Kraut/pol/ & AfD General - Rizin Edition


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>AfD rekking shitlibs in the Reichstag (english sub)

>AfD speeches in Bundestag (german)

>Einzelfall map,11.303021784765633&z=6&mid=13VaJa8XDU1vklF9xamz2kVQNJxk

>Kraut/pol/ OP pasta

>A f D W A V E

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Holy shit I fucked it up big times.

I was still pretty high from the anesthesia when I woke up and told my mom that I do drugs now and then. Also I only spoke english for the first 10 min or so, she thought at first I had brain damage before she realised that I speak english with her. My parents tolerate a lot but drugs are a big nono. I should have taken a taxi instead.

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the most chill people at my school were the ones who had really caring parents. they also were the only ones who really felt comfortable going to school for some reason.

Oh fuck.
Well, I was too late.

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just tell them you were in a delirium or something and can't remember anything if they ask.

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Did you display your power level?

I don't think that will work, I will just ignore my parents for a few weeks to let the dust settle

I hope not

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Stupid, hanging around with your parents while high on pain killer. Should have ben here instead

>Displaying your powerlevel
>"I hope not"
This is why right-wingers feel like they're alone with their opinion, because everyone is cucked to show what they stand for, while the left-winger vains himself in moral superiority.

You need an accompanying person, I wish they didn't let my mom inside the wake up room.

The medical assistants were all ayran. Maybe they would have liked it kek.

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Don't be afraid of saying what is right when it's provoked.

"Red' was wahr ist,iss was gar ist, trink was klar ist."

Plot twist
>Vegetables from Germany are not suitable to eat for Muslims because the fertilizer used is pig urine.

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Farmers committing hate crime galore

Oh no

I guess you are right.

BlondJedi is getting more and more redpilled.

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You should quit all drug use, user :)
Public school is a scam.
I think back on the good times, then I remember, I could've been much better off with an alternative education.
I'm sure they can tell desu.

>You should quit all drug use, user :)

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I esp struggled with school because females belong somewhere else.
You will one day.

Esp if you ever come to America.
Donald Trump is sending US Marshals aka The Feds on drug users for heroin, meth, and cocaine. They are being sent to federal prison. He wants drug dealers executed.
Trust me, in the US, it's 0 good, they are a bad group of people only looking out for their own tail.

death to all commies

b..but drugs are degenerate user

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"I am not addicted to cocaine, i just like the way it smells"
No need to point out the obvious, user.

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Everyone should quit drugs. You hurt people around you, and develop bad personality traits like loneliness and selfishness.

You should be focused on building up Germany or America.
Focus on buying a home, having a spouse, and raising 10 little Krauticans of your own. Maybe learn some things like wood working or arrow shooting.
Then you would truly be perfect, Master race species.

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reposting 4 all Hans and Gretels.

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Krauts, what do you think of this? Can our chancellor really redpill you and Italy on border control?

why would anyone ever want to got to America?


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because we have niggers.

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Oh look, it's another episode of "Wir schaffen das, Vienna Edition" now with a sprinkle of Horst.

Ah, such a nice landscape, too bad it's inhabited by generally uneducated morons.

"Auch Gemüse ist hier haram." I got to remember that.

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Aber was rufen die ganzen Spastiker der AfD denn dann? :^/

Yeah, you're right, ever since we lost state rights and our property taken by communists, America is insane.

two pro arguments.
> second amendment
> real freedom of speech

two contra arguments:
> le 56% face meme
> losing your home roots

Was werden die Spastiker der Antifa rufen wenn es die AfD nicht mehr gibt? :^/

Yeah, it's crazy that you can't return to homeland after some time.
Even after generations and the fact that your dna test is still at least half of whatever, still more than refugees.
I wonder, do Europeans want such things, or do you really want us to come back?

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Du fragst mich Sachen!

America got natural resources an mass that is about it. But the different European countries are rapidly getting screwed over by our politicians

Some states got worse gun laws than some European countries and unless you live in bongistan or Germany then freedom of speech is not that big of a problem. The low taxes are great though

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Jawollja das kommt in meine Fremdschäm-sammlung

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I mean, say it were your family. After like 3 more generations, would you want them to ever go back to Switzerland? I mean, it's pretty strange, because we beg the niggers to go back, and the fact that even Indians are like encouraged to return by family.

