How did Trump convince Kim Jung Un that he should give up his nuclear ambitions? Trump was just calling him rocket man and sailing air craft carriers to his country a few months ago. Surely Kim saw what happened to saddam and gudafi... did Trump convince Kim that he is truly against the Jewish NWO?
How did Trump do it?
By threatening to nuke him on twitter
Art of the deal, baby.
73d chess
North korea aint doing shit
this has happened before
I know you're meming because of the flag, but reread the document they signed.
"Denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula" is what they signed, and that has always been Kim's goal.
That doesn't mean the same thing as "Total, verifiable, irreversible denuclearization of North Korea" which has always been America's goal.
The difference is pretty clear. All Trump did was give multiple important concessions to get Kim to promise to do what he has always promised to do.
Trump dropped a MOAB on his nuclear testing mountain. The blast buried all his nuke scientists and killed the project.
Then he Art of the Deal'd little Kim and said, "give up the nukes you no longer have, let me build a few hotels and I'll help your regime survive and give you all the fried chicken you can eat."
Kim turned around 360 degrees and said, "okay God Emperor I accept."
By making the conversation about NK's place in the world rather than nukes.
Which, by the way, he'll be allowed to keep so long as he shuts up about them.
Trump isn't the only one utilizing the 'madman theory' the nukes were always a way for Kim to ensure he wouldn't share the same fate as Saddam or Gaddafi.
Trump succeeded in convincing China to embargo NK. NK was running out of basic goods and had to throw in the towel.
Also, USA might have collapsed NK's nuke site with orbital weapons.
This was always how NK operates. Make threats, gain concessions. This just happened to be the largest threat they managed to make, and Trump just happened to be the right person to make a deal with. We will see what NK gets out of this. It's going to be more than whatever non functional nuclear capabilities they had.
>Trump convince Kim that he is truly against the Jewish NWO?
Trump is just gunning for the nobel peace prize
Unironically this guy and a comical number of stars aligning
>I promised Kim I'd bring him a basketball team over for his birthday. He told me I was the only person from another country that kept a promise to him.
Acknowledged he was the leader of North Korea and challenged him to make choices like a leader.
The power of the two scoops.
Kim tricked Trump into meeting with him and stopping military activity.
Trump offered to open a McDonalds in NK. Never underestimate the power of burgers.
He didn't, NK's nukes aren't going anywhere lmao
I doubt trump was the full reason. but he is great for a pretend reason. norks private economy is growing fast. unlike his father rocket man completly stopped raiding and destroying private enterprises that are growing out of north koreas flourishing black market. kim needs to stop the sanctions wich have become especially hard under trump to secure support from this growing power within his country. the majority of the population doesnt give a shit about politics or ideology all they care about is making money. not everyone supports this new direction wich is why several several high military officials have been replaced recently. the fact that north korea has nuclear weapons, atleast on paper, gives him a much stronger negotiating position. ideally something similar to the iran deal would be the goal.
The fact that CNN just had a fluff peace celebrating the event tells me Trump actually didn't do shit. Korea would be putting themselves at mercy of the rest of the world if they gave up their nukes.
The fact that you are watching CNN tells me you are a boomer and need to die
if you have at least 2 braincells , you could have figured it out yourself
north korea is so poor they cant feed their own people , let alone ever have real weapons , most of their army actually has toy guns to show off during parades,their rockets are made of cardboard
even Trump is smarter than you to have figured out the obvious
do you think this was their first meeting?