

>Solving the Falklands/Malvinas Territorial Issue
I was rather young at the time, but I have a definite memory of it being solved back in 1983. Though you must correct me if I'm wrong.

>Using a Nazi meme flag
>OP isn't even white, much less European

u gotta curse word loicense mate?

The Falkland island voted on a referendum if they wanted to be British or not and voted overwhelmingly British. Only three (3) people voted for Argies.
Las Malvinas son Britanicos

Why didn't Americans give Hawaii to the Japanese?


oh im blind. anyways its cause its close to antarctica

>oh im blind. anyways its cause its close to antarctica
So you think the Falklands shouldn't be British because they are 13,000km apart

But you think Antarctica should be a Nazi colony because they are 14,000km apart

Makes total sense

Why don't norwegians give away dronning Mauds land?

Attached: 170px-Dronning_Maud_Land_in_Norway.svg.png (170x232, 31K)

>give it them back
you'd need to own them at some point in order to get something back

What is reading comprehension

But the argies inherited them after Spain renounced their lands in South America, and the island was unclaimed for over a few decades.

Attached: Falklands.permanence.png (800x146, 5K)

why is Maud dronning?

>But the argies inherited them after Spain renounced their lands in South America, and the island was unclaimed for over a few decades.
That happened thirty years after the UK founded a colony on the Falkland Islands, so any claims on the Falklands that rest on a continuation of Spanish sovereignty are null and void

So what your are saying is they belong to France???

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It's the closet base to antartica. Its really important for the brits to have a base near the Nazi colony New Swabia.

and before that it was french clay so it belongs to france

This, unironically.
Better yet, get the Falklanders to renounce the UK. They probably would if Argy guaranteed no Muslims.

Right after America gives Alaska to either Russia or Canada

before the war there everyone thought it was a scottish island.

>and before that it was french clay so it belongs to france
Bullshit, it was Breton clay, not French clay. Damn French strutting around thinking that everything belongs to them.

The way things are going in bongland I wouldn’t be surprised if they wanted to leave now.

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>The way things are going in bongland I wouldn’t be surprised if they wanted to leave now.

>Is down to 56% in his country
>Is worried about a country where the natives are still 87% of the population

How do you even know your numbers? They’ll put you in jail for talking about it.

>Travel to London
>Don't ever see a white person until I go into the rich area
>Brits Claim natives are still 87% of the population
>Doesn't realize the UK census are now full on SJW and do the same shit as France. UK census can't be trusted anymore like in France.
>Doesn't realize the last census was done before the mass exodus of Pakis, Poos, Niggers and Arabs.

Yeah Bong, I so believe you!!!! Bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!

BLACKEDmerica is minority white

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the Falklands have been part of the UK longer than Argentina has been a country!

Do not push me mate. I have this loincense

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>How do you even know your numbers? They’ll put you in jail for talking about it.
Ha ha, but actually they don't. We are not Sweden and it's not helpful to pretend that we are.

>Be a top secret british spy
>need a loicense to kill

I say old fruit. What do Mr. Spocks mother and the Argies have in common?
They were both fucked by Vulcans.

Thanks, I know my country is minority white, but it's more fun poking Bongs about it.

there’s a shorter line if you go north. Does this confirm flat earth?

Muslims wouldn't last long there. They smell a bit like sheep so they'd all go home with sore arses.

Yank Educashun

Go outside the city. never see anything but white people.

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naughty that m8

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>mfw my county got whiter

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How far do I have to go out the city to see white people? 50 miles?

Were Mexicans counted as white in that census ? I doubt that the U.S Mexico border was ever >90% white

It's ok, in France, everyone is white including niggers. We have a bit to go to reach your level of sophistication. We'll get there soon.

We bought Alaska fair and square, you faggot.

They invaded the islands in 1833 and replaced the local population with their own. Of course they are going to vote to remain british, they are the invasors.

Now they are ironically suffering population replacement in their own homeland. I can't wait until the UK becomes a muslim majority and they vote in favor of sharia law for the whole country.

Attached: sharia-law-uk.jpg (285x306, 77K)

>They invaded the islands in 1833 and replaced the local population with their own.
Local population? You mean penguins, right?

Truthfully, I had no idea that the British expelled all the penguins in 1833. That was awfully mean-spirited of us.

Blood matters more than physical distance.
Countries are created and destroyed on the basis of racial identity. Post that everywhere.




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So they actually aren’t dedicating police resources to persecuting people for “””offensive””” social media posts?

What happens when the falklands go shariah too? Then that shit is on your doorstep. Think further ahead.

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That's rightful South African clay that is.