Ist schon ein Armutszeugnis, dass die Linken heutzutage schon Angela Merkel und die CDU verteidigen.

Mir das meiste.

Das gleiche wie sonst auch.
>wenn es die AfD nicht mehr gibt
Eine gute Einsicht in die Zukunft hast du da.

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Hilfe die NPD-Spurdos brennen den Starbucks nieder

Denke halt was du willst. Denke mir, dass ich auf der einen Seite mit dir streiten könnte, auf der anderen Seite werden die nächsten Jahre unangenehmer für dich als alles was ich dir hier sagen könnte. Du hast die Zeichen nur noch nicht gesehen.


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>Being this edgy

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Fuggin British Princess.

War on drugs will never work

Pretty much everything is degenerated if you think about it.

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doubt x

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>muh slaves

You tried to ban alcohol too in the past. The results of the prohibition was even more hard liquor and crime.

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I miss my negros.
Oh user, do I have some knowledge to tell you. Do you want the truth?

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>Do you want the truth?
enlighten me

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You should post your tits now that your life is worthless after your parents abandoned you

I see my parents maybe once per month, I can deal with it

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Because I'm going to tell you anyways.
We banned alcohol to keep oil/gas/coal as our #1 energy.
We had already cars produced by Ford to run on alcohol before Prohibition.
So the oil industry lobbied for Prohibition, to make it illegal to run cars on booze.
Which was successful, because Ford had to scrap all of those vehicles.
Be fooled if you want, Ford was apart of it as well.
They bought up thousands of public transport services like public buses and those trolleys, and then sent them to be destroyed.
They even said it was best if Americans focused on car ownership than public services.
Neat, huh. There's probably more as well.

I wish I was one of you.

Ösi, please.

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You also ban marijuana/hemp to protect your cotton industry. You can make decent fabric out of hemp.

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That and of course religious reasons.
We look out for each other. This is because of Unionization, I blame the North. They had plans to do all of this before the Civil War, literally rallying up to control what was being produced and what was being farmed, etc. We are slaves.

when did the "deutschland muss sterben" fraction take over die linke? it seems nowadays that they would literally cooperate with satan to flood germany with human trash

It is true, the south rose because the northerners were talking about using the southerners as slaves to fuel their big cities. (Jew York, etc)
The north aka the English loyalists, and the south, the Scots-Irish and Germans.
Of course they still use niggers as slaves, but now they have a capital on the backs of other whites and European immigrants.

In Ehrfurcht über die Größe dieses Typs.
Absolute Einheit.

Also, where is the artist that drew the deutsch/kraut/pol/ mascots?
I remember him being at 8pol and KC the last time I remember.

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Can you deal with showing your tits while holding a timestamp?
>wants to be part of a continent and culture that will decline and probably die in about 50 years or less
Stay on your island Bruce

> Yeah, it's crazy that you can't return to homeland after some time.
One way to get around this problem is dual citizenship, but I'm not really a fan of dual citizenship,
as it can be misused for the wrong reasons.

> Even after generations and the fact that your dna test is still at least half of whatever, still more than refugees.
The lefties and socialists in Europe want in general open borders and thus want to let in more
refugees in order to feel better and for the sake of virtue signaling. But not least, the asylum and social
industry has in the short-term economic benefits since everything must be payed by the tax payer.

> I wonder, do Europeans want such things, or do you really want us to come back?
Most don't know what is happening or are capable of thinking about the long-term effect
of mass migration and low European fertility rate.

> I mean, say it were your family. After like 3 more generations, would you want them to ever go back to Switzerland?
It depends on the circumstances. If they speak the language and know the country by visiting it during
holidays and have a good bond to their Swiss family, then why not?
I'm not against remigration per se, but it must make sense, Switzerland is a pretty small country.

In the end, it all comes down if you assimilate well in the country. Socializing is quite differently in Switzerland than in the US.

