Italy no. ITALY I SAID NO.
Italy what you doing?
Invaders don't care about consent. They're invading.
Disgusting wtf is Salvini doing?
And they were doing so well the last 72 hs.
So when are the RWDS going to start mowing down these niggers? It's seems to be the only way they understand.
Even If you started killing them they would still keep coming you cant unfuck this shit it is crazy they are like mindless animals that just migrate across the planet looking for resources.
The absolute state of Western Cuckrope
Europe has lost its balls after WW2.
>Oh war is bad
>Oh nationalism is evil (((unless its ours)))
>Oh we need to open our hearts and assholes
You believed you were uncucked, Italy.
You were wrong.
>this ride's just beginning
idk man I think if they just shot a couple of them it would scare the shit out of them. Without a doubt it wouldn't stop them from coming to Europe, but at least they'd pick a different route instead of coming through Italy.
you cant kill niggers they are like birds that migrate they will just keep coming.
They have been getting shot by RWDS they still keep coming these creatures have no brain. When you see a migration of birds or animals or wilderbeast they don't care if some of them die they just keep migrating onwards in mindless animal fashion.
we could be more like Russia.
Just drop Neutron bombs all along the EU border with asia, and northern Africa.
The answer is poverty if there is no resources for them to scavenge then there are no niggers. We missed our golden opportunity at leaving this planet for the stars because of indolent beasts and emotional communists.
it's 4d chess to destry europe relations even more,but you wouldn't understand.
also 100 more niggers are insignificant after all those years
You would have to do this. Create a no mans land so toxic they just die when entering.
hey guys can you vote the no option? the leftards took over the votation and now are using it as growning field
>The answer is poverty if there is no resources for them to scavenge then there are no niggers.
Mate they are multiplying faster than the fucking chinks.
Africans dont care if 10/10 of their offspring die, they are like rabbits poverty or resources dont matter to them.
>also 100 more niggers are insignificant after all those years
Yea not giving a shit has worked great so far.
They will surge on to Asia and leave our countries alone.
President Saliva got chucked.
which boat was this? boats boats boatss
Start sinking the boats.
it was the italian navy,ngos can't come here anymore
Your own navy betrays you
that vote is over mate.
The new generation of navy is a bunch of froci the likes you wouldn't believe. Civilians would kill them easily in a riot, and I'm specifically talking about the corps.
Salvini can't stop an Italian ship from docking in an Italian port without actual treason charges.
sucks but it's true
all the non-italy ships are blocked
so what is your navy going to do now? keep acting as a eurotaxi?
afaik they only 'save people' from other ships but not sure
LOL guy in cleansuit
doubt it but no country is safe.
Time to dismantle the coast guard.
your fucking boats are still going to the coast of africa and back. just keep watching
it has never ever happened before!
wait... :DD
who the fuck needs boatloads of illiterate third world niggers with no skills? what the fuck is the endgame here? of the 1+ million rapefugees that came to Germany, only like 146 expressed interest in receiving job training.
It's international law. They were "rescued" by the Italian coast guard and so they have to go to Italy.
The key to this problem is to stop rescuing this niggers at sea.
He can demand the boats to dock and stay docked.
>it was the italian navy
>1000 migrants
>13 pregnant
>100% of the women would have been raped
>therefore there are 987 men
>Shitaly YES!
I'd hate to live in a country that rejects a boat load of niggers because there is not enough of them aboard and responds by sending it's coast guard to find a bigger load of niggers. Just wait until they open the front door to the poos and chinks you'll be twice as fucked.
you are all fucking niggers
literal sub-human iq
Sicilians are practically arabs anyway. Pic related.
We blocked NGOs, but can't deny docking to our navy. Next week there should be negotiation with Tunisia so that rescued migrants (even from our navy) are sent there.
The new gov has been installed for a week, give them time
>who the fuck needs boatloads of illiterate third world niggers with no skills
thats a pretty good question Bob.
expected news like this. After all how can my compatriots believe in the bullshit who this ex secessionist and communist tell? Of course is more better than the previous government but people who considered him like a great leader of our coutry are stupid
Meanwhile on Aquarius, these people are in the throes of suffering and despair
nah whatever, italians are shitskins anyway
>more better
fucking kill youself
This isnt helpful.
>Meme flag
>Broken English
Foreigner pls
you are all fucking niggers,mind you own business in your shitskin countries
Io sono tuo bro
women and children bigot :)
Well, at least they'll blend in there.
But people, the daily fact told me niggers pay our penzions
I loved the
>Unaccompanied Minors
In those tittles.
Thank you based aussi
>tfw mexico got those haitians (niggers) coming for gibs
c'mon man, minimum wage is less then 5 usd a day and they STILL want to come here
Honestly what do they do when they are there?