>So they actually aren’t dedicating police resources to persecuting people for “””offensive””” social media posts?
Yes, but not for discussing population replacement. People have been thrown into prison in Germany, Sweden and even France for that, but not in England.

>but not in England.
And being arrested for placing a piece of meat in front of a mosque is better?

>And being arrested for placing a piece of meat in front of a mosque is better?
Why do you American weirdos always want to argue about things I never said?

I didn't say "England is rather severely cucked", as it obviously is

I only said "no-one has gone to prison for questioning immigration", like they have in Sweden.

>Posting argie propaganda
wake up sheeple

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also nice id my dude


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>also nice id my dude
If you waste a whole day shitposting on Jow Forums, odds are you're going to roll 88 sooner rather than later

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Not your post umber you nonce, your ID.

Jersey is much closer to France than the UK. The inhabitants have English forefathers, they speak english and they have english culture. And most importantly, they claimed the territories and the people living there would rather be English than French for these reasons.
Your argument is bad.

Captain original is back in the room ladies.

>it's closer so it's ours
Argentinians never settled it, so us giving it to them would not be giving it back. Don't be retarded, they're our islands, fuck off.

>Not your post umber you nonce, your ID.
Lol, didn't notice that. It's wasted in this thread though.

The planet is a sphere retard, it's not that far

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Because theyre greedy cunts

>The planet is a sphere
Fuckin' sheep.

Its ours. Always has been. If they want it back they can pay 1 trillion STERLING plus migration costs for all islanders or they can invade and try to take it over. Either way we will have a fucking blast.

How would you even know? It’s not like the news will report you getting black bagged. Look how they are trying to memory hole the Free Tommy protests.

>How would you even know? It’s not like the news will report you getting black bagged. Look how they are trying to memory hole the Free Tommy protests.
Not true. The media, even the right-wing media like the Daily Mail, love reporting on these cases because it lets them virtue signal.

>Why don't the Brits simply give it back to the Argies and get over with it?

They could give that island to Argentina but.... why would you want the people of Facklands be poor as fuck and suffer?

2018 and still believing in sphere theory

They were mostly white, it just they had a very low population so they were pretty easily displaced. Pic related 15 years after non-white immigration.

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yeah, nah. fuck off argie cunt.

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Come and claim them

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Is that a ship of the line? I did not know we still had any of those preserved.

>Dumb memeflag poster
If you weren't such a coward hiding his flag I'd give you a brief history of the Falklands and you'd understand more clearly why those niggers will never have their gibsmedats in island form. Instead I'm seasoning this porkpost of yours.

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Attached: HMS_Victory.jpg (1632x918, 789K)

There's a couple but that is HMS Victory, the oldest commissioned ship in the world and only first rate ship of the line in existence,
There's a frigate up in Scotland called Unicorn but it's not commissioned

OK, guess I know where I'm going sometime in the next few weeks. Sometimes I forget just how much awesome ancient stuff we have lying around in this country.

>give it back
>it back

Oi mate u got a online shitposting licence?

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I'm surprised you even have the internet on South America desu

Incredible right? And we don't have a thinking police government threatening to punish us for bad words or no no thoughts!
How warn is it inside you dead baby burning house?

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>And we don't have a thinking police government threatening to punish us for bad words or no no thoughts!
Anymore. And after last Saturday, ours won't be around for much longer.

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sure ahmed Abdul mohammed

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Your people won't be around for much longer =^)&

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At least we had, and have, something to lose :)

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go buy a burka nigger

It's better to have loved and lost than to be completely irrelevant like Argentina.
What are they known for except harbouring nazis after ww2 and getting ass blasted by Britain in the 80's?

Having to rely on Welshmen for their manifest destiny, of course.

>He's happy that his country sold it's people/empire/fate to the kikes
the absolute state of island niggers
How does it feel knowing that aryantina will be whiter than Britannia in just a few short decades?
>It's better to have loved and lost than to be completely irrelevant like Argentina.
>What are they known for except harbouring nazis after ww2 and getting ass blasted by Britain in the 80's?
>Great athletes
>Beautiful landscape
>Farms feed millions in Chyna
>10/10 whine
>10/10 thots
Besides being I ancient relic of a bygone era,what is uk even important for anymore?

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We're not prepared to ourselvs get as bad as you, you discount Spaniard.

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Sport, Drink & "soul". Congractulations, you're as cultured as Baltimore.

You could've had more, also fuck your gov for scrapping Vanguard 23 in 1960
>tfw america should've bought it and had her as a museum

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We have only 200 years of history as a country, ahmed

Because you're nothing more than an uppity colony.

Well at least we can dance and drink and have fun without the Sharia law enforcement officers and the state intruding on us.

Bantz aside,isnt the EU about to pass a internet law soon? Do you know anything about this?