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*Last but not least

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Hard to say. I would say it became really obvious when the WASG was absorbed by the PDS and became Die Linke. Of course you have the Greens as well but those become increasingly bad after 2001 as well. Also you had very crazy leftists who flooded the Pirate Party after it started to come together and when the party tanked they all went to the Linke. Take fuckos like Julia Schramm for example who campaigned for the end of privacy while running for pirate party. She is like your typical loony feminist.

oih you still didn't get the memo that the Piratenpartei was pretty much an SPD thing
they flooded the party with their younglings in a concentrated attack to bring the party down
They did this so well and organised that this surely wasn't the first organisation that they subverted and destroyed from within like this

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You think? Like actual Husos? I would've guessed it was just "regular" kids who wanted to become politicians and thought it to be their opening. Did you have pirates in the netherlands as well?

This explains how they became so retarded so fast, damn socialist.

Husos need to go to camps

nono they weren't "regular uni" kids but they looked like it
they left the SPD, went into pirate party, then voted for each other at these cringy "meetups" so they became bigger and bigger, then started aggressively the feminist and youknowwhat agendas until they became unvoteble to the public, then they returned to their old places in the SPD

Did you know that Danisch was also one of the first Pirate party guys? Now go figure why he became what he became
>pic related

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>be high
>talk about being high

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The cologne story isn't good enough, I need my happenings goddamnit!

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I think you might be talking about the Linke.

Next level inception

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why not both?

Interesting. And by now that takeover has probably vanished in the mists of the
past to the point where there are plenty of pirate party members toeing the SPD
party line.

For I know a couple of pirate party members and while they clearly do spout that party line, none of them have a SPD background. So a pretty successful takeover, I'd say (ideology injected into the host's DNA without the second and third generation even remembering that it ever happened).

Do you have any hard evidence on this? I might just slap it into certain people's faces the next time they cannot keep their trap shut about their useless meme party...

Only heard the story that the Left basically kicked out a bunch of lefties that were deemed to extreme for the party at the time who then moved on and ruined the pirates with identity nonsense.

Apparently Julia Schramm was actually a member of the FDP youth organization then went to the pirates and then to the Linke.

I'm disappointed

oh an btw, they also tried the same thing with the afd, when the afd was still "taking everyone"
all of a sudden a former SPD, and now AFD woman starts posting loloklaus-denial stuff on her fuckbook
that was the most obvious one

You don't get it, Die Linke is just as much of a "controlled opposition" of the SPD, and Wagenknecht and her buttbuddy Lafontaine just don't know it yet
The SPD is what the Yakuza is today in Japan, not exagerating
They are a single little criminal mafioso entity that go all through Western-europe (in france its just as bad) and make people get in their line

You think the woman quota was just feminism bullshit? FALSE, the woman quota is used as such
>You are SPD patriarch
>You need to get a grip of big companies for money, so the people there all join your party
>You install woman qouta (for high up position ofcourse)
>companies try to conform to woman quota but they quickly realise that they can't find candidates
>You get dumbfuck-women who don't know anything, a nice degree in whatever is needed to fill the qouta (Danisch is always looking at these doctorates and diplom-works, check his site) completely manufactured, they actually don't know anything about the area they will work on or what they allegedly studied
>dumbfuck-Spd-women get filled into position
>you know have your enclave in a big company

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The fire rises...

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So they went for the liberals first? Maybe someone applied american politspeak while being uninformed. Seems fishy

thats like th 5th or 6th rapefugee related happening here in germany

things are going downhill very fast for Merkel &Co

Freikorps-Putsch when?

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>I'm disappointed
Mom stop shitposting on Jow Forums please. We talked about this.

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oh, I still want to redpill you hard on this SPD thing, the spd people are everywhere
You know that "kriminalforscher" that always pretends to be some kind of neutral voice in talkshows: Christian Pfeiffer ?
He's SPD man, but still all the anchor people who put him into his show never say that he is, which is borderline criminal considering the amendments of your "state television"

oh and you know that stupid cunt from the Heute Show who always screams around and for the reddit-tier german younglings seems like a neutral voice commentating german politics?
Also SPD man

> Luxembourg
> Jean-Claude Juncker

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