With his GUN. Is he ourguy? Will he uncuck britbongistan?
Prince George makes libtards mad
This is irresponsible and insensitive
Are you kidding. Hes a future king. They should probably make him kill someone soon so he doesnt feel bad about taking life.
All the boys are going to have to serve in the military eventually.
Hahaha fucking based. Love the little guy.
This is bait
This is normalizing guns and basically moving victims of gun violence
This is digusting white supremacy, can't wait for the new race mixed baby to kick his ass and bully him.
>mother is an all-time high level babe
>the essential MILF even after 3 kids
>father is the chad future king
>4 or 5 years old but armed at all times
how does he have so much test at his age?
British royalty understands that future Britain needs a strong king, so they skipped dancing lessons and just gave the kid a toy gun, nothing wrong or unusual with that
future cereal killer for sure
Probably preparing him so he can defend himself against his mutt cousins
Did someone hear a frog?
"Lookaht 'ees got a shoota!"
Parenting at its worst folks.
Once he’s of age and owns a personal social media, I’m going to spam him with redpills. I would legitimately die for a heroic king.
They'll piss themselves inside out when he goes on his first hunt then.
ha, i knew that kid wouldn't grow up to be a fag
Holy fuck this is actually pretty based liberals have been even cracking down on toy guns and finger guns so this is surprising.
Prince George is the future God Emperor, the chosen one
>why play with this you'll never have to use. HahahahahababahahahbajhahahahahhahahhHhHhHhHahahahahahhaahhahahahahahahabha
Exactly right.
Keep these uncivilized "toys" in the US where they belong
What do you gain from larping? No one believes that you hold these opinions. I just don’t understand.
Britain is too far gone at this point. By the time George is King, he will be ruling over ashes. Open street warfare, Muslim gangs ruling the cities while the countryside will be fortified zones where the last of the English will live behind wire and walls.
Of course an American doesn't believe in being civilized
Seriously, where is the pleasure in pretending on Jow Forums when literally no one falls for it? How is that fun?
He was born (((knowing)))
I'm afraid he will be too late though.
He's got the correct enemy in his sights at least
This kid will literally channel King Arthur if he still gets the chance
Isn't Prince George gay?
We are in post-existence. This is like the fallen world you play in during Dark Souls. Most aren't even human, they are just Hollows reacting to external stimulus without direction and solely are there to consume or be destroyed. Wipe out the trash on the streets. This is the post-degenerate levels I am talking about. A child can be attacked by the hyenas for not doing what they want. Well that's where the line gets drawn and they are dragged to a lamp post and hung. Then what do they say?
"We are not violent!"
But you preached violence, attacking people all the time in the media or in the street. You reap what you sow and don't let the empty Modernity prevent you from grinning at destroying this trash. The whole damn fucking System will break like a levee and the scum will drown in their own shit.
Oh no, gun bad. Knife bad. Spoon bad too. Everything bad. Muslim good though. Diversity good. Multiculturalism very good.
king arthur took dragons cocks in his bum
shitlibs desperately want him to be.
not gonna happen.
>We are in post-existence. This is like the fallen world you play in during Dark Souls.
The only way to rekindle the first flame is through nuclear fire.
keep talking faggot
He doesn’t get attentio irl or online. What else is he supposed to do?
Looks evil
King Arthur was really a gay black jew
Guns should be normal as long as you're not a Europoor faggot.
George resembles King Henry VIII a lot, at least for me dont know why could be the looks.
>my (((american))) side
>my (((british))) side
King Arthur is a welsh thing user
I don't know. There's a strong history of homosexuality in the family.
I kek'd at him cucking Trudeau. Will and Kate need to make a fourth, too.
look at the little kike
guns should be normalized you pussywhipped cuckold
Can you even buy realistic looking toy guns in the UK?
Toys yes, BB guns, replicas and airsoft rifles you need a literal license for or they'll be painted a gay color like orange.
>Why play with things you should never have to use
Totally regretting the toy lightsabre i had as a lad thanks to that tweet.
Kill them all George, kill them all.
That's how his toy is
Its just a picture of a content hwite family, and two boys playing with guns. This is the most normal thing ever, you can see in that picture they are all happy. But they forgot for just a moment about the hateful marxist shitlib PC mobs. The Royal family should do whatever it likes, isn't that the point of their existence. What happened to Royalty saying shit like "This is my word. And as such is beyond contestation" and throwing the press into prison for slandering them. I yearn for those days
it's normalizing children?
operator as FUCK
He training to deal with that shit head cousin of his!
to get a (you) from (you)
> royal niggers should double down.
> next time, AK47 toys.
For the lulz.
Those are literally toy guns. I doubt the children of a fucking prince would be as uneducated as us Americans and not be taught gun safety.
You have to be over 18 and have a LOICENCE to buy. You can own them looking realistic, but can't modify them to look as such. They usually spray airsoft guns with water soluble paint so it can 'accidentally' come off.
libfags are angry that a kid understands naturally why bows, knives, and guns are the coolest things you can own.
Is there any better example of how retarded thebleft has come
>child plays with a toy gun
>adults in other parts of the world get upset
Wtf is this world
i heard the kid's a fuckin brat tho
hopefully he grows out of it, daddy going to need to beat him and send him off to some far away boarding school for some "character building"
Operate, little bong!
Tfw I'll never hold a imitation gun because I'm not royalty. Wish I could have a toy gun like thay
Kill yourself.
i remember how badly i triggered teachers at school for drawing pistols and m16 in notebooks and on assignments sometimes. americans, especially american women, are the most brainwashed, hysterical, control freak goodgoyim there are.
wtf i hate wypipo now
Reported for committing thought crimes
Totally buying toy guns for my in-the-womb son.
very poor trigger discipline
new james bond movie when
When Idris Elba is available