They don't speak Italian, what do they do? How do they communicate? Even get jobs? It can't be all of them on government monies can it?
top 5 best scenes in cinema.
>"Now if thats a fact, tell me Im I lying"
Sono dalla tua parte, mio fratello
Our navy only picks up people from other distressed ships in our SAR area.
They work for mafia and beg for money in front of supermarkets. Sell drugs here in the north, pick tomatoes in mafia owned fields in the south
Thats what the Atlanteans did when making the Sahara, but the crafty nogs adapted
The fact that the EU thinks they somehow have an obligation to ferry these niggers safely to Europe for gibs when they're not fleeing any sort of war and aren't refugees of any kind should tell us everything we need to know about the situation.
>The Great White Wall
Too good to be true
this is powerful.
our navy has to keep patrolling for niggers or we get fined.
we simply closed the ports for NGOs and in general non-navy ships.
Generally speaking it still means we will get less nogs. ofc it's not a real solution, but it wasn't a real solution to begin with.
Ideally we would have to either make a naval block near north africa, or make deals with libya and other north african nations
This one (see yellow circle) wasn't sure whether it wanted to be la luz extinguido or el monstruo de las americas. Totally bizarre, black nose and chin and brown upper face.
Italy needs to keep them ports blocked
Who even funds these massive NGOs like Sea Watch? Shit must cost billions.
HAHAHAH all those floaters
this is the best way to logpost
I've met 10 italians in my life.
I didn't realize they were foreigners, they just looked like all the "white" mutts here
So patrol and just watch them drown.
>or we get fined
>or make deals with libya and other north african nations
What happened to you? All this neutered talk, just...what happened?
Italians look like the whitest mexicans, but our mutts don't come anywhere near close to the goblina you're using to take away americans' guns.
it's simple really. Since Salvini can't turn away Italian ships even if they are carrying nigs, all he has to do is have the Coast Guard release a statement to the effect of "starting 1 month from now, the Italian Coast Guard will no longer rescue illegal migrants at sea." Simple, gives time for them to have sufficient warning to stay in their shithole countries, while cutting off the flow of migrants.
Damn, I'm disappointed. And to top it all, now Salvini will want to save face by pushing those nignogs onto every other EU state, for the sake of "solidarity".
What a loser. He should have just defended Italy's coastal border, that's it. Nothing else.
>Ideally we would have to either make a naval block near north africa, or make deals with libya and other north african nations
or just don't pay the fine and reduce your contribution to EU Africa help funds to a symbolic euro. What is the EU gone do? You are a net contributor they can't throw you out and sanctions will cost them more political capital and are wirthless. The only ones who don't do anything are you, your government is okay with replacing you
Soros ofc.
And Salvini repeated today during a meeting in the Senate that he will make sure Soros is going to pay for his crimes. Investigations are going on and have been going on for a while.
No, there are pure whites here, they do what Jow Forums keeps larping about
keep to themselves in their tight gated communities and never ever race mix.
you do look like a mutt mario.
and yes, we have the worst kinds of mutts
>romanian text comprehension skills
but they didnt adapt, we fucked up and let them expand using our tools and knowledge
He's right in a way. I would've retired our troops long ago. What's the fucking point if the invaders are brought in directly from the fucking defenders? It makes no sense at all. Who the fuck is gonna attack us, Libia? Big deal, nuke them.
It is. House next to me was for sale for a few months. Got bought recently by welfare services and now they're housing 5 'underaged' niggers in it. These people literally do nothing all day but blast loud music day and night. None of them work, go to school or even shop for themselves. Welfare van stops every now and then to bring them food, clothes, and everything they want. It's making me so fucking mad we have to wageslave every day, getting up at 6am, to pay for the privilege of listening to loud nigger music 24/7.
could you please link me to the full video? Did he actually say "mutts"? madman
>M-muh NGO are d-different from muh navy.
You don’t see the Hungarian navy ferry niggers into Europe. But then Hungarians aren’t shitskins like you so I’m not sure what any of us expected of you niggers.
>or just don't pay the fine and reduce your contribution to EU Africa help funds to a symbolic euro
there's a meeting at the end of June.
They're going to force an african solution with the help of Austrian politicians since starting from July Austria is going to be in charge of EU migration commission or something like that.
If the EU will keep not giving a shit I guess we'll have to take those fines. still better than niggerify our country
The profits from this whole 21st century slavery are millions.
That font change was pretty suspicious.
>You don’t see the Hungarian navy ferry niggers into Europe
No shit shlomo
what the fuck even are these people? i dont get it, they are called migrants but look at them they dont look distraught or war torn or malnourished... they look like they're waiting for the italians to unload their luggage.. really what the fuck is going on?