I need good tattoo ideas. Nothing to overtly racist or anything just something that other people like me will notice kinda like how a girl who is sexually submissive wears a choker necklace in public. or just other cool designs.
Also dont give me that tattoos are degenerate shit.
I got the flag of my country in the same style the foreign fighters had in the SS on the sleeve
Luis Anderson
>see kids, this guy think he's one of us when he's obviously not. Learnt to identify the crypto jews
Aiden Sullivan
do u have a pic that sounds awesome
Samuel Butler
stfu loser, does posting on pol actually constitute part of your identity.
Ethan Gonzalez
Ok, so let me say, the history of the tattoo, while explored in various contexts – especially non-European ones apparently – hasn't been really well explored for Nazi Germany. However, what little scholarship there is, suggest something that is not very surprising: The Nazis weren't fans of tattoos except those that fulfilled a clear functionality like the SS blood type tattoos or the camp tattoos.
It seems there have been at least local laws in Germany heavily regulating tattoos or more specifically the public showing of tattoos since before the Nazis. The literature often mentions a 1911 prohibition of "fully tattooed women in public" though I could not verify if that was a local or national law. What little information there is, seems to suggest that it was local since there is at least one case of a woman in Berlin being escorted out of a bar because of her tattoos. That was Maria Finke, wife of Kuddi Finke, one of Germany's first prominent tattoo artists, who had tattooed his wife on her whole body.
>Also dont give me that tattoos are degenerate shit. Tattoos are degenerate, the only time they don't bother me is when a guy was in the military or some shit. Other than that, they are dumb and gay. Talked my buddy out of getting some Celtic shit a few years back and he now thanks me for it.
Think about something you thought was really cool 10 years ago. You want that on your body now? Didn't think so.
but people know this i white power neo nazi shit enjoy fucking your life
Caleb Jenkins
>I'm a descendant of British royalty. so is fucking anyone who had British ancestry. you sperg fuck i think everyone with european ancestry is technically a descendant of Charlemagne
Jaxon Ortiz
I was being sarcastic about the royalty part. I was actually quoting Elliot Roger. My ancestors were peasants and I won't deny